#kakuriyo no yadomeshi


Desperately - Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits fanfiction

Basically, I have Second Lead Syndrome and needed this out of my system. XD So I used it as an opportunity to play with more flowery prose, for once.

Aoi loved so many ayakashi, and in turn was loved by many ayakashi right back. But she had a very different relationship with a specific two. Which would ultimately end in heartbreak, one way or another.

There was no way to avoid it, unless Shiro Tsubaki himself had decided against going on a debt spree all those years ago. Or maybe if Aoi had been more passive and willingly submitted to Master’s instruction she marry him. But then again, if that had happened, she would not be the girl that loved so many and was loved in return. Nor would she be the girl who had altered the course of fate for the southern land and umibozu.

The fact Aoi was the girl she was was part of the issue. And unintentionally, she’d collected two hearts, which she currently kept very precariously balanced. ‘Twas unfortunate that she was unable to keep herself from returning the love of these two hearts. Platonically, to be sure, but romantically in some semblance, as well.

Which was why there was no avoiding one heart breaking in this unbalanced equation.

Tenjin-ya’s staff was not oblivious. Some may not see as clearly as others, but most knew that underneath the calm surface, a tempest was brewing between three of the most prominent figures of the inn: Odanna, their gracious master; Ginji, their capable young master; and Aoi, the human adored by all.

When it came to Odanna, he openly loved his promised bride. When Aoi had first arrived in the hidden realm, most would have said he was simply marrying her because she was promised to him. He likely cared for the status of marrying a human, and it wasn’t impossible that he held some curiosity about her. For certain it was him collecting on Shiro’s debt.

But now, with enough time past, it was clear to all he loved her. Spoiled her. Whatever she wished, he would grant. This human girl with an infamous grandfather had the ogre god wrapped around her finger.

For her part, it wasn’t as though she didn’t love him. In the beginning, it was clear she hadn’t, but she’d slowly warmed to Odanna’s advances. She indulged him in dining together, in spending evenings in each other’s company. She treasured the gifts he gave her, evidenced by the fact she wore them proudly. Smiles were given out to him freely whenever she saw him.

It could almost be said they acted like a sweet married couple. He was the doting husband and she the beloved wife. Even when they had to part, the sweetness between them could almost be considered too sweet, even for the ayakashi palate. With a doting smile, she would wish him well on his journey, tell him to keep safe, and he’d return the sentiment before asking if she wanted anything from him during his travels.

When he was gone, she’d lament openly about how she missed him around, but she remained perfectly composed, assured of his return. Moonflower would run smoothly, and one could almost assume there was nothing out of the ordinary. The duo would have some conversations over a communication board Odanna had bestowed upon her, and that was enough contact for them until they reunited.

Upon his return, Odanna would greet her happily. It would be in the privacy of his quarters later that he’d present to her his findings and she would reward him with a bento or a meal to welcome him home. ‘Twas perfectly domestic.

At this point, it would come as a shock to no one should they get married. And they likely would have already been…

Should it not have been for the second heart.

Ginji was, in a sense, Odanna’s right hand. And although he was a fox, Ginji was as loyal as a dog. Nothing would make him cross his master. He only wanted the best for Odanna, including for Odanna’s bride to love him unconditionally.

But over time, Aoi tested the limits of his faithfulness, to the point a handful of the Tenjin-ya staff, Orio-ya staff, and select few others could see.

At the beginning, anyone would say Ginji was just being kind and supporting Aoi. That he liked her cooking and thought her a nice girl. They quickly became like partners in crime, running Moonflower together and facing every problem that came along side-by-side. Any time Ginji fretted over Aoi, it wasn’t out of love for her but rather because he cared for her as a person and wanted her to get better for his master.

Because Ginji was protecting her for Odanna, as well as doing everything he could to put in a good word for him to Aoi. That much was evident. And as such, no one would have questioned their relationship beyond friends.

But in hindsight, maybe it had been more.

Because Aoi had fought for Ginji with all her heart when Orio-ya had come to collect him for the ceremony. And Ginji had fought for her at Orio-ya to keep her safe. They’d become closer, both growing all the more attentive of the other. And all the more inseparable.

At Orio-ya, the staff soon began to wonder what stock Aoi’s nickname of “Ogre Bride” truly held. Ranmaru himself wondered if his brother had actually stolen himself a bride. It would be like Ginji to do so, sly trickster he was. But the more he watched them interact, the less he thought Ginji had stolen his master’s bride and more thought the fox might have gone and fallen in love with her. Ginji was attentive and protective to a fault, more than Ranmaru had ever seen, but he would never voice his suspicions.

Suspicions the staff at Tenjin-ya began to echo when Aoi and Ginji soon returned to them, and not simply because the two of them seemed especially close when they ran Moonflower together or almost clingy in the way they frequently checked in with the other.

And all that came to a head the first time Ginji left for an extended period of time.

Aoi didn’t bid him well, instructing him he come home safe while giving him a smile. He didn’t return her words nor offer to bring a souvenir. Instead, she did her best to hide the warble in her voice as she warned him to come back. And he calmly assured her he would return. Though, a few who’d witnessed the exchange silently questioned just how calm Ginji actually was.

There was a notable difference in Aoi when Ginji wasn’t around. Aoi became worried. Some might even say she was frantic. But everyone agreed that whatever she felt, however strongly, she was trying to hide it.

Upon Ginji’s return, there was no bento awaiting him, no sweet smile. On the contrary, their meeting had only been witnessed by a silent Sasuke, who had spotted Aoi being the first to greet Ginji back with a desperate hug in the quiet peace of Moonflower at sunrise. There had been no other evidence afterward that suggested their clandestine meeting other than Aoi’s return to normal.

It was after that happened a second time that the Tenjin-ya staff would not deny it: Aoi not only had two hearts wrapped around her finger but had her heart tied to two ayakashi.

Oryo was most vocal about it, claiming to be devastated that Aoi stole not one but both the last good bachelors at Tenjin-ya. Byakuya, ever practical, always reminded her Aoi would have to choose one. To which Oryo would lament further because even though Aoi would make a choice, there would be a broken heart left in her wake that wouldn’t be open to love any time soon.

But as for who Aoi would choose… it wasn’t so immediately obvious. Not even to Byakuya, who admitted that while Aoi had a contract with Odanna specifically, Moonflower was prospering and Aoi might very well be able to pay off Shiro’s debt by the deadline. Meaning she would be free to make a choice.

Or to break more hearts than two and leave the hidden realm entirely.

To which everyone loudly voiced their dissenting opinions on that. It became an inside joke that was actually no joke at all that should Aoi wish to leave, they would kidnap her and keep her here.

A feat that did not come to pass, for it hadn’t needed to. Aoi did manage to pay off her debt before the deadline but ultimately decided to remain in the hidden realm, as the owner of Moonflower with her friends and patrons who adored her.

Which left her open to choose whoever she wished, much to the intrigue of many nosy—and some not-so-nosy-but-making-an-exception—ayakashi.

Because these two hearts she held were slowly becoming unsteadily balanced.

It was no longer hidden beneath the surface but in full display for everyone to see. Odanna knew Ginji had surrendered his fight to convince Aoi to marry the ogre god, and Ginji was openly regretful about that. The relationship between the masters of Tenjin-ya had strained.

Because they each knew how this would end.

Both men respected each other highly, strongly, like brothers. Both men also loved Aoi, who, despite being a human, was worth fighting for. So both men made a decision to leave Tenjin-ya in the capable hands of the staff for a day and take a ship away so as not to drag anyone else into their personal clash.

But before either man could board the ship, Aoi made a decision.

Her decision wasn’t verbal. In fact, it wasn’t a decision at all. But when she heard from Byakuya that Odanna and Ginji were leaving, she ran to them.


By now, all the staff knew that it was not the ogre god who could stir such a reaction in her. When she disappeared from sight, Byakuya simply opened his fan. It was time to return to his books, for there would come a time Moonflower would close for a week while Aoi was on her honeymoon. No proposal was necessary for the chief accountant to know as much.

This realization slowly spread across the staff. For Aoi was inconsolable for the day both Ginji and Odanna were gone, the duo on a ship talking over the issue that lay between them.

When they returned, Aoi was the first to greet them.

And Ginji the first to greet Aoi.

It was over; the fox had won.

Odanna did spend a few days nursing his wounds, falsifying a smile while acting reserved when alone. His respect for Ginji never faded, never wavered. Ginji’s respect for Odanna remained the same, as well. They were not too boys fighting over a girl, but two men who wanted nothing more than the best for the same incredible young woman.

Aoi apologized to Odanna, her guilt for leading him on weighing on her heart. But Odanna held no grudge. He couldn’t even if he tried. Because being graced with her love, even for a short while, had been an honor. It would take a while before their working relationship was not weighed down with awkward tension, but it would happen.

Because Aoi still loved Odanna as an ayakashi, and Odanna still loved Aoi as a person. Just not romantically. For while she loved Odanna sweetly, she loved Ginji desperately. And being apart from him was no longer an option for the human girl. She relied too much on him, and he was too willing to cave to her.

The two were inseparable after that, Ginji frequently assisting Aoi at Moonflower or Aoi visiting him on her off-hours to assist him. They made for a fantastic team, a dynamic duo. Best friends at a glance, sweethearts for those who studied, and lovers away from prying eyes.

It could be said she truly was Shiro’s granddaughter, subverting all expectations and causing chaos by shying away from her title of ogre bride only to become the kitsune’s wife.

What a trickster.

One of my fave scenes from Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep. 26

Tried to get a good shot of Odanna jumping off the airship from ep. 25, but thank goodness the official Twitter page for the anime posted it up~! ❤️❤️❤️

thecrazyanimegirl: “You poor thing. You look worn out.” Odanna and Aoi. Ep. 25thecrazyanimegirl: “You poor thing. You look worn out.” Odanna and Aoi. Ep. 25thecrazyanimegirl: “You poor thing. You look worn out.” Odanna and Aoi. Ep. 25thecrazyanimegirl: “You poor thing. You look worn out.” Odanna and Aoi. Ep. 25thecrazyanimegirl: “You poor thing. You look worn out.” Odanna and Aoi. Ep. 25thecrazyanimegirl: “You poor thing. You look worn out.” Odanna and Aoi. Ep. 25thecrazyanimegirl: “You poor thing. You look worn out.” Odanna and Aoi. Ep. 25


“You poor thing. You look worn out.”

Odanna and Aoi. Ep. 25

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noirliesl:OZZON Japan x Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi CollabAren’t they all so cute?! I had already seen Anoirliesl:OZZON Japan x Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi CollabAren’t they all so cute?! I had already seen Anoirliesl:OZZON Japan x Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi CollabAren’t they all so cute?! I had already seen A


OZZON Japan x Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Collab

Aren’t they all so cute?! I had already seen Aoi’s illust, her outfit and Oodanna’s, but I just saw Ginji’s today and I think I just died!  (You can also see the models wearing the clothes if you visit their twitter, they look amazing!)

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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 5pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 5pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 5pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 5pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 5pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 5pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 5pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 5pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 5pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I

Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20
Oni vs. Odanna pt. 5

pt. 1 I pt. 2Ipt. 3Ipt. 4 I

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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 4pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 4pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 4pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 4pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 4pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 4pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 4pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 4pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 5 I

Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20
Oni vs. Odanna pt. 4

pt. 1 I pt. 2Ipt. 3 Ipt. 5I

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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 3pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 3pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 3pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 3pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 3pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 3pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 3pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 3pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 3pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 3pt. 1 I pt. 2 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 I

Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20
Oni vs. Odanna pt. 3

pt. 1Ipt. 2 Ipt. 4Ipt. 5I

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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 2pt. 1 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 2pt. 1 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 2pt. 1 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 2pt. 1 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 2pt. 1 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 2pt. 1 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 2pt. 1 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 2pt. 1 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20Oni vs. Odanna pt. 2pt. 1 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 I

Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20
Oni vs. Odanna pt. 2

pt. 1 Ipt. 3Ipt. 4Ipt. 5I

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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20 Oni vs. Odanna pt. 1pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20 Oni vs. Odanna pt. 1pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20 Oni vs. Odanna pt. 1pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20 Oni vs. Odanna pt. 1pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20 Oni vs. Odanna pt. 1pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20 Oni vs. Odanna pt. 1pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20 Oni vs. Odanna pt. 1pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20 Oni vs. Odanna pt. 1pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20 Oni vs. Odanna pt. 1pt. 2 I pt. 3 I pt. 4 I pt. 5 I

Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Ep. 20
Oni vs. Odanna pt. 1

pt. 2Ipt. 3Ipt. 4Ipt. 5I

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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna x Aoi moments pt. IIKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna x Aoi moments pt. IIKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna x Aoi moments pt. IIKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna x Aoi moments pt. IIKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna x Aoi moments pt. IIKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna x Aoi moments pt. IIKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna x Aoi moments pt. IIKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna x Aoi moments pt. IIKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna x Aoi moments pt. IIKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna x Aoi moments pt. II

Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18
Odanna x Aoi moments pt. II

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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna and Aoi moments pt. IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna and Aoi moments pt. IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna and Aoi moments pt. IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna and Aoi moments pt. IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna and Aoi moments pt. IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna and Aoi moments pt. IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna and Aoi moments pt. IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna and Aoi moments pt. IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna and Aoi moments pt. IKakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18 Odanna and Aoi moments pt. I

Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi ep 18
Odanna and Aoi moments pt. I

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This photoshoot was done in Feb at Anime Milwaukee. I really love Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi. The charactThis photoshoot was done in Feb at Anime Milwaukee. I really love Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi. The charactThis photoshoot was done in Feb at Anime Milwaukee. I really love Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi. The charactThis photoshoot was done in Feb at Anime Milwaukee. I really love Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi. The charactThis photoshoot was done in Feb at Anime Milwaukee. I really love Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi. The charactThis photoshoot was done in Feb at Anime Milwaukee. I really love Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi. The charactThis photoshoot was done in Feb at Anime Milwaukee. I really love Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi. The charactThis photoshoot was done in Feb at Anime Milwaukee. I really love Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi. The charactThis photoshoot was done in Feb at Anime Milwaukee. I really love Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi. The charact

This photoshoot was done in Feb at Anime Milwaukee. I really love Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi. The characters are amazing and well the food look soo good you wish you could eat it.

I cosplayed Odanna-sama while my girlfriend cosplayed Aoi.

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Since the first list (here!) did super well I thought I’d share some of my other favourite animes. I hope you can find some new animes to watch or see some of your favourites here! Please feel free so send me any recommendations, I’m always down to check out some new anime. In no particular order, let’s get started! 

1. Free! (37 episodes, will be more) 


This was my first sports anime and it’s just so pure. It follows a highschool swim team, focusing on their lives during the past and present. I love all of the characters and how each season touches on different points in the characters lives. It gets much deeper than I expected from a swimming anime. Overall, it’s one of my favourites and I highly recommend it. 

2. Magi (50 episodes) 


Where to even begin with this one? If you are looking for an intermediate length fantasy anime with loveable characters and modeled after 1001 Arabian Night, this one is for you. I truly loved the magic system and the magic in general in this show. 

3. Erased (12 episodes) 


WOW okay I love this one so much. I don’t wanna spoil too much with this summary because this had anime has lots of twists and surprises! Basically our protagonist Saturo Fujinuma is sent 18 years into the past to prevent the death and abduction of his classmate Kayo while protecting his loved ones in the present. This anime had me hooked, I binged the entire 12 episodes in one night and then rewatched it immediately with my roommate. If you are craving a murder mystery to keep you on the edge of your seat, this one is for you. 

4. Death Note (37 episodes) 


This is an anime classic and no one can tell me otherwise. If you aren’t familiar with death note, it follows Light Yagami who acquires a special notebook that grants him the power of life and death. If you are looking for a darker anime that keeps you on your toes, highly recommend. 

5. Maid Sama (26 episodes) 


A shoujo classic! Basically Misaki is the student body present at a school known for its delinquent boys and keeps them in check, butttt Misaki’s family is poor so she works at a maid cafe. One day one of the boys at school, Usui, finds out she works there and shenanigans and romance ensues. If you are looking for a funny and cute romance I recommend this one. 

6. Owari no seraph (24 episodes) 


I am weakkkkk for the light and dark hair protagonists. Usually I am not one for vampire anime but I did really enjoy this one. It’s basically the vampires against mankind in an all out war, complete with great action scenes and animation following two childhood friends. This has fight scenes, cool weapons, interesting story lines, and a sprinkle of politics to keep you entertained. 

7. Assassination Classroom (47 episodes) 


A class of middle schoolers tasked with assassinating an alien threatening to destroy the planet? Count me in. The basic premise is this rando alien dude threatens to destroy the earth in a year if this group my middle schoolers doesn’t kill him by then, and he becomes their teacher for the year? It sounds whacky but the characters are really fun and watching their growth makes it a fantastic anime. Did I shed a few tears at the end? Yes, yes I did. 

8. Seven Deadly Sins (on-going, 72 episodes) 


At first, I tried this anime and I didn’t really love it, but I gave it another chance and what a great decision that was. It starts out in a fantasy world filled with magic and knights, focused on the legendary group of knights and how they betrayed the capital and the story just evolves from there. Honestly the magic and fight scenes are super cool and I gotta say I have a soft spot for the characters.

9. Jujustsu Kaisen (24 episodes)

I think everyone and their mother has heard of this one or at least seen Gojo everywhere on social media. The fights scenes, the characters, the magic system, all absolutely insane. I kinda went in knowing nothing other than that facts that Gojo was hot. If you are looking for awesome fight scenes I highly recommend. 

10.Anonhana: The Flower We Saw That Day (11 episodes) 


Well this one actually broke me. When I say I sobbed at the ending, I mean I SOBBED. This short anime is so heartbreaking, I didn’t realize how much I was enjoying it until the end hit me like a ton of bricks. This anime focuses on a group of students who lost a friend during their childhood and have since drifted apart. Suddenly the ghost of their dead friend is back and haunting the main character, bringing the group back together to help put their lost friend to rest. Just get your tissues ready. 

11. Banana Fish (24 episodes)


Speaking of anime that broke me…. this one hurt so bad. This anime come with a lot of triggers warnings for disturbing themes and violence so pleased be advised if that makes you uncomfy! I honestly have no idea how to summarize this one, but it centers around Ash Lynx who is a leader of his own gang in New York City after being taken in by a godfather of the mafia. Ash begins to investigate “banana fish” which is where things take a turn for the worse. Ash meets Eiji, a Japanese photography assistant who is covering American street gangs and their story goes from there. Overall, I loved this one with my whole heart, even if it left me feeling empty inside. 

13. Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits (26 episodes) 


At first, I was a skeptical about this one but I have to say I ended up loving it. For fans of Kamisama Kiss, Yona of the Dawn and Snow White with the Red Hair, this should be your next watch!! The characters are what make this show as amazing as it is. This show follows our main protagonist Aoi who has always been able to see spirits from the Hidden Realm, known as ayakashi. Her grandfather had the same ability and when he passes away Aoi is left to pay off his debt to the “Master InnKeeper” in the Hidden Realm. The romance in this series is present and really cute, but it mostly centers around Aoi and the ayakashi she meets. 

13. Sk8 The Infinity (13 episodes)  


This one aired last winter season and I fell in love. The animation, the characters, the storyline, a 10/10. The story starts off so simply with Langa moving to Japan and meeting Reki who teaches him to skateboard. Based on the gif above…. you know this one is fruity and we are absolutely here for it. Renga is one of the cutest pairings I’ve seen in a long time and I just love them to bits. I recommend the dub for this one, its hilarious and the voice actors seems to be having a great time with it. (psst!! if ur looking for a good Renga fic after watching sk8 I  recommend (the first time) he kissed a boy by @buzzcutseasonart​  (buzzcut__season on ao3))

Well friends this is it for me! I hope you found an anime on this list you think you might enjoy or spotted some favourites! I love to talk about anime and do recs so plz don’t hesitate to send me an ask!
