#jonas balkar



Hahah not me finally connecting a couple dots from the SoR prelude, what, eight years after it was added? Five after I first played it.


Y’know how while you’re working your way through the prelude you get letters from a class story NPC? Hunter from Crysta, Smuggler from… Beryl, I think, etc. and the Trooper’s are from Jonas. The last one you get, after LEgacy of the Rakata, is this

which I have literally never, across…. four or five Trooper runs, taken as anything other than face value. BUT this time, the memory struck of the one an Imp Saboteur gets from him after SotE, and I went hmmmm, wonder if this one’s code somehow too, and itmotHERFUCKINGIS

[I’m being followed, watch your back]

I just.

eight years

EIGHT DAMN YEARS that’s been there. I’ve done SoR four or five times(five or six now, if we count Casi, who’s WIP there), and I never caught it before.

Bravo, BioWare.

Kiss 17. Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin.

For an anon, Bry and Jonas were so happy to get attention again they ran away with this :D Set riiiightat the start of act 3.


Briyoni dragged herself free from the comforting morass of sleep roughly five minutes after her com alarm starting going off. And then contemplated going right back to sleep as soon as she’d silenced it. But no. Not an option. Leave was over, this was, allegedly, a work day. And she’d catch hell from multiple angles if she didn’t show up for the briefing.

She sat up with effort and a grumbled curse, then slid out of bed, still muttering under her breath and scrubbing both hands down her face as she headed for the kitchen.

Caf, caf, I need my franging caf.

Bry’s jaw cracked on a yawn as she entered the kitchen. She fumbled to line a mug up under the caf dispenser, jabbed the button, and laced her fingers together to stretch over her head as she waited. And waited. 

Andwaited, barely registering the quiet hiss of her apartment door opening and closing.

“Morning, sunshine,” a familiar and fartoo cheery voice greeted from behind her.

Bry glowered harder at her caf dispenser rather than expend the effort to turn and aim it at her boyfriend. “What’ve I told you ‘bout bein’ perky b’fore I have my caf, Balkar?”

Jonas chuckled and there was the quiet scuff of him setting something on the table, followed by the sense of his presence close behind her. “That it’s endearing and I should do it more often?” he teased, lightly kissing the back of her neck and bracing his hands on the counter to either side of her.

This time, Bry did twist around to glare at him, no real heat behind it, despite the shiver rippling down her spine in the wake of his kiss. “That it makes me want to smack the oh-so-charming grin off your face,Jo.”

“Now you’re just playing dirty,” he said, the aforementioned charming grin stretching wider as he leaned in to kiss her.

The cool edge of the counter bit into her back and Bry muttered darkly about kriffing morning people but let him do it, her hand coming up to cup his jaw as she leaned into it. “Mm, you must really like me, Balkar; kissing me with morning breath and before my caf,” she mumbled against his mouth, thumb rubbing absently over his heavy five o’clock shadow. She wondered if he just hadn’t felt like shaving or had another undercover op lined up. Wasn’t like she could ask. Or maybe he just knew she liked him scruffy. The thought made her stomach flutter more than was fair at thisungodly early hour of the day.

“Eh, you’re alright,” Jonas teased, stealing another kiss when she scoffed a giggle. “And if I waited for you to have your caf we could be here a while. Needs a refill,” he said when she pulled back to give him a questioning look, tipping his head toward the dispenser.

Bry craned her neck over her shoulder to look, and sure enough the red indicator light was blinking away on the side. She scowled at it. Traitorous son of a wampa-

“Fortunately” –Jonas stilled her and rested his forehead to hers when she went to turn– “your morning person boyfriend stopped at Kehg’s on the way over and brought you the strongest cup of black caf they are legally allowed to serve.”

Bry cupped his face with both hands, stared him dead in the eye. “If you proposed right now, Balkar, I’d prob’ly frangin’ say yes.”


She cut off the mischievous murmur with a kiss. “Mm-hm. B’cause youknow I don’t think straight this early. Not ‘til I’ve had caf to kickstart my brain.”

He laughed into the kiss. “Kickstart, huh?” His hand slid up under the back of her t-shirt and Bry yelped at how chill his fingers were from prolonged contact the metal counter. She flinched away so hard it broke the kiss.

Bastard!” she groused, smacking the back of his head. “I take it back.”

“Oh, come on, gorgeous.” Jonas tugged her back, his touch warmed just as quickly from her skin as it had cooled from the counter. “Number of nights you’ve wedged icy toes under my legs, you gotta admit that’s fair play. Also” –he kissed her nose– “bet you’rewideawake now.”

Bry scowled–mainly because he was right on both counts–and leaned back against the counter. “I still want my caf, Balkar.” Her fingers curled in the fabric of his shirt front to pull him closer. “An’ d’ya know what else I need?”

“Pants?” he murmured playfully as their noses brushed, his hand sliding from under her shirt down her bare thigh.

“Eh, eventually. But first…” She tightened her grip on his shirt and slid her other hand around the back of his neck. “Whatever baked good is responsible for the delicious aroma coming from my kitchen table, and…” she scraped her teeth over her lower lip and smirked. “another kiss to make up for the one you so rudelyinterrupted a minute ago.”

Jonas smirked back, ran his hand back up her thigh to rest at the curve of her hip. “Hope you’re not married to that order, Nerai.”

“Not in the slightest.”

“Good.” His other hand stayed braced against the counter for balance as he kissed her, at least until she let go of his shirt and slid her hand under it instead, lightly raking her nails over that sensitive spot at his hip. He caught a hissing breath, then chuckled and tangled his fingers in her hair as he kissed her again, murmuring, “Your caf’s gonna get cold.”

“Let it,” Bry mumbled, kissing him back hungrily. If duty called and Garza was about to send her to the ass end of who-knew-where, she could reheat the franging caf in order to give herself ten more minutes with him.

Maybe, she mused, as ‘another kiss’ quickly tallied up to six or seven and they both seemed reluctant to let go, this was more serious than either of them thought.
