#jose carioca



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깜빡하고 안 올린 팬아트들~깜빡하고 안 올린 팬아트들~깜빡하고 안 올린 팬아트들~깜빡하고 안 올린 팬아트들~

깜빡하고 안 올린 팬아트들~

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jose cariocajose cariocajose carioca

we’re happy amigos, no matter where he goes

the one, two, and three goes, we’re always togetherrrrr

did the six didney character meme a while ago w/ suggestions from folks on twitter~ fun!!

did the six didney character meme a while ago w/ suggestions from folks on twitter~ fun!!

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They’re a great trio of amigos, and I just wanted to draw them ❤️

 Well, When I heard that old Disney movie had a inspired series called “The legend of the thre Well, When I heard that old Disney movie had a inspired series called “The legend of the thre Well, When I heard that old Disney movie had a inspired series called “The legend of the thre

Well, When I heard that old Disney movie had a inspired series called “The legend of the three Caballeros” I started looking for information about it, without expecting that I would find it and watch all the 13 chapters that make up the first season, and well…I like it; It has some very strange details or details that could be improved, but there were many interesting elements that made me watch it until the end and wait for a second season

The reason of my pic are that while I was watching this show there was something that caught my attention, I realized that the armors of the characters did not quite match the countries they represent, so… I set myself the challenge of redesigning the armors mixing the original elements of the series with the country the character represents and was very fun to do it!!

   - Let’s start with Donald Duck,his armor it seems to be inspired by the Spanish arquebusiers of the 15th to the 16th centuries, since he represents USA and English modern born in England, I had to put on his armor more of the old european medieval features and well…only that xD;; , and a longest/sharpest sword because in the series his sword is too short for my taste…btw if you see that Donald looks strange, please forgive me, Donald duck is a character that ALWAYS is a pain in my head, he is to hard to draw for me, I hope that at least I have draw him decent.  

  - Then there’s José Carioca, the brazilian green parrot was the hardest in re-desing, because his armor was quite difficult to locate, the closest thing I found similar to his armor in the series was of the Saladin warriors of the 12th century in the middle east…so I mix it with ornaments, tattoos and Brazilian indigenous elements ( I take inspiration of the people more closest to the Amazonas river), and I really like the final result…and also, get amazed with thise strange “hats” with bird feathers and collars with fangs included, they look amazing!, I love tribal stuff.

  - And finally, PanchitoQuintero González (I will not put his full name, is super long  ) ; He was the most fun to redesing for me (maybe because I’m mexican hahaha ) ; Well, his armor in the series is clearly based on a Roman centurion, I mixed his armor with Aztec features, especially in the helmet, in which I put a representation of Quetzalcoatl, I also add small silver buttons with a “aztec sun”, and also, and aztec bracelets.

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The Three Caballeros newspaper ad.

Washington D.C. Evening Star, February 15, 1945.

⭐️ José!

yourfaveisgoingtosuperhell:Panchito Pistoles and José Carioca from The Three Caballeros are going to


Panchito Pistoles and José CariocafromThe Three Caballeros are going to super hell together for gay crimes!!!

requested by: Anonymous

I mean… they DID go to Hell in Legend of the Three Caballeros…

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I think I might have a problem….and bonus Scrooge and Ludwig tsums this also doesn’t include

I think I might have a problem….

and bonus Scrooge and Ludwig tsums 

this also doesn’t include my jose/panchito wallet phonecase…. and the keychains….and the phone charms….

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 Comemore o Carnaval! While Carnaval is technically all of this week, the big celebration is Friday  Comemore o Carnaval! While Carnaval is technically all of this week, the big celebration is Friday  Comemore o Carnaval! While Carnaval is technically all of this week, the big celebration is Friday

Comemore o Carnaval!

While Carnaval is technically all of this week, the big celebration is Friday the 25th. I just couldn’t help but draw my human Zé decked out for it with appropriate feather costuming. And glitter. Lots of glitter. (Plus deliberately trimmed/shaped chest hair which I am not good at drawing.) I also made sure to include homages to the other to Caballeros, via the blue circle and red triangle. Anyone who’s seen Legend of the Three Caballeros knows what those are, when combined with the green square!

Also, wanted to highlight the two tattoos I gave him! The first is three hearts arranged in a sort of clover shape in green, red and blue, indicating himself and his two best friends. The second is a visual representation of samba rhythm! Tic-tic toc-toc tic-tictic toc-toc! I’m especially fond of that one.

Dance,papagaio, dance!

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Channeling my old lottc art in hopes of a season 2

If you haven’t watched Legends of the Three Caballeros, do yourself a favor and go watch it.

I forgot about Legend for a minute and at first saw their gem necklaces thought this was a 3 cabs amphibia AU. Which… is a fascinating idea…

The Three Caballeros in “Da Icaro all’astronave”(1964).

Today I went to my father’s childhood home and he gave my this incredible book of his which tells the history of aviation through Disney characters- both of us being pilots and all. He used to religiously read it as a kid and I found some pretty interesting illustrations in it; blue Panchito and magenta Zé were among my favorites. Also, Donald is referred to as ‘Donald McDuck’.

 @psychowithbrownhair reblogged your post and added:

Even Jose pronounces it “ho-sae”. Jose himself sounds more Mexican or even like he is from Spain.

Yeah, that’s the only downside for me :/ He sounds exactly like prince Naveen to me (whose voice actor happens to be Brazilian), so I wonder if they’ve drawn any inspo from that? Funny thing is, Naveen’s accent is actually made up lol So nothing Brazilian there

@wherefancytakesme  replied to your post:“they made my boy???????? zé carioca????????? a new tv show?????????…”

Just a warning; They pronounce his name wrong again.

this was legit my only fear and it’s now been confirmed. do they call him “ho-sae” instead of “joo-zea”?? like spanish ‘josé’ instead of portuguese? bc i’m triggered

they made my boy???????? zé carioca????????? a new tv show????????? and no one tells me??????????????
