


i’m literally begging you to help us defend our freedom of speech. we have eight days.

please reblog this post, especially if you live outside of the philippines. please help us.

i didn’t make the carrd, but it’s one of the most useful links right now. #JunkTerrorBillNow needs the most urgency, but there are other issues present too.

i’m begging you all to reblog.




art by the wonderful @franshookie-art (DO NOT REPOST this image without their specific permission. check out more of their art on twitter.)

hi, all.. i know that a lot of our focus is on the BlackLivesMatter movement atm (which is wonderful and should’ve happened a long time ago), and i hate to distract you from that, but there’s something horrible happening in my country, the Philippines (yes, the one being lead by the so-called Filipino version of Donald Trump), right now.

our national government has passed a bill that’ll essentially take away our constitutional rights to freedom of speech and fair trial. it’s called the Anti-Terrorism Bill, but we’ve dubbed it Terror Bill. here’s a summary of what it entails:


if you want to read the actual bill in its entirety, here’s alinkto the official Senate of the Philippines website, where you can download a pdf copy. i’d like you to keep in mind the political climate in our country, though, and just how rampant corruption and police brutality are here.

it has already been passed by the Senate; all it needs is the House of Representatives’ approval, and it will be enforced. if you want to help stop this from happening, here are a few ways:

  • sign and share thispetition. we’re so close to 300,000 signatures!!!
  • send e-mails to the Office of the President and the Senate. there’s an e-mail protest currently going on. i have qualms about copy-pasting the message, but ultimately, this method is a lot more effective than petitions:
these posters were made and posted by @tentenyukkion twitter.
  • educate yourself about the bill and how it will affect us when it’s approved. here are some news articles, editorials, and thought pieces to get you started:

gov’t endorsing/defending the bill: 1,2,3,4

reactions to the bill’s passing: 1,2,3,4,5

  • spread the word. on social media, our tags are #JunkTerrorBilland#JunkTerrorBillNow, but don’t stop there; tell your friends and family. please. people need to know this is happening.

your help could save the lives of millions of Filipinos, and we’d really, really appreciate it. i don’t usually ask for much, but when it comes to urgent issues like this, i can’t stay silent. unlike with BLM, i can speak my truth about this because i know personally what it’s like to be a Filipino citizen and to live in the Philippines. i hope it’s heard, and we keep an ounce of what little dignity we have as a “sovereign” country and rights as a “sovereign” people.

some of you might unfollow or get mad because this isn’t strictly studyblr content, but it’s not about aesthetic right now. i need your help. we need to hurry.

thank you for taking time to read! let’s uphold human rights together. #JunkTerrorBillNow!

Let us educate ourselves. Support us to junk this Philippine Terror Bill.

There is no better time than now to act!

Only yesterday, the Anti-terror Bill was signed into law by the Philippine president. If the law is implemented, it practically removes people’s human rights and subjects citizens to more oppression from the government. There are already COUNTLESS forms of economic and governmental oppression present, which you can see through sources below. This law makes our present situation unbearably worse. Nobody is talking about this law on mainstream media outside of the country.

Here is a master list of sources about inequalities in the Philippines, both present and historical. All news articles are in English. Even if you are not Filipino, please still self-educate, REBLOG to spread awareness, and search up ways you can help. Sadly, I am afraid to share links to things such as petitions and donation drives because of the new law. However, I implore you to help one way or another. I know I can count on the academia community to listen and help us. Thank you.

Free Documentaries 

COVID-19 Response:The Atom Araullo Specials: COVID-19: Nang Tumigil Ang Mundo | Full Episode

  • This documentary is in Filipino but is still useful in understanding Philippine context during the pandemic. Please be prepared to witness the lack of government initiative and the struggles of socioeconomically disadvantaged Filipino citizens. For instance, this documentary includes how workers in the National Capital Region who live in provinces struggle to return to their homes due to poor transportation systems and abrupt government decisions. Regardless of whether or not you are able to understand the language, this documentary sufficiently showcases what is currently taking place in the Philippines in terms of the lack of medical supplies, government aid, and economic preparedness. Moreover, captured are the abuses of power due to Community Quarantine provisions (i.e. public humiliation of curfew-breakers, etc.)

Martial Law in Philippine History: BATAS MILITAR: Martial Law Under President Ferdinand E. Marcos Full Documentary

  • This is a historical documentary in Filipino. It aims to shed light on the Marcos Regime, wherein uncountable atrocities and abuses took place. This dictatorship is integral to learning about the previous injustices Filipino citizens suffered in the past and what the current Constitution intends to avoid from happening again. 

The Current Regime’s Extrajudicial Killings: Duterte’s Drug War (full film) | FRONTLINE

  • This documentary is in English and has English subtitles. This is still happening today. This documentary depicts brutality on suspected drug users and seller. You will notice that those targeted are often from low socioeconomic classes. In the Philippines, the impoverished are subject to fear of being suspected as a “drug user” or “drug pusher” without their right to due process. There are more news articles on this below.

Education & Poverty (These were not made within the context of COVID-19. However, they contextualize economic inequalities in the Philippines as is, without the pandemic effects just yet. Hence, these documentaries are good for empathizing with citizens and understanding how bad economic inequality is in the Philippines.)

Articles on Anti-Terror Bill: Republic Act No. 11479

Articles on COVID-19 Response in the Philippines 

COVID-19 Response Budget (read for how funds are gathered)

Community Quarantine Abuses 

Articles on the Drug War


Some of these are old and some are new. This should be a starting point for self-education, not the whole picture. I chose these documentaries and articles based on how truthful their depiction is of Philippine issues. I do operate under limitations such as the minimal access to free documentaries and the number of news articles that are as unbiased as they can possibly get. However, I believe there are truths in these sources and it is our responsibility to digest this information as carefully as possible. I did cross-check this information from credible news sources, apart from documentaries which are highly limited as compared to news articles. As a student myself, I do not claim that these sources are perfect. I understand there are still biases and that there could be objective errors. If so, please message me so we can talk and address these errors. These sources were grouped into a master list for the sake of spreading awareness on Philippine issues, so let’s do our best to ensure the quality of this information.

chamberbled: DISSENT ≠ TERRORISM #JunkTerrorBill Because of the Philippines’ poor governance in the chamberbled: DISSENT ≠ TERRORISM #JunkTerrorBill Because of the Philippines’ poor governance in the



Because of the Philippines’ poor governance in the midst of this pandemic, the number of people criticizing the Duterte administration has reached an exponential high. Because of this, they are fast-tracking a bill that allows our government to silence critics and activists, violating our human rights and strengthening state fascism.

As such, we would like to CALL FOR YOUR HELP.

Filipinos are holding an #EmailProtest at 8PM (GMT +8) every day, as a call to #JunkTerrorBill. Petitions mean nothing to the PH Government, so directly emailing them would be more effective.


  • USE BURNER EMAILS. (x)Especially for those living in the country.
  • SEND TO:[email protected]and[email protected]
  • SUBJECT:Junk Terror Bill, or Anti-Terror Bill, or Senate Bill No. 1083 (Pleaseuse variations for the subject lines to avoid getting emails marked as spam i.e. JUNK T3RR0R B1LL etc.)
  • BODY TEMPLATE: We urge the rejection of the ‘Anti-Terror Bill’ to protect the fundamental right of Filipinos to freedom of speech.
  • Feel free to add any concerns / additional information.

You can find compilations of information and updates in this CARRDand more email templatesinTHIS GDOC.

Please signal-boost this post and the tweets found in the abovementioned links, if you can!

This regime has been violent and oppressive from the start. Help stop the Bill that impedes the rights of the Filipino People.


The Anti Terror Bill has passed its third and final reading. It allows wiretapping and ARREST WITHOUT WARRANT of ‘suspected terrorists’. Unless we do something about it, the bill will take effect fifteen days after the president’s approval.

Please. If you could, raise your voice with the Filipino People. We need the help now more than ever.

Post link
DISSENT ≠ TERRORISM #JunkTerrorBillBecause of the Philippines’ poor governance in the midst of this DISSENT ≠ TERRORISM #JunkTerrorBillBecause of the Philippines’ poor governance in the midst of this


Because of the Philippines’ poor governance in the midst of this pandemic, the number of people criticizing the Duterte administration has reached an exponential high. Because of this, they are fast-tracking a bill that allows our government to silence critics and activists, violating our human rights and strengthening state fascism.

As such, we would like to CALL FOR YOUR HELP.

Filipinos are holding an #EmailProtest at 8PM (GMT +8) every day, as a call to #JunkTerrorBill. Petitions mean nothing to the PH Government, so directly emailing them would be more effective.


  • USE BURNER EMAILS. (x)Especially for those living in the country.
  • SEND TO:[email protected]and[email protected]
  • SUBJECT:Junk Terror Bill, or Anti-Terror Bill, or Senate Bill No. 1083 (Pleaseuse variations for the subject lines to avoid getting emails marked as spam i.e. JUNK T3RR0R B1LL etc.)
  • BODY TEMPLATE: We urge the rejection of the ‘Anti-Terror Bill’ to protect the fundamental right of Filipinos to freedom of speech.
  • Feel free to add any concerns / additional information.

You can find compilations of information and updates in this CARRDand more email templatesinTHIS GDOC.

Please signal-boost this post and the tweets found in the abovementioned links, if you can!

This regime has been violent and oppressive from the start. Help stop the Bill that impedes the rights of the Filipino People.

Post link




art by the wonderful @franshookie-art (DO NOT REPOST this image without their specific permission. check out more of their art on twitter.)

hi, all.. i know that a lot of our focus is on the BlackLivesMatter movement atm (which is wonderful and should’ve happened a long time ago), and i hate to distract you from that, but there’s something horrible happening in my country, the Philippines (yes, the one being lead by the so-called Filipino version of Donald Trump), right now.

our national government has passed a bill that’ll essentially take away our constitutional rights to freedom of speech and fair trial. it’s called the Anti-Terrorism Bill, but we’ve dubbed it Terror Bill. here’s a summary of what it entails:


if you want to read the actual bill in its entirety, here’s alinkto the official Senate of the Philippines website, where you can download a pdf copy. i’d like you to keep in mind the political climate in our country, though, and just how rampant corruption and police brutality are here.

it has already been passed by the Senate; all it needs is the House of Representatives’ approval, and it will be enforced. if you want to help stop this from happening, here are a few ways:

  • sign and share thispetition. we’re so close to 300,000 signatures!!!
  • send e-mails to the Office of the President and the Senate. there’s an e-mail protest currently going on. i have qualms about copy-pasting the message, but ultimately, this method is a lot more effective than petitions:
these posters were made and posted by @tentenyukkion twitter.
  • educate yourself about the bill and how it will affect us when it’s approved. here are some news articles, editorials, and thought pieces to get you started:

gov’t endorsing/defending the bill: 1,2,3,4

reactions to the bill’s passing: 1,2,3,4,5

  • spread the word. on social media, our tags are #JunkTerrorBilland#JunkTerrorBillNow, but don’t stop there; tell your friends and family. please. people need to know this is happening.

your help could save the lives of millions of Filipinos, and we’d really, really appreciate it. i don’t usually ask for much, but when it comes to urgent issues like this, i can’t stay silent. unlike with BLM, i can speak my truth about this because i know personally what it’s like to be a Filipino citizen and to live in the Philippines. i hope it’s heard, and we keep an ounce of what little dignity we have as a “sovereign” country and rights as a “sovereign” people.

some of you might unfollow or get mad because this isn’t strictly studyblr content, but it’s not about aesthetic right now. i need your help. we need to hurry.

thank you for taking time to read! let’s uphold human rights together. #JunkTerrorBillNow!

Thank you so much for this post! To clarify, however, it’s better to do the email protest! Our government doesn’t listen to petitions, we can fulfill and even exceed the signature quota but the government will very likely ignore it! So we need your help to flood their emails! Copy-pasting the same message is not the most ideal thing to do, but as it is it’s our best shot at being at least heard.

Here’s a google doc with the message and the emails to send them to. I found this link from this twitter thread by @wan21u 

And here’s a handy carrd with information about what’s been happening around here! I found this on twitter as well by @kaninrice#

#JunkTerrorBill #JunkTerrorBillNow
