

kageyama favorite person to study with is yamaguchi bc hes the only one who’s patient with him and not mean and yams is good at explaining things and sometimes they almost hold hands under the table and kageyama really likes looking at yamaguchi because wow he’s so pretty and yeah they’re actually in love, fun fact :D

yamakage cuddling,,,that’s it,,,have a nice day :)

so so my five paragraph essay about yamakage :/

Let’s talk about yamakage and why they are the best ship in haikyuu. Theres a whole list of reasons but I’ll only be covering a few main points. Their dynamic and view on each other are some of the reasons I will be talking about. Personally, I think that they are in love and have been since their first year.

Starting with background for some context. Yamaguchi and Kageyama did not start off on a good note but this was due to Tsukishima. They don’t have any reason to not be close with each other since they are on the same team. Other examples as to why they should be close or at least somewhat good friends is because of the first years frequent study sessions. Now starting with Kageyama’s relationship and view towards Yamaguchi. Kageyama, as we have seen many times, is quick to notice when people are assets to volleyball and have genuine skill. Theres no reason why he would fail to take notice of Yamaguchi’s skill. Many times, throughout the manga and show Yamaguchi is seen to doubt his own importance to the team and so do other people. Kageyama would be quick to let him know that he is just as important as any other teammate. This recognition given by him would be sure to help Yamaguchi with his confidence quite a bit. If they were dating Kageyama would make sure that they are equals and acknowledge that they are. He would also never make Yamaguchi feel bad about himself in any way and that is something Yamaguchi needs.

Now onto Yamaguchi’s view on Kageyama. The manga has more prominent scenes for this reason, but it is still solid evidence. Many times, we see Kageyama getting hurt and Yamaguchi either a. going to help him, or b. freaking out that he’s hurt. He doesn’t have to do this and if he was anything like Tsukishima than he wouldn’t have cares as much as he seems to. Yamaguchi also never looks down on Kageyama, yes, he may laugh at Tsukishima’s jokes, but never once does he see Kageyama as a bad person. Additionally, just like how Kageyama would be good for Yamaguchi, it would work the other way around too. Yamaguchi got bullied as a child and we see the prominent negative affect that has on him. Kageyama has also dealt with something similar (what he went through in middle school.) Because of Yamaguchi’s childhood he would never actually make Kageyama feel bad about himself. Examples being his smile, personality, and intelligence, things people usually have negative things to say about. Yamaguchi would be able to understand how these things feel and try his best to never let Kageyama feel the way he did/does. The events that happened to Kageyama in middle school and the way which people make fun of certain things about himself are something that will affect him for a long time. Having Yamaguchi there to help him with these things would be very good for his character and “becoming a better person.”

Moving on to their amazing dynamic that we get to see. In their third year they end up being captain and nice captain which is already a good dynamic. The work amazing together with those roles with Yamaguchi having the caring nature to be captain and being able to take control when needed and Kageyama being the most intelligent with game sense. Being captain and vice-captain would have to result in spending more time together to discuss things about the team, practice, and strategies. Their roles in the team in their third year resulting in them spending a good amount of time together would lead to them getting to know each other very well. Though they have already been friends for a few years, this time will let them learn about each other and become closer. Their personalities fit well together and share enough similarities and differences to work. Another part of their dynamic is their contradicting personalities. Yamaguchi is perceived as being kind and soft. Kageyama on the other hand is seen to be predominantly anger and somewhat rude. While I can admit that there is plenty of other characters that contradict their personalities more than can work better for this trope, I think that it is still fitting. The two of them are also from different groups, usually the first years are viewed as Kageyama and Hinata together and then Tsukishima and Yamaguchi together. Them being one from each of those adds to the interesting dynamic for this ship. It also somewhat forces their best friend to interact with someone they hate which is always fun to see and is a favorite scenario by a lot of people. The points listed are things that everyone loves about other ships which should be a reason to find this one nice. A very strong argument is that Kageyama and Yamaguchi are both very pretty, now imagine them together. They’d be a gorgeous couple, and everyone should apricate that.

In summary, Kageyama and Yamaguchi would be an amazing couple. From their wonderful dynamic to the way each of them would view and improve the others character, there is many reasons to like them. The two of them together is a very under apricated ship and should get more recognition. If so many people like other ships that are like theirs than what’s the point of not liking this one? Thank you :)

i wrote this for a friend but yeah,,,here ig,,,it’s kinda dumb and bad but people wanted to see it skshsjskjs

y’all, should i post my five paragraph essay about why yamakage is a really good ship…?


god the things i would give to date someone and cosplay our favorite ships and make fun videos and take cute pictures and the serotonin omfg

tsukkiyama, tsukikage, and kageguchi all make my heart go brrrrrr i love them so much

see i just, tsukkiyama…but also tsukikage…but also lowkey yams x kags…and like…perhaps all three of them together? i would like to see it, thank you :)
