#jordan kyle


Ya girls back again. I want to say first off that I am so proud of the Shadowfam! We have done so much and are killing it So keep it up! Next I just want to post this as reminder. First) please do not drag other FF fandoms into our campaign their show has nothing to do with saving our show nor is it their fault we are in this situation. Untag the actors etc when replying to whatever Floppy foam posts, they are just trying to work and don’t need us coming at them when they have nothing to do with this. B) please PLEASE ignore the haters and troll twitters etc. Our fandom has been about getting our show back and doing some good in the world NOT spreading hate or dragging other people. If you see something you dont agree with or its malicious report and block. People engaging in these fights is bringing down the fandoms reputation as a whole and no network wants problematic fans. We need to be putting our best foot forward. I have a damn good time dragging floppy but I try to keep it to just them and when I see trolls I just ignore them. Its difficult but it needs to be done. I am so proud of us as a whole. We have done and are continuing to do what other fandoms haven’t so lets keep it going and if positivity isn’t doing it for you…do it out of spite. If they thought we were going to roll over and let this happen they thought wrong. We will prove them wrong. If you need a break Tweet deck is a magical thing I use it for my multiple accounts and live tweet from one. We got this fam. Take a break of ya need to, pet a puppy, get some sun, read, whatever floats your boat keep on keepin’ on ❤️  

Maia! Shes got a big role in City of Heavenly Fire, and I am quite happy about that. No spoilers ple

Maia! Shes got a big role in City of Heavenly Fire, and I am quite happy about that. No spoilers please! I haven’t had time to finish it yet unfortunately -_-

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