#johnny depp



I’m at a loss for words right now and I don’t know how to phrase it. I’m going to try to not offend people, but after seeing what I’ve seen today, I honestly just don’t care.

Self harming yourself for a celebrity that do not know you is very troubling. To a celebrity in which it is clear that her fans are meaningless to her. To a celebrity who used sick children as leverage to boost her career. To a celebrity that abused more people than she loved. To a celebrity who hasn’t called out the fuckin’ lunacy that’s going on Twitter right now. 

To use trauma and manipulation, saying that this the fault of the jury, of DeppHeads or people who support Johnny, to Brown Rudwick, Judge Azcarate, and anyone who wasn’t Amber, is also very troubling. To deflect blame on others who don’t know you, who you haven’t interacted with outside of technological screen, is troubling.

I encourage anyone who sees a #CutForAmber post on Twitter to immediately report it. It’s digusting, highly triggering, and manipulative. It needs to be shut down. Amber Heard needs to publically denounce this behavior. Individuals who engage in that behavior on Twitter needs to seek help and guidance for their mental health.

Hey, so apparently there’s a “#CutForAmber” trend going on among Amber Heard supporters where they’re cutting themselves and posting the pictures to show “support” for her…

As someone who’s struggled with self harm for 11 years, do NOT fucking do this.

I can’t begin to describe how disgusting that is, and posting the pictures/videos of it as well is extremely triggering to people who struggle with self harm / su*cide ideation. Self harm is a serious issue, and if you’re seriously harming yourself, you need to seek help, not to post it online with a hashtag for a celebrity who doesn’t care for your.

And by the way, I’d be saying the same thing if it was Johnny Depp fans, don’t cut yourself to show support or solidarity with celebrities, that’s so fucked?!? But it IS “#CutForAmber” that’s happening.


“Veritas numquam perit. Truth never perishes”


I realize I may lose some mutuals over this, but it needs to be said. The criticism of the Depp v Heard trial is just as biased and oversimplified as the clickbait tiktoks and youtube videos.

If all you saw of the trial were those videos that made light of a serious situation, then I understand your misconception, however there was and is legitimate coverage by actual trial attorneys who provided unbiased commentary, as well as education.

Heard lost the trial because her evidence was not good. Her testimony kept changing. Her witnesses were refuted by actual, empirical evidence. The forensic psychologists on her team did not meet with Depp, while Depp’s psychologists met with her. This is on top of a myriad of other points in Depp’s favor and/or Heard’s lack of credibility, as well as her history of DV and Depp’s refuted ones by former partners.

He’s not a saint, but he was abused; Heard is on record (as testimony and in a recording between herself and Depp) as acknowledging she struck him, then to tell him that he will not be believed

I was under the same biases at the beginning, too, but a lot of those biases came from the internalized misogynistic* perspective that men cannot be victims of women. Women can be abusers, too; we have to think that more than we just say it and think we mean it.

If you’d like some recommendations on YouTube, see NatalieLawyerChick,EmilyDBaker, and AttorneyTom. These are practicing attorneys and/or legal professionals (Emily was a criminal district attorney, but stepped away and is now a legal consultant/commentator).

Believe who you want, but consider your reasons for doing so. Or don’t.

*yes, misogynistic, I did not mistype. The assumption that women are too weak or too pure to be violent is rooted in sexism, and the assumption that a man cannot be abused by a woman comes also from the perspective that to be abused is to be female, to be female is to be weak, to be weak is subhuman, and men are the only ones with “True Humanity.”

Follow me on IG @TeenieSavage … I follow back 100%

Follow me on IG @TeenieSavage … I follow back 100%

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last thing i wanna say on this topic before i just shut it out of my mind forever to cope is this:

what i hate the most about this case is people using amber’s words against her to prove that she isn’t a victim. they’ll bring up audio clips of amber saying she loves him or that she wants to be with him even after getting a restraining order and use that to say “that’s not a woman who’s in fear for her life,” and it just proves to me that y'all have no knowledge of domestic violence cases outside of the dramatized ones you see on tv.

you people have no idea how abuse and love will wrap around a victim’s neck like a noose and strangle them to the point where they can’t leave. especially if that victim is codependent and can’t see life outside of their relationship. the highs and lows of an abusive relationship include needing people to physically keep you apart because that’s literally how abusers operate. they manipulate you. as soon as johnny realized that amber was breaking out of that cycle, that’s when he retaliated and turned it around on her.

it’s fucking despicable seeing people make fun of amber for looking scared in the courtroom when she “wasn’t scared before,” as if you guys really care about victims. you don’t! you don’t care about victims at all! not the men and sure as hell not the women. domestic abuse survivors are seeing the way you’re talking about amber and her “fake victim sob story” and are taking fucking notes. don’t be surprised when they cut you off for good. you’re not an ally to feminism or whatever the fuck you think you are, you’re an abuse apologist.

t*rfs/r*dfems get blocked on sight.


it’s insane to me when depp’s supporters defend him and a normal person will respond like “he said he wanted to rape her burnt corpse and a bunch of other horrible shit….” and they’ll be like “ sweetie joking or talking about something is not the same thing as actually doing it ✋ she’s the one who was physical!” and then still continue to make fancams of him and not only insist that he’s innocent but actually STAN him… even if he WASN’T an abuser (he is) you as a self-proclaimed “feminist” and/or “progressive” are still making heart-eyes at a man who joked about wanting to rape a woman’s burnt corpse?? are you fucking serious??


the way in ten years when this situation has been britneyified people who are in my replies right now saying “umm did she not literally cut his finger off????” will be on twitter lecturing me about how “we were ALL complicit in the abuse of amber heard ✊” and people making youtube videos with “expert” analysis of ambers body language and facial expressions to prove that she’s a liar are gonna be making videos like “how johnny depp tricked us all ”… insanity. girl when that time comes speak for your fucking self because we were not ALL gullible misogynists


(yoinked this post from a transmisogynist since it was not about gender and more about abuse)

the response to amber heard has set survivors back decades. one look at the rhetoric and it’s clear the backlash against amber is for the benefit of MRAs who hate women.

on every single platform -

“why did she record evidence, she’s such a psychopath”

“she’s crying and emoting while recounting her abuse, she’s such an actress”

“she’s not crying enough, she must be lying about being abused”

“if he was so bad why didn’t she leave”

“why doesn’t she have video evidence of the physical abuse”

“she smiled while talking to her team, she’s a liar”

“she looks sad in court, she’s trying so hard to win sympathy”

she can’t win. she can’t smile or laugh or cry or frown without it being picked apart, while he gets to clown in the courtroom and gets lauded for it. our society is collectively harassing and making light of an abused woman. it’s a deranged form of mob mentality and I can’t imagine how unhinged you have to be to make treat a domestic violence court case like fandom wars.

the worst thing is survivors all over the world are seeing this vile rhetoric against someone WITH evidence and witnesses and fucking rulings on her side. it’s so goddamn depressing.


johnny depp

keira knightly in the curse of the black pearl with forever be the greatest unintentional thirst trap of the 2000s
