#maryse lightwood


Ya girls back again. I want to say first off that I am so proud of the Shadowfam! We have done so much and are killing it So keep it up! Next I just want to post this as reminder. First) please do not drag other FF fandoms into our campaign their show has nothing to do with saving our show nor is it their fault we are in this situation. Untag the actors etc when replying to whatever Floppy foam posts, they are just trying to work and don’t need us coming at them when they have nothing to do with this. B) please PLEASE ignore the haters and troll twitters etc. Our fandom has been about getting our show back and doing some good in the world NOT spreading hate or dragging other people. If you see something you dont agree with or its malicious report and block. People engaging in these fights is bringing down the fandoms reputation as a whole and no network wants problematic fans. We need to be putting our best foot forward. I have a damn good time dragging floppy but I try to keep it to just them and when I see trolls I just ignore them. Its difficult but it needs to be done. I am so proud of us as a whole. We have done and are continuing to do what other fandoms haven’t so lets keep it going and if positivity isn’t doing it for you…do it out of spite. If they thought we were going to roll over and let this happen they thought wrong. We will prove them wrong. If you need a break Tweet deck is a magical thing I use it for my multiple accounts and live tweet from one. We got this fam. Take a break of ya need to, pet a puppy, get some sun, read, whatever floats your boat keep on keepin’ on ❤️  

And she’s back! Alright. I am irritated and I know I am not the only one. The lies are spreading and now have gotten CC involved. I want to say that I haven’t seen anyone say they are going to boycott her books because the show was cancelled. Have I seen people state other reasons before? Yes but not during this fight to save our show. For someone to go and tell her this is just ridiculous, when from everything I have seen it is untrue. I have only seen people say they were going to boycott FF not her.And even if they did, it was obviously a small group of people and to villianise an entire fandom because of a select few is wrong. To make up lies and false accusations is wrong. Now I don’t care if you like the books, just the show, or both, it shouldn’t matter. NO ONE should be attacking anyone over something like this. They are books and a show. If you love one but not the other, thats fine, but it does NOT give you license to attack or belittle someone that loves either or both. If you love the books but not the person behind them thats fine too. Its called PERSONAL PREFFERENCE for a reason. In a world full of so much hate do you really want to spread more? What pleasure do you get out of attacking someone online for something that isn’t hurting anyone? Am I saying all show stans are awesome and great? No. There are ALWAYS people that like to argue or attack others so I am in no way saying that all show stans are perfect. I don’t lump all book stans together for this same reason, some are great and others are needlessly attacking us and spreading lies and hate. What I am saying is that this whole situation is ridiculous. Ignore us and we’ll ignore you. It was ridiculously low going to the author and saying these untrue things and making the whole show fandom sound like horrible human beings.We havent been talking or thinking about the books and when I have seen anyone say anything it’s always been in anticipation of her new books. We are just trying to save something we love. Even if someone doesn’t like CC that is THEIR PREFERENCE. Stay in your lane and we will stay in ours. And if any book fans see this, please know that there is not any planned boycotting of the books bc of the show going on. You can ask any of the big accounts that keep an eye on the tags. We have had the BBS (bad book stans) making fake accounts and attacking us for no reason all of a sudden and I am just so tired of the hate. Thanks for reading my novel of a rant and I hope you have a great day. 

Alright I’m back with another post. Now I know tensions are high but guys stop interacting with the bad book stans. All they want to do is spread hate and get us mad and it’s working. We are better than that. Let them bitch and moan and say what they want. They are doing it because they are petty and hate how much we love the SHOW. Show them with even more tweets and emails. Channel that anger and frustration and put it towards saving our show and proving them wrong that way. Trying to say anything to them or giving them facts don’t matter to them because they don’t care if they are wrong they just want to argue. All you will be doing is firing them up more bc they are getting a rise out of you. Trust me, I want to say things as well but we need to stay focused. And what better way to say “fuck you” then to get our show, that they hate, back? We are fighting for something that means a lot to us and we need to stay focused on that. All they want is attention don’t give it to them! Don’t feed the mogwai it only turns em into gremlins. We got this.

maryse “and all for a downworlder” lightwood turning around and saying to magnus bane’s face that she loves him….felt that shit 


Maryse really went to visit Luke in prison and when he said she needed to move on and be happy she told him no and that she was happy. And that was after one kiss. I don’t know why anyone is shocked Alec is out here wanting to propose to Magnus. By Lightwood standards he and Magnus have been together for years.

A/N: More Robert/Michael/Maryse in the same verse as my last Triad Fic. In this one, Rob and Maryse have already married and Michael is still their lover.

In what universe was it natural for Michael Wayland to be the first one up, he asked himself as he lifted his sleepy head from Robert’s downy pillow. He yawned like a house cat, long lanky body strectching out beneath him. His foot nudged something smooth and warm, something that moved slightly when he touched it.

Apparently triggered by the touch, Maryse’s exposed leg retreated into the covers it had escaped from. She stirred, head nuzzling the pillow while her sleeping self tried to dig its way back into the nice little tunnel dreams had built, but one flicker open of the eyes was enough for sun to set in on the lovely lady between Michael and Robert so that reluctantly, after squeezing them tight for a moment, she opened them again.

“Mornin’,” Michael still spoke softly his throat still asleep enough to make him sound like an elderly chain smoker were he to raise his voice. He rolled, laying on his back, hands as a brace for his head of staticy blond hair as he looked over to meet the other pair or fair eyes in the bed.

“Nnngh,” Maryse was less a morning person than he was, though normally an earlier riser. Then again, the bats got up earlier than Michael if he had any damn say in it. “Fuck off,” She buried her face again in the pillow, heavy black hair acting as an inky veil between her and the world she was not yet awake enough to face.

“Nice to see you too, gorgeous,” Michael smirked, stroking her hair and affording a glance to Robert, who still had the sound peacefullness of sleep. He kissed the side of her face, lips resting for a moment by her ear before drawing back. He nudged the man on the other side of Maryse, a soft jab in his side. 

“Rob,” he whispered, “Rooooobbie.” There was a moment of stirring, and the peaceful rhythm of his breathing broke.

“Heeeey, good morning, Rob.” He smiled. Michael was content alone with either Lightwood, but there was little he liked more than having the both of them near him at once. 

“What?” Grumbled the dark-haired man, who turned over to look at him over his shoulder. 

“Morning,” The blond laughed to himself now. His lovers were the same person sometimes, he swore. They could have been parabatai in another life, for the way they mirrored one another. It was no wonder Michael adored them both in more ways than he could count. He propped himself up on learn arms, fairer than those of either brother. He stretched himself out to kiss Robert’s hair as he had Maryse’s.

Maryse, meanwhile, rolled herself over and peeled away the blankets in response to the movement, to the extra voice.

“Yeah.” Robert rolled his eyes, even scowl going just the tiniest bit lopsided for a smirk instead.  He bowed his head, pressing his lips to Maryse’s for a few seconds in a warm, somewhat clumsy kiss good-morning. Michael leaned on his left elbow, smiling on as they nuzzled, kissed and nibbled their morning’s greetings, and as Robert’s hand subconsciously moved towards her belly, stroking the small curve that had just begun to grow there within the past few months, as ever waiting to feel evidence of their oncoming child’s life.

When Robert pulled away, he kissed Michael with the same lazy vigor, a large hand ruffling Michael’s hair, which would already need a good three years brushing to lie flat. He’d wear a hat today. Like always. 

Pulling back with a small, suppressed yawn, Michael slithered back under the covers, and twined two finger’s playfully in Maryse’s hair. 

“I’m thinking we should just postpone that pesky ‘morning’ thing, hmmm?” He grinned at the both of them.

“I can agree to that,” Maryse smirked, pecking him on the cheek, and the two of their agreement had already spelled it out for Rob, who joined them lying down again. It would be a few hours, much rumpled bedding and perhaps a pleasant nap later that any of them would rise from the bed.

A/N: Maryse/Robert/Michael fic. It’s Robert’s birthday and his parabatai and girlfriend teamed up. Now, they’re all alone, wishing Rob a happy birthday

“I didn’t want a party.” His eyes were so pleasantly dark to match his mood as he glanced over the surprise they’d laid out for him. A party, indeed, but a party of three was something Maryse thought her lover just might be able to bear.

“Angel, you don’t even know what it is yet,” She leaned against him. Her hip had found a rather nice resting spot, one that she could sway and move from at any moment, but one he’d never want her to move from. No that Rob himself wasn’t a pretty perch. All those planes and depths of muscles, she just had to like them.

“It’s not a party, Rob,” Michael was a bust of Antonius, she swore, and the halo that quivered around his head when it shook was some extra armor of gold the angel had granted him. 

“There’s fuckin’ streamers.” Rob clutched at Maryse’s waist, anchoring himself to something safe, something that unlike Michael’s kitchen, would never be defiled by blue and green and violet paper. His nose buried itself into Maryse’s hair  and his warm, sudden breath hinted annoyance. “I hate streamers.”

She knew it was well as Michael, laughing and jubilant Michael, that that wasn’t just it. He was blushing red as Valentine’s girlfriend’s stupid hair and using Maryse’s own perfect inky locks to hide it away. She reminded herself how bloody cute Rob was. That’s how it was, when you were a little cute but wanted people to think you weren’t. You just got cuter, like her two big Children she called lovers.

“I know.” Michael always spoke either like he was singing or sleeping. This time he rang out somewhere in between, like the taste of honey and the sound of a slow love song.  "But ’s not your birthday without a little humiliation from a well-meant friend, Swordbrother.“ 

Michael hated how corny, how fancy they all made a bond him and Rob had always known, had learned to accept as a part of their life and live with, over at the Clave. If it was going to be sacred, it had to be something you could live unashamedly with your soul, body, mind and mouth. You can’t stop to stumble over funny terms like Swordbrother, and when he said it,it was a joke to make both quirk up a lip.

We could be twins, Robert and Maryse. That’s what some say. Maybe love makes you more alike. She honestly could not say. Robert kissed my hair and looked up at Michael again. "Yeah yeah.” His eyes roll a bit. “So what’s the point in all this?” He eyed the cake in the corner, the one they all decided they’d eat at midnight on the roof and then stay up all night after, and hoping it rained.

“I live alone,” Michael grinned. “And I’ve invited two divine works of art in… hmmm… and it's your birthday." His fair eyebrows wiggling look like dangling feathers rubbing on porcelain. "any guesses? No? How about the lady?”

“Real mystery.” She responded. “We’ll need to look for some… some sign, some hint.”

“My bedroom’s a great place for hint’s,” added the blond.

Robert was smiling now, to the soaring satisfaction of lovers both. Angel, did he shine and Heaven, there was nothing else they could ask for. 

“Happy Birthday, Rob,” Maryse whispered in his ear and Michael danced up the stairs, beckoning their follow. 


Maryse Lightwood single-handedly saved the world by meddling in her son’s love life. 
