#johnny reactions


Father NCT!

(questions in italic)

(mc commentary in bold)


taglist: @plump-peach


Episode 1

Welcoming the Seo twins!

  • Ah a new home, new children and a new superman!
  • wow this one is big
  • neat too
  • aww look at all the toys 
  • is that a dollhouse or a mini home. Both Mc’s laugh
  • wait what was that
  • suddenly a fit of giggles fill the air
  • ah there it is again
  • the camera moves into a room with two beds facing each other filled with two little girls staring at each other making small little gestures at each other
  • “do you think daddy farts in his sleep” One of the girls asks causing the other to begin giggling.
  • Omo I think we may have interrupted something
  • “Iris you fart in your sleep” The other replies causing both of them into another fit of giggles
  • Ah the sound of precious laughter, great way to start the morning
  • “Primrose, lets go wake up daddy” Iris sighed after catching her breath from the childish laughter. 
  • Both girls fell down to the floor, Iris moving her little bangs out of the way, her sister following behind her.
  • Omo i think they’re twins
  • “Primrose look a camera” Iris pointed out, both girls moving towards the moving camera at the door of their bedroom. They started touching the camera and moving their faces towards the camera
  • wah look at them, they’re so pretty.
  • “mirror, mirror on the wall who’s prettiest of them all” Primrose asked not exactly getting the phrase right but her smile shining none the less
  • You Primrose, you!
  • “You both are Prim”You said tiredly as you entered your daughter’s room
  • “mummy”Both girls shouted as they tried to climb you.
  • “good morning girls”You giggled bending down bringing them into your arms.
  • Ahh is that their mother
  • look how pretty she is 
  • “did you sleep well”You asked both girls nodding in reply before puckering up their lips
  • “morning kiss huh?”You asked as they both jumped up quickly
  • “Yeah mummy” they both said in sync making you laugh at them
  • You gave each of them a little peck before they attacked your cheeks, little smooch sounds filling the room. 
  •  That’s always the best thing to wake up to 
  • right it makes you feel so appreciated 
  • “Should we go make breakfast for daddy hm?”You asked finally moving away from the girl’s kisses
  • They both nodded eagerly before you smiled and led them to the kitchen
  • Primrose ran to the kitchen in front of you while Iris walked slowly again moving her bangs out the way before rubbing her eyes. Then noticing the many tents around her living room
  • “Mummy what are those”Iris asked as she pointed to one of the tents.
  • “Oh those? why don’t you go ask them hunny”You said as you bent down to help Primrose with her mini apron
  • “but mummy”Iris said her shiny eyes staring at you in fear, always being the shyer one out of the twins
  • “It’s ok Iris I bet they’re really nice”You sighed as you walked over to the little girl and patted her soft hair. She looked from you to the tent and grabbed your hand and unintentionally dragged you over, a giggle leaving your mouth.
  • “Ok look”You smiled and bent down to the tent
  • “Hello Camera Uncle, this is Iris”You said as you pulled her closer and she shyly waved
  • ahhh she’s so precious I can’t handle
  • “Where are all my girls”A deep voice came from the hallway
  • Oh the new superman, I’m excited
  • “Daddy”Primrose shouted as she ran over to her father
  • Iris heard as well and ran over aswell
  • suddenly the camera moves to the face of the said man
  • Ah Johnny Seo
  • Johnny?
  • Of NCT (Stage montage) 
  • <Interview>
  • “Hello, I’m Johnny Seo, Father of the 3 year old Seo Twins, Iris and Primrose” He smiled with Iris on his lap 
  • “Hello”They both said bowing their heads 
  • “And I’m Y/N L/N the mother of these adorable twin girls”You said with a smile as twirled Primrose’s pigtails
  • (How did you meet?)
  • “Y/n was actually a model with this foreign company that we collabed with and we have this member, Mark he tends to get really awkward around new people but Y/n here broke the ice really quickly and I just clicked with her” Johnny said while looking at you lovingly.
  • “You’re lucky I actually agreed to that shoot, I was coming down with something that week” You sighed, leaning towards your husband
  • “Oh my god that was you, Doyoung literally was sneezing for days”He laughed and you just shrugged.
  • (Why did you keep the marriage a secret?)
  • “Y/n got pregnant right after we were married and because it was twins her pregnancy was really hard especially since it was her first one, So she mainly stayed with her mother out of the limelight for the sake of the twins” He said, smiling sadly and the two little girls in front of him
  • “Plus Johnny’s a wuss”You chipped in and offended look flashing Johnny’s face
  • “Sorry I was a loving husband”He said fake annoyance in his voice
  • “It’s okay we appreciate you anyway”You said a smile on your face before you peck him on the cheek. The two girls giggling as they watched their parents.
  • (How do you feel about leaving them alone?)
  • “I trust the girls will have everything under control”You said a smile on your face.
  • “Hey-” Johnny started
  • “Primrose is confident and fun and Iris is lovely and responsible they’ll look after Johnny just fine” You said ignoring the way your husband tried protesting
  • “I can’t wait for you to leave”Johnny teased
  • “I love you too baby” You replied
  • Everyone be excited for the Seo twins
  • Primrose is the fun twin 
  • (show clip) “Iris come dance with me we can show off all our moves
  • and Iris the more reserved”
  • (show clip) “Daddy, you shouldn’t shout so loud you’ll gain too much attention”
  • Welcome our new princesses!


tw: smut, toxic relationship, infidelity, power imbalance.

〔 : 〕 it’s the morning of monday, march 1st when johnnymeets you for the first time. your self-introduction is unremarkable at best, and the anxiety is pitifully apparent in your posture, but there’s something about the way your gaze dares to meet his that feels so tantalizingly enchanting. it takes him the span of a few seconds to tattoo every single detail of your features to the forefront of his mind and the span of a week to have you completely charmed under his spell.

to him, it doesn’t matter that he has a family at home, and so it certainly doesn’t matter that you, too, have the promise of someone else’s affection wrapped around the fourth finger of your left hand.

you belong to johnny suh, and that is undeniable.

which is exactly why he’s so spiteful after you suggest ending your current relationship.

why? so you can go back to someone who can’t come close to pleasing you the way i do?” he scoffs, as he sinks the weight of his perfectly straight teeth into the nape of your neck. the weight of his fingers tangles around your hair as he pins you against the cool wood of the conference table. his other hand, occupied with locking both of your wrists behind your back, tightens as he rocks his hips against yours, the sound echoing against the walls of his office. “i thought you were smarter than that, y/n. i’ll be disappointed if you truly believe a person like that is worth your attention.

don’t you think that’s hypocritical to say?” you manage to huff in between muted breaths of unabashed pleasure. “you aren’t the only one who has someone waiting for you at home.

he chuckles aloud, and it’s the kind of excessive pride that would normally turn you off immediately, but the way his voice vibrates in his chest only stirs the heat pooling in between your legs. “is that what brought this about?” he asks, his lips finding the shell of your ear as he pushes harder into you. “were you so desperate for my attention that you needed to pick a petty little fight with me?

you don’t say anything in response ㅡ mostly because all five of your senses are so overwhelmed by the dirtiest pleasure that you can’t even parse through your thoughts, but also because you know in your heart that he’s right. he’s right that you want his attention, but you can’t help it. you can’t help but surrender to the emerald serpent, and the way it leaves you unhinged and burning with jealousy when you think about how he will never belong to you in the same way you belong to him.

he releases your strands from his grip, and just as you’re about to whine in protest, he spanks you with a force that leaves behind the sizzling ache of a bruise. “i don’t intend to let you go until the day i die. you have, after all, become my favorite toy,” he purrs, as he undulates his hips at an angle that elicits a moan so strangled against the back of your throat, it almost sounds foreign to your ears. “and i’ve never been one to willingly share my possessions with others.

the kiss that follows nearly catches you off guard from how delicate it is, and for a moment, you swear you can see the edges of his expression soften ever so slightly. but it dissipates as soon as it forms, just like whatever hope you had of developing something more.

© , . .

This is hot. But I deserve better Johnny

Y/n went out last night with their co-workers and is feeling the pain of it the next day. They are suppsed to be going on their frist date with Johnny but a hangover changes those plans.

Part of the long term couple series.

            Rolling over in your bed your head pounds, your mouth tastes like regret, and you can feel what you like to call it sweaters on your teeth. Pulling the blankets up over your head you groan and wish that you could remove your head from the rest of your body. You hate being hung over and you should have stopped drinking last night but you were having fun and had lost count of your drinks and after a while you stop caring how much you were drinking and was just focused on having a good time with your co-workers. You hoped that the rest of them were feeling just as awful as you were.

            Closing your eyes, you pray that you’ll find sleep again and that when you have reawakened your headache will be gone. As you are thinking this you hear your doorbell go off and almost cry. Why, why were you being punished for having a good time last night. You lay there thinking that if you don’t answer the door whoever it is will just go away. Unfortunately for you that is not the case and whoever is at the door continues to ring your doorbell. Flinging the covers off yourself you sit up and instantly the room spins. Dam you really need to learn to cut yourself off.

            “I’m coming,” you call and wince at the own sound of your voice as you make your way towards the door. Pulling it open you lean heavily against the door jam and look up at the person outside your door.

            Standing there looking handsome, healthy, and annoyingly not hung over is Johnny. You narrow your eyes at him and wonder how much it would hurt your head to tell him off. Probably a lot you figure so you settle for just glaring at him. Johnny for his part just smiles down at you and holds up a coffee carrier. You don’t hesitate to reach out for the coffee. He laughs as you pull the cup towards you like it’s the most precious thing you have ever set your eyes on.

            “Party a little to hard last night?” You ignore him and move into your apartment and settle onto your couch with your coffee. Johnny follows behind you laughing as he shuts the door to your place and takes a seat on the opposite end of your couch.

            “Y/n if I would have known you would go this hard last night, I would have told you to cancel your evening plans. We can’t go out and do what I planned with you hung over.” Johnny shakes his head at you in disappointment. You know that he’s joking but you are not in the mood for Johnny’s teasing.

            “Stop talking,” you groan as you curl up on the couch and take another drink of your coffee. Why did he have to be so annoying when you were suffering.

            “Alright I’ll take pity on you. But only because you’re suffering,” Johnny tells you and you note that he has lowered his voice as he tells you this, “You owe me though. I had the best date ever planned.”

            “Johnny,” you whine.

            “Okay, I’m done. I’ll get you some pain meds.” He gets up and starts to walk pass you when you reach out and wrap your hand around his wrist.

            “Will you also order us some really greasy food and not judge me when I walk to the bathroom holding my head so I can brush my teeth to get rid of the sweaters?”

            “The sweaters?” Johnny questions and you nod your head slowly.

            “On my teeth.” You tell him, Johnny smiles and gently pulls you up and moves you towards the bathroom. “I won’t judge you at all.”

            He kisses the back of your head before shutting the bathroom door behind you with a promise to bring you a change of clothes and tells you to take a shower, it’ll make you feel better and when you come out the food will be here. You shuffle your way to the sink and brush your teeth already feeling better with the awful taste and feel out of your mouth. You get into the shower and sigh at the feel of the hot water. Johnny was right it would make you feel loads better. You heard the door open and turn your head towards the door.

            “Just bringing you a change of clothes.” Johnny continues to use his gentle voice and you hear the door click close once again. You spent more time than you normally would in the shower, but it felt good, and you figured you deserve to spend a little extra time in the shower than normal.

            Exiting the bathroom, you are greeted with the smell of food, and you stop waiting to see how your stomach is going to react. When it grumbles in hunger you sigh in relief. At least you’re not so hung over that the smell and thought of food makes you sick. You’re already feeling better after your shower and you’re hoping that the pain meds you took will kick in soon and you’ll be feeling more like yourself in no time.

            Making your way back into the living room you find Johnny sitting on the couch with a burger in his hand. On the coffee table is your burger and what you are hoping is a cup full of diet coke. You shuffle around your couch and flop down onto the couch. You reach out for the burger and take a huge bite out of the burger and let out a satisfied moan and then reach for some fries. Johnny chuckles at you but doesn’t say anything else. Which surprises you he usually has a comeback waiting to be delivered.

            “What no smart-ass remark to make?” You question as you reach for some more fries with your one hand and take another bite of your burger with the other.

            “I’m going easy on you today, don’t worry though I’ve got them all saved up here.” Johnny taps the side of his head. You roll your eyes and take another bite of your burger. Johnny let’s you eat in silence and your thankful for it. Once you finish eating you feel more human again.

            “Thank you for getting me some food,” you tell Johnny as you lean back against the couch. Johnny leans back as well causing your shoulders to touch.

            “No problem. You know that you can call me anytime for anything,” you know that Johnny means it and it just makes you like him more. Rolling to the side a little you lay your head on Johnny’s chest and drape one of your arms over his stomach.

            “How amazing was the date that you had planned?”

            “It would have gone down in the history books as the best date ever. Lucky for you I’m quite fond of you and still plan to take you on said date.” You look up at Johnny and see that he has a determined look on his face.

            “Fond huh?”

            “Fond.” Johnny confirms looking down at you his hand comes up to tuck some loose strands of hair behind your ear. Johnny starts to lean down towards you, and you know what he’s intending to do and before his lips can touch yours you start to pull away.

            “I just ate a burger with onions,” you protest but that doesn’t seem to matter to Johnny. Who hooks his arms under your armpits and pulls you closer to him so you two are only a breath apart?

            “Don’t care, I’ve been wanting to do this forever and I’m tired of waiting.” With that statement Johnny connects his lips to yours. It starts off gentle with just a touch of his lips to yours but once you let out a sigh Johnny doesn’t hold back. He wraps his arms around you and his tongue finds its way into your mouth. The two of you continue to kiss until you have to break apart for air. But even then, Johnny doesn’t stop. He trail’s kisses along your jawline and down your neck.

            “Johnny,” you pant trying to calm your breathing.

            “What Y/n?” Johnny asks in between kisses.

            “I know this isn’t the date you planned but I’m putting this down as one of the best dates ever.” Johnny laughs into your neck causing you to smile. He pulls away and frames your face with his hands.

            “Good to know but I’m still taking you on the date. Now kiss me.” You don’t hesitate to reconnect your lips with Johnny and it’s while you’re kissing him that you realize your headache is gone. Who would have thought that kissing Johnny would make your headache go away? Or maybe it was the pain meds, but you liked to think that it was Johnny’s kissing that cured your hangover.

Johnny stops by at Y/n place to be with them only to find out that they already have plans. Johnny doesn’t want to share and claims you for tomorrow and makes sure that you get a better understand how he feels about you. 

Part of the long term couples series. 

“I’m grabbing my purse and walking out the door now. I’ll text you once I’m in a cab and on my way,” you tell your co-worker and hopefully new friend as you slide the strap of your purse over your head before ending the call and pulling open the door to your apartment.

           You’re shoving your phone into your purse not paying attention as you walk out your door and why would you it’s not like you are expecting anyone to be standing outside your door. When you bump into something solid you let out a blood curdling scream. Two arms wrap around you, and you think that this is it. After all those murder shows that you have watched you know what happens next. This is where you get kidnapped and taken to some other location to be chopped up into little pieces.

           “Y/n stop screaming it’s me,” you look up to see warm eyes looking down at you and an amused look on his face as he continues to hold onto you. You relax instantly and bring your one hand up to your racing heart trying to calm it down. You should have known who it was outside your door. The person who has been stopping by at your place every free chance they get.

           “Johnny, you scared the hell out of me! What are you doing here,” you practically shriek still not fully recovered from your scare.

           “Thought I’d drop by and see what you were up to this evening,” Johnny shrugs as he takes a step back from you, keeping his hands on your waist he looks you up and down taking in your outfit. Your dressed in dark skinny jeans, a black top that is simple but has a little flare to it with beading on the top, and a pair of heeled boots. You look good, extremely good Johnny things, “but it looks like you already have plans. Do you have a hot date or something?”

           Johnny bounces his eyebrows up and down making you laugh. Where he thinks you had the time between unpacking, working, and figuring out this city is beyond you. If you weren’t at work, you were at home unpacking, and if you weren’t doing either of those you were spending your free time with him. So, the fact that he thought you were going on a date made you throw your head back and laugh.

           “Johnny when do you think I’ve had the time to find someone to date? You’ve been keeping me all to yourself ever since we reconnected,” you laugh as you lean into him. Johnny laughs along with you his hands squeezing your waist.

           “You do have a point there. So, if you’re not on your way out for a date where are you off to all dressed up?”  

           “My co-workers have invited me out. I was promised drinking and dancing,” taking a step forward you make it so that you and Johnny don’t have any space between the two of you and tilt your head up to look at him and rest your hands on his chest. Johnny incircles your waist his one hand resting right above the curve of your butt his other moving up and down your back.

           “Does this mean that I can’t spend time with you tonight?” The frown that crosses Johnny’s face almost makes you tell him that you’ll cancel your plans and spend the evening with him. There is nothing that sounds more appealing than going out for drinks with him or just staying in and watching tv together. But you need to go out with your co-workers and make those bonds otherwise you know that you’ll end up hating your job if you don’t have anyone there that you feel connected with.

           “Afraid so Suh. Now you need to let me go. I’m already late as it is and don’t want to keep them waiting on me any longer,” you gently push on Johnny’s chest and take a step back from him. Johnny let’s you slowly slip out of his grasp his hands skimming from your back, to around your hips.

           You step around Johnny and head towards the elevator. Johnny follows after you and waits behind you for the elevator. While the two of you stand waiting Johnny wraps his arms around you and pulls you back into his chest. You lift your hands up and hold onto his arms smiling as he rests his chin on the top of your head.

           “Is it selfish of me to say that I don’t want you to go and like being the only person that you spend your time with?” The elevator pings, opening its door for the two of you. Johnny shuffles the two of you forward not allowing you to break contact.

           “A little but I’m alright with you being selfish. And I’ll let you in on a secret, I find it kind of hot that you want to keep me all to yourself.”

           You weren’t sure what you and Johnny were doing the two of you haven’t talked about what you want from one another. But you both have made it clear that you like one another. You just weren’t sure where this little admission was going to take the two of you next. Johnny for his part tilted his head down so he could press his lips to the top of your head. Your hands gave his arms around you a squeeze.

           “I have tomorrow free and I’m claiming you for the day. Don’t make plans with any of your co-workers.”

           “What if I’ve already made plans for tomorrow? You may not realize this Suh but I’m in high demand. Lots of people want to spend time with me.” You tease.

           Johnny doesn’t answer you as the door opens. Instead, he drops his hold from around you only to reach out for your hand and pulling you out of the elevator, into the lobby, and out of the building. He looks down the street for a cab before turning back to you when he doesn’t see any approaching. Stepping into your space Johnny gives you a sly smirk and you gulp wondering what you got yourself into.

           Leaning into you Johnny runs his nose from your jaw up towards your ear, then back down again. His own hand finds its way to the middle of your back and pulls you in towards him. Your breath catches and pulse starts to race. You forgot what a flirt Johnny is and try not to let him have to much of an effect on you. On his way back up towards your ear Johnny pauses as you can feel him smile.

“If you made plans for tomorrow cancel them. Tonight, you can have fun without me but like I said tomorrow you are all mine,” He pulls back from you and for a moment your confused why he has pulled away. That’s when you notice the taxi as Johnny opens the door for you. He motions for you to get in with a smirk gracing his face. You narrow your eyes at him, but it only causes Johnny to smile harder.

           “Have fun tonight with your co-workers,” Johnny tells you as you get into the taxi.

           “I will,” you smile up at Johnny. He leans into the car and kisses your temple.

           “Text me when you get there,” pulling himself out of the taxi Johnny shuts the door and watches as the taxi pulls away. You turn around looking at Johnny out the back window. He lifts his arm in a wave goodbye, and you wave back at him unsure if he can see you, but you do it anyway.

           “That your boyfriend you left back there?” The taxi drive asks you. You turn around to face the front and give a small nod no.

           “Not yet but I’m hopeful that he will be soon. We haven’t talked about it yet or made it official,” you admit to the drive and want to laugh at the conversation you are having with this complete stranger.

           “If he’s smart, he’ll make it official sooner rather than later,” You nod agreeing with the drive. You settle back into your sit and let your mind wonder to what you and Johnny will do tomorrow. You don’t care what you do as long as it’s with him. Again, you want to laugh at yourself. You can’t remember the last time you were like this or if you ever were like this. But there was something about Johnny that brought out your more romantic side.
