#cherry pie

Sour Cherry & Lime Pie for the filling 2 quarts of fresh sour cherries, rinsed and pitted &frac1Sour Cherry & Lime Pie for the filling 2 quarts of fresh sour cherries, rinsed and pitted &frac1

Sour Cherry & Lime Pie

for the filling
2 quarts of fresh sour cherries, rinsed and pitted
¼ cup sugar
3 heaping tablespoons of pulverized instant tapioca (I make mine in the coffee grinder)
zest of 3 limes
¼ teaspoon fresh grated cinnamon

for the crust
2 ½ cups unbleached all-purpose flour (I used a locally milled flour and it was…rustic–go for the regular stuff if you’re new to DIY dough.)
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons sugar
16 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, rough chopped
8-10 tablespoons ice water, or more if needed
egg white (optional)
2 teaspoons sugar (optional)


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pixalatedpizuh-24:@emmamunger I just got my new coop pin in today and i think my twin peaks ‘corne


@emmamunger I just got my new coop pin in today and i think my twin peaks ‘corner’ on my jacket is complete!

!!!! ^_^ Holy crap yessss!! Thank you so much, love this pic ~ SO honored to be amongst so much great TP flair <3 <3 <3 

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~She’s my cherry pieeee~

~She’s my cherry pieeee~

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Homemade Berry Pie + Cherry Pie Recipe | Artistic Vegan Cooking Show

Happy National Pie Day! Enjoy a slice of cherry pie  

Happy National Pie Day! Enjoy a slice of cherry pie 

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February 20th is…Cherry Pie Day -  It seems only right that we celebrate the cherry pie so cl

February 20th is…

Cherry Pie Day -  It seems only right that we celebrate the cherry pie so close to Presidents Day as we all know the story (albeit untrue) of President George Washington and the cherry tree. Cherries were, however, one of his favorite foods.    

Comfy Day -  The word “comfy,” which is short for “comfortable,” is used to describe places and activities that put us at peace. Ultimately, what binds us all is the need to be at ease. Some people are pulled to a certain blanket. Some people think of a relaxing vacation. Our furry friends or a special hoodie can also contribute to our sense of well-being. The level of comfort rises even further when you add in some relaxing music and delivery of food.

Leadership Day -  When you think about it, in every relationship, one person influences another, whether a parent or child, spouse or friend, student or teacher, employer or employee. In our everyday interactions with one another, someone is leading or influencing the other to do something or become something. This means that anyone can be a leader, whether you have a title or not.

Love Your Pet Day -  This holiday focuses on giving extra attention to our pets. The day encourages pampering our pets and focusing on the special relationship pets hold in our lives.

Muffin Day -  Bakeries offer these single-serving quick breads in several sizes. From mini bite-sized muffins and jumbo ones to the favored muffin tops, they also offer a varied nutritional value. Depending on the ingredients, a muffin can be high in fat and calories. However, substituting whole grains, changing a few other ingredients, and limiting the serving size can increase the nutritional quality of a muffin.

World Day Of Social Justice -  Social justice has become a popular idea in recent years. However, the idea of it goes back to the time of Saint Augustine of Hippo, a fourth-century philosopher. A Jesuit priest named Luigi Taparelli coined the phrase “social justice.” Taparelli was a Catholic scholar who lived from 1793 to 1882. The term social justice spread during the revolutions of 1848. This was a time of political upheavals in Europe.

World Whale Day -  Aims to raise awareness of these magnificent creatures, their beauty as well as their ecological value to the planet.

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Cherry Pie: Part 6 - Azriel x Gwyn

After eating a slice of pie in the Spring Court, Gwyn finds herself desperate to be closer to Azriel and put an end to their accidental bout of abstinence.

Warnings: NSFW. Very NSFW. Smut. Smuttiness for days. 

Word Count: 8,476


Read on AO3

Masterlist|@tealnymph24​​ or @tealnymph-writes​​ 

This is part of the Cherry Pie: ACOTAR Kinktober Smut Extravaganza collection. Make sure to check out the rest of the collection and the other authors!

Part 0.5: Helion x Lady A|Part 1: Elucien|Part 2: Jurian x Vassa

Part 3: Feysand|Part 4: Emerie x Mor|Part 5: Nessian

The entire collection will be posted to AO3 and @tealnymph-writes​.

Keep reading

Day 7: Gwynriel!!

It’s finally here!!

Mardi Gras Cherry Pie (#200127 to #270154)

Mardi Gras Cherry Pie(#200127to#270154)

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In honor of Twin Peaks being back on air, here’s a delicious organic and healthy cherry pie recipe t

In honor of Twin Peaks being back on air, here’s a delicious organic and healthy cherry pie recipe that will have you licking your plate. 

Vegan Cherry Pie


Crust - Dry Ingredients

  • 1 cup whole grain spelt flour
  • ½ cup oat flour (or 2/3 cup rolled oatsground in food processor)
  • ¼ cup corn flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon allspice

Crust - Wet Ingredients

  • 1 medium sized banana mashed
  • 4 tablespoons ground flaxseed
  • 2 tablespoons agave nectar or maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons canola oil


  • 4 cups cherries fresh
  • ¼ - ½ cup agave nectar depending on the sweetness of the cherries
  • Pinch of ground vanilla (or seeds from ½ pod or a few drops vanilla extract)
  • ¼ cup cornstarch dissolved in a bit of water to make a slurry



  1. To make the crust, combine the dry ingredients in a large bowl.
  2. In a smaller bowl, mix the wet ingredients together very well. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and using your hands, mix until a firm dough forms. Wrap in cling foil and chill for 30-60 minutes.


  1. To prepare the filling add the cherries to a large pot together with the agave nectar and vanilla.
  2. Bring to a boil and cook on a low heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Add the cornstarch slurry and mix in very well. Bring to a boil once more and take off the heat.

To Assemble

  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Grease a 9-inch pie dish.
  2. Between two sheets of parchment paper roll out 2/3 of the dough to fit the pie dish, about 1/8 inch thick. Stab several times with a fork and pre-bake for 10 minutes.
  3. While the bottom crust is pre-baking, roll out the remaining dough and cut into your desired shapes to make the top crust.
  4. Remove the pie dish from the oven, spread the bottom crust with the cherry filling and create your top crust.
  5. Bake for 15 minutes. Then turn down the heat to 350°F and cover the pie with aluminum foil. Continue baking for 30 minutes. Remove the aluminum foil and finish baking the pie for 5 more minutes.

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I think he broke a record for the amount of NSFW jokes in this one.

Настоящий русский пирог со свежей или замороженной вишней! Рецепт прекрасного зимнего лакомства найден на просторах Интернета.


Вишня без косточек ~ 1-1,5  кг;

 сахар ~ 1 и ¼ стакана; 

мед ~ 2 ст. ложки;

 бальзамический уксус ~ 3 ст. ложки; 

ванильный экстракт ~ 1 ч. ложка;

 гвоздика ~ 1 ч. ложка;

 мука ~ ½ стакана; 

кукурузный крахмал ~ 2 ст. ложки; 

растаявшее сливочное масло ~ 3 ст. ложки.

Основа пирога: 

Мука ~ 4 стакана; 

сливочное масло ~ 1 стакан плюс 1 ст. ложка;

 сахар ~ 1 ст. ложка; 

вода ~ 4-6 ст. ложек; 

соль ~ ¼ ч. ложки;

 молотый черный перец ~ ½ ч. ложки.

Глазурь: 1 взбитое яйцо, вода ~ 1 ст. ложка.


Во-первых, приготовим начинку. Все ингредиенты смешиваем, добавляем вишню и доводим до кипения в кастрюле среднего размера на среднем огне, помешивая каждые несколько минут. Затем уменьшаем огонь и даем смеси кипятиться на медленном огне, не накрывая крышкой, в течение 30 минут, помешивая каждые 5 минут. Будьте осторожны, чтобы не раздавить вишню, когда мешаете: вишня должна быть целой в пироге. По окончании 30 минут вишня должна значительно утолщиться. Снимаем с огня нашу начинку и отставляем в сторону.Для приготовления основы пирога смешиваем сухие ингредиенты в большой миске. Далее добавляем масло. Теперь нужно добавить воду (вода должна быть холодной). Добавляем, осторожно перемешивая тесто. Тестодолжно быть липкое, если оно рассыпается - нужно добавить побольше воды.Разделяем наше тесто на 2 части. Первая часть должна составлять 2/3 от общего теста, а вторая - 1/3 соответственно.Далее нам нужно расскатать первую часть теста на поверхности, хорошо посыпанной мукой. Делаем из него красивую круглую форму со стенками (чтобы внутрь поместить начинку). Помещаем наше тесто в форму, слегка смазанную жиром. Избыток теста основы можно обрезать. Из оставшегося теста мы будем делать полосочки для решетчатого узора на вершине пирога. Теперь выкладываем их на большую тарелку, выложенную пергаментной бумагой. Отправляем полосы и основу пирога, покрытые полиэтиленовой пленкой, в холодильник на 30 минут.Разогреваем духовку до 180 градусов по Цельсию. Пока разогревается духовка, мы делаем глазурь: взбиваем яйцо и воду в небольшой миске до однородной массы.Вынимаем тесто из холодильника. Полосы для решетки нужно обмакнуть в яичной глазури. Далее выливаем начинку в основу пирога, а затем составляем решетку из полосок теста на вершине пирога. Лишнее тесто нужно будет отрезать. Края основы смазываем яичной смесью.Пирог ставим в духовку и выпекаем в течение полутора часов. Вынимаем нашу красоту и даем остыть в течение 45-60 минут перед подачей на стол.

This is your headquarters for all the Kinktober 2021 goodness! Cherry Pie was a collaboration between several other writers and me. Enjoy the smut extravaganza and check out the authors below.

Read on AO3

Cherry Pie:

Part 0.5: Helion x Lady A

Part 1: Elain x Lucien

Part 2: Jurian x Vassa

Part 3: Feyre x Rhysand

Part 4: Emerie x Morrigan

Part 5: Cassian x Nesta

Part 6: Azriel x Gwyneth

Part 7: Sunday Morning 

The Authors:


@bookofmirth |AO3







Thanks for reading and supporting this collaboration. Make sure to give some love to these incredible authors!



Sunday Morning

Cherry Pie: Bonus Chapter - Featuring Alis

Years have passed since Alis last graced the halls of the Spring Court Manor. This Calanmai she returns to her old home with plans to help Elain and Feyre with the Calanmai celebrations. Unexpectedly flooded with memories she thought long forgotten and a shocking reminder the sort of things the high fae of Prythian can get up to she must carry on - as she always does.

Warnings: sexual references.

This is the final part of our Kinktober Smut Extravaganza!

Thank you so much for reading along with us and allowing us to make a collaborative experience. If you haven’t read any of them yet, then check out the links below for specific fics, or the masterlist. This chapter is an epilogue of sorts and extra content for those who didn’t want it to end so soon. <3


Masterlist | Author: @rayonfrozenwings

This is final part of the Cherry Pie: ACOTAR Kinktober Smut Extravaganza collection. Make sure to check out the rest of the collection and the other authors!

Part 0.5: Helion x Lady Aby@spell-cleavers|Part 1: Elucienby@bookofmirth|Part 2: Jurian x Vassaby@separatist-apologist|Part3: Feysandby@hlizr50 | Part 4: Emerie x Morby@ladyadelinergrey|Part 5: Nessianby@duskandstarlight|Part 6: Gwynrielby@tealnymph24 | Part 7: Alis by @rayonfrozenwings

The entire collection will be posted to AO3 and @tealnymph-writes​ by the end of the week

Keep reading

Final day: Bonus scene!

The masterlist will be posted later, and the entire collection is also available on AO3. Thanks for following along!

Cherry Pie: Part 6 - Azriel x Gwyn

After eating a slice of pie in the Spring Court, Gwyn finds herself desperate to be closer to Azriel and put an end to their accidental bout of abstinence.

Warnings: NSFW. Very NSFW. Smut. Smuttiness for days. 

Word Count: 8,476


Read on AO3

Masterlist|@tealnymph24​​ or @tealnymph-writes​​ 

This is part of the Cherry Pie: ACOTAR Kinktober Smut Extravaganza collection. Make sure to check out the rest of the collection and the other authors!

Part 0.5: Helion x Lady A|Part 1: Elucien|Part 2: Jurian x Vassa

Part 3: Feysand|Part 4: Emerie x Mor|Part 5: Nessian

The entire collection will be posted to AO3 and @tealnymph-writes​.

Gwyn watched Nesta disappear into the Spring Court manor before turning back to the pie tin in front of her with a relieved sigh, settling into the wicker chair she had sat in while she waited for Azriel to return. He had gone to check on some of his spies nearby while she and Nesta had gone around to the patio in search of their party. But no one seemed to be here, which made Gwyn even more annoyed than she already had been.

At least she didn’t have to pretend to be impressed by the gardens anymore. She wasn’t entirely sure why Nesta had insisted they tour them, as Gwyn had never liked perfectly manicured gardens like these ones. She had curated the wild, natural landscape of her and Azriel’s home for that very reason. But she suspected Nesta had simply wanted her to enjoy her first visit to the Spring Court, and she couldn’t begrudge her friend that, even if she would have preferred lounging on the patio the whole time.

As she stared across the moonlit gardens, she forked another bite of cherry pie into her mouth, sighing happily now that she was alone. She didn’t care if she was being rude to her hosts or not. She was starving, and all she wanted to do was go home and beg Azriel to make her pancakes. He made the best pancakes.

She huffed in annoyance, wishing she had refused this dinner invitation like Azriel had suggested. She liked Elain and Lucien, but the timing for this dinner couldn’t have been worse. She and Azriel had been working constantly, getting closer and closer to figuring out the last few causes behind the uprisings in Illyria, with the help of Cassian, Nesta, Emerie and Mor. Which meant they were more than a little worn out, and neither one of them was in the mood for a party.

It had been weeks since they had had a moment to just enjoy each other’s company, work and family obligations forcing them to sacrifice much needed alone time. It had made her far moodier than normal. And Azriel hadn’t been much better. The lack of sleep, and, unfortunately, sex was frustrating them both.

She couldn’t believe she had even hinted at her frustrations to Nesta. There were some things that she simply didn’t tell her friends - even Nesta and Emerie – for their sake and hers. It suited her just fine if they continued thinking she was innocent and shy about certain matters. It left her free to indulge her curiosity with Azriel without facing probing interrogations from her sisters. They would be beside themselves if they knew the things she let Azriel do to her. That she asked him to do to her.

She sighed, brushing her frustration away as she scooped up more pie. It was delightful, the tart cherries contrasting perfectly with the flaky crust. If only it wasn’t so damn hot in the Spring Court, then she could enjoy it more. She lightly fanned herself while savoring another bite, trying to cool herself off. Had it been this warm when they arrived?

“You know it’s rude to eat when you haven’t even greeted your hosts yet, right?” Azriel’s deep, amused voice came from behind her. She whirled around, fork still poised by her mouth, the incriminating remnants of pie lingering on the tip. Azriel’s face spread into a mirthful grin as he approached her, his shadows swirling around him as he crossed the patio and sank into the chair next to her.

“I was hungry,” she said primly, shamelessly pulling the pie tin toward her and scooping up the last bite. Azriel smirked, his eyes narrowing in amusement. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s not my fault no one was here to greet us. Or feed us.”

“Fair enough,” he murmured, draping his arm behind her and absently toying with the thin strap of her flowy, green gown. She shifted in her seat, the heat making her even more distracted than she normally would be at her mate’s touch. Why was she so warm all of a sudden? “Where’s Nesta?”

“Oh, she went upstairs,” Gwyn hummed, setting down her fork and fanning herself. Gods she was hot. She was vaguely aware of Azriel raising his eyebrows at her, but all she could think about was the way he was rubbing her shoulder. Every stroke of his fingers seemed to ignite something in her.

“Nesta made us late to this and now she’s not even here,” Azriel grumbled, his wings flaring slightly in annoyance. “And our hosts aren’t here either. Remind me why we had to come to this dinner again.”

Gwyn remained silent, unable to find the words to respond. She would normally tease him to lessen his sour mood, but her mind was a puddle. There was no denying that there was a distinct warmth spreading between her legs, even though all Azriel had done was touch her shoulder. Her body was on fire – hot, burning desire filling her senses.

She knew they hadn’t had sex in almost two weeks because they had been too busy and tired, but that hardly justified how needy she suddenly felt. She was used to having him gone for a week or more at times, so this was hardly different, even if it had been frustrating. But nothing like this had ever happened to her. She felt positively desperate for him, and she had no idea why.

“Gwyn, are you okay?” Azriel asked, breaking into her hazy thoughts. She met his gaze, her cheeks flushing crimson as she tried to stay calm. His brow was furrowed, the hand on her shoulder squeezing gently. “You seem distracted, Bird.”

“I…I’m fine,” she forced out, clamping her thighs together as she stared at him. He was wearing a simple black tunic and pants, like he often did, but she found herself aching to undress him. To feel his skin on hers. The mere sight of him was making her slip further into whatever this strange haze was. What was happening to her?

Azriel opened his mouth to respond, but his jaw merely sagged open as she found herself reaching for the hem of her skirt, utterly throwing caution to the wind and letting this strange feeling completely take over. Without thinking, she hiked her dress up around her thighs and quickly moved to straddle Azriel, kicking off her shoes in the process. She moved too fast for him to argue, but as she tried to kiss him, he dodged her, staring in confusion.

“Gwyn, honey, I know we haven’t been as intimate as normal, but what the hell are you doing?” He questioned, gripping her waist. She ignored him, pressing her body into his, and sighing when she felt him hardening beneath her. “Gwyneth, did I miss something?”

She blinked, then shook her head before leaning down and kissing his jaw. He didn’t fight her, but he didn’t kiss her back either, which only spurred her on. She peppered his jaw with kisses, working her way down his throat as she reached for the buttons on his shirt. The aching in her body was inescapable, her core throbbing with need. Her earlier frustrations had now been replaced with an entirely different kind of hunger.

“Gwyn, talk to me, please,” Azriel urged, still resolutely refusing to touch her, his shadows swirling around them in thick waves. She kept kissing him, tugging at his shirt impatiently. She needed to feel him, to have his hands on her. “Gwyneth, I’m serious. As much as I’m enjoying this, will you please just…”

She moved to cut him off with a deep kiss, but he suddenly stopped speaking and captured her jaw in his hand, his eyes blazing. She froze, resisting the temptation to rock her hips into his now fully present erection. Azriel just stared at her, holding her face while she gaped in shock.

“Gwyn, show me your tongue please,” Azriel quietly commanded, his shadows deepening. She hesitantly obeyed, her body screaming at her to move against him, to touch herself, to do something. Anything. She just needed relief from the desire-filled haze that had overtaken her.

Azriel let out a deep sigh of frustration as he studied her tongue, then released her jaw, softly stroking her back as if to soothe her. “Gwyn, don’t panic, but that pie was laced with Red Iris powder, a drug used to make people unbearably aroused for roughly 12 hours unless you take the antidote,” he slowly explained, his tone measured. “We need to get you home, love.”

“Why would I panic?” she asked, ignoring his explanation, almost wanting to cry from how potent her arousal had become. She didn’t understand why Azriel seemed so worried. She clearly wasn’t the only one who had eaten the pie, so why did it matter? “How do you even know that?”

“My shadows found a note,” Azriel explained, his tone clipped, revealing just how aggravated he was. “The pie was a gift from Lucien’s parents. It was meant for tomorrow, but clearly things didn’t go as planned. That’s why your tongue is blue.”

“It is not!”

“Yes, it is,” he said firmly, gripping her thighs when she tried wiggling her hips again. She could see the sincerity in his eyes, but she was past the point of caring. The only thing that mattered to her now was getting him to make her cum. “Please just cooperate, Gwyn. If you let me take you home, I can make you the antidote.”

She shook her head and huffed in annoyance, leaning as far away from him as possible while still straddling him. The ache in her core was beyond distracting, but she was even more frustrated by his reaction to it. All she wanted was him, and he was blatantly refusing her because of a pie.

“I don’t want to go home,” she argued petulantly, her irritation growing. “It was just pie, Azriel. I don’t care about some ridiculous aphrodisiac. If you don’t want to have sex with me, then just say it.”

His eyes shot to hers, hot fury lacing his features. “Don’t go there,” he growled, roughly pulling her closer. “This has nothing to do with me not wanting to have sex with you. All I want to do is pleasure you in every possible way because I haven’t gotten to touch you like that in two fucking weeks, Gwyn. You know that.”

“Then take me,” she challenged, attempting to grind against him. The pure need coursing through her was becoming unbearable, the need to orgasm consuming every thought. “I need you, Az. If you really want me, then take me.”

“I can’t! You’re not thinking straight,” he argued, keeping her body still even while she continued trying to find some sort of friction. She let out a strangled sound of frustration, shoving at his chest in exasperation.

“Yes, I am!” She protested, shamelessly reaching a hand between her legs. If he wouldn’t touch her, then she would simply take care of it herself. A scarred hand halted her movements, gripping her wrists and holding them between their bodies.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” he said quietly, a muscle in his jaw working furiously. She could tell she was treading dangerously close to the point of pushing him too far, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. She wanted him to lose control. To take her any way he pleased. She was past the point of wanting him to make love to her. She wanted him to fuck her.

“Az, please,” she begged, not bothering to resist his grip. Her mind was too full of her own wicked fantasies to put up much of a fight. “I need you. You can give me the antidote later if you want. I just want you. Please.”

“Gwyneth,” he rumbled, releasing her wrists and leaning back in his chair. She took advantage of her sudden freedom, shamelessly pulling her skirt farther up and rocking her hips into him, a loud moan of relief escaping her. “Fuck, Gwyn. I’m trying to do the right thing, and you’re making it incredibly difficult.”

She leaned down to kiss his jaw again, a tight coil of pleasure already building below her stomach just from the slight friction she was causing. “Then do the right thing and fuck me,” she challenged, trailing a hand up her waist and cupping her breast. “I want you so much, Az. I trust you. Please just touch me.”

He groaned loudly, then grabbed her hips again, taking back control of her movements. “Fine, but I am only doing this on my terms,” he conceded, his tone leaving no room for argument even while the scent of his arousal slowly mixed with hers. “Tell me your safe word.”

“Um…blade. It’s blade,” she reminded him, her heart racing with anticipation. She knew what it meant if he was asking for her safe word, and if she had been standing, her knees would have gone weak. He had very specific plans for her; plans that she was more than willing to let him carry out.

“Good. You won’t need mine tonight,” he assured her, his voice taking on the seductive tone that always made her shiver. “But you have to be quiet for me until I can get you home. We don’t want anyone to find us out here. Okay?”

She nodded quickly, willingly giving him control. Only with him did she ever completely let go. He was her mate; she was safe. Which meant she could let herself fully enjoy every second of this. And gods, she had missed him touching her. Even if it had only been two weeks.

She didn’t have to wait long for relief, as only a moment later he suddenly lifted her off his lap, and then her backside landed on the small metal table in front of them, Azriel’s large body cradled between her thighs. She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to drag him down for a kiss, but she was once again met with resistance.

She whimpered, her back arching into him slightly. “Az, please, I need you,” she whined, clawing at the buttons of his shirt. He chuckled, but didn’t argue, helping her undo the buttons and quickly shrugging off his shirt. She let out a happy sigh as her hands roamed his chest, but it quickly turned into a moan of relief as his hand trailed up her thigh and hooked on the edge of her panties.

“Remember, if you want this to stop, just say your safe word or scratch my wings,” Azriel said as he slowly dragged her soaked panties down her legs. She lifted her hips for him, her skin flushed even while a cool breeze flicked across her aching center.

She nodded, pulling her dress around her waist to give him better access. He smirked as he finished dragging her panties off and tossed them to the side, his eyes roaming across her exposed center. Before she could beg him to touch her again, his mouth was on hers and his hands were pushing her thighs farther apart, fully spreading her out on the table. She gasped, bucking her hips toward him. He pushed her back down, nipping at her bottom lip as one of his hands cupped her soaked cunt.

His tongue teased her mouth open, claiming her as he palmed her core. She bucked her hips into his hand, moaning and gasping into his mouth. Her nails raked down his back as her legs wrapped around his waist. His free hand slipped behind her neck, angling her the way he wanted. For a small moment, she worried they might be seen by someone, but then his fingers were slipping between her wet folds and she was entirely at his mercy.

She broke away from the kiss, gasping for breath, but he didn’t stop, his mouth only moving down her throat. A cry escaped her as he found her entrance and sunk in two fingers, sliding easily into her. He raised his head with a chuckle, slowly pumping his fingers in and out.

“Shh, you need to be quiet, Sweetheart,” he reminded her, shoving his fingers roughly inside of her. The movement brought another loud moan to her lips, the sound echoing across the patio. He tsked, pulling his fingers out and repeating the same motion. “We’re going to get caught, little bird.”

She bit her lip, trying to hold back a whimper, but failing miserably. “You asshole,” she gasped out, shamelessly grinding her hips up to meet his thrusts. “You like it when I moan for you.”

“Mm, maybe I do,” he murmured, leaning down and nipping at her jaw. “Maybe I want everyone to hear you. To know who’s making you feel like this.”

She opened her mouth to respond, but the only sound that left was a soft sob of pleasure as his thumb came up to her clit and began circling it. His fingers increased their pace, fucking her relentlessly while she moaned and bucked her hips wildly. The pleasure was already beyond intense, her body drawing close to the edge. She clawed at his shoulders, biting her lip to try and stifle the cries flooding from her mouth.

He kept circling her clit, adding pressure as he thrust inside of her, curling his fingers to hit the spot that always made her come undone. As his mouth found hers again, pleasure exploded through her, her orgasm coming on so fast she had no time to prepare herself. She shattered, a scream bubbling up as burning ecstasy washed through her.

Azriel stifled the sound with his mouth, kissing her through her climax to keep her somewhat quiet. His fingers kept working her, drawing out every ounce of pleasure she could handle. Her body shook uncontrollably, her pussy clenching around his fingers while her release slowly eased. He gave her a few more slow thrusts, then removed his hand, pulling his mouth away to watch his fingers slipping out of her.

She watched as he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean, a small whimper leaving her at the sight. Somehow, despite how strong her climax had been, she was already aching for more, her body still throbbing with need. She clenched her thighs around him, forcing him to lean closer to her again. But he only smirked, dragging a single finger from her entrance to her clit and back again.

“You have to be patient, Sweetheart,” he commanded, gripping her hips and pulling her against him. She gasped, reaching for the buckle on his pants. But he pushed her away, holding her wrists in one large hand. “Not yet, Bird. Tell me what you want first.”

“Fuck me, Az,” she whispered, knowing he liked it when she was very specific with her requests. She could feel how hard he was, and it made her mouth water. “Please. I…I want to feel you inside of me. I want your cock. I just want you to fuck me. Please, Az.”

“Such dirty words from such a pretty mouth,” he smirked, satisfaction blazing in his eyes as he brushed his thumb across her lips. She squirmed in his arms, a fresh wave of heat flooding her. “Hmm, I like the idea of having my cock inside of you, but I don’t think it should be that easy. Do you?”

She trembled, but managed to shake her head, heated anticipation building. Gods, she loved it when he was like this. All demanding and uncontrolled. It made her shiver just thinking about what he would do to her.

“That’s what I thought,” he murmured, finally releasing her wrists. She hesitantly wrapped her arms around his neck, trembling with excitement and desire. “I’m going to take you home, and you’re going to do exactly as I say. And if you’re good, then I might just let you have your way. Okay?”

“Yes, please,” she eagerly nodded, clinging to him, still half naked in his arms. He smiled, his hands gripping her ass, and then he winnowed, plunging them momentarily into darkness.

Only a second later, they reappeared in their seaside home, Azriel’s shadows swirling around them in excited circles. He strode purposefully up the stairs, not bothering to turn on any fae lights as he carried her to their bedroom. Gwyn clung to him, the drug still coursing through her body screaming at her to find release. She was once again overcome with the need to climax, the slight rubbing of Azriel’s bare chest against her clit causing her eyes to flutter shut with pleasure.

Before she could fully process what was happening, she was being set down on the end of their large bed. She tried to pull Azriel down with her, thinking he was going to join her, but he pulled away, leaving her spread out on the bed for him. She gaped at him, not caring that her dress was still bunched around her waist, exposing her.

He smiled at her, walking to the dresser in the corner and pulling out two familiar silky items, along with something that she couldn’t quite see before he tucked it behind his back. As he approached her, she leaned up on her elbows, ignoring the increased wetness between her legs at the sight of the ribbon and blindfold in his hands.

“Stand up,” he demanded, his eyes dropping to her core. She obeyed without question, her normal tendency to tease him fading in the face of her desperate need to orgasm again. Her dress fluttered around her, concealing her core from view, but she knew it wouldn’t take long before Azriel had her undressed and exposed again.

He kissed her softly, brushing her hair back from her face with a smile. Then he carefully slipped the blindfold over her eyes, rendering her completely at his mercy. This wasn’t the first time they had done something like this, but her arousal was almost unbearable, reminding her of the first time they had ever played with ribbons and blindfolds.

“Are you thinking of our mating frenzy?” Azriel quietly asked, sensing the direction of her thoughts. “Are you thinking of that night when I tied you up and fucked you until dawn? Does it make you wet, Sweetheart?”

She weakly nodded, helpless to her own desires. He guided her to where he wanted her, turning her until she was almost sure she was facing the bed, her knees trembling with anticipation and want. She could feel herself almost dripping with arousal, his shadows slowly caressing their way up her legs as she tried to hold still. She felt Azriel’s hands leave her for a moment, but then she felt the familiar cool touch of a blade on her skin.

She shivered, the cold of the metal contrasting with her burning desire. Azriel dragged the blade up her arm, his body just far enough away that she couldn’t quite tell where he was standing. She stood perfectly still, waiting for him to move or say something. But he remained quiet, dragging the blade torturously slow up her arm until she could feel the tip slip beneath the strap of her gown. In one swift motion, one side of her dress suddenly slipped, exposing her breast.

She gasped but managed to remain motionless. Cool air danced across her skin as the blade traveled across her collarbone, slowly gliding under the second strap. A second later, her gown fell to the floor, leaving her completely bare for him.

“I’ll buy you a new dress, love. I promise,” Azriel murmured from next to her, his breath tickling the skin on her shoulder.

“What if I liked that dress?” She questioned; her voice far breathier than she had intended.

He chuckled quietly. “Then I’ll buy you the same one,” he suggested, his hands ghosting up her sides before slowly pulling her arms in front of her. “Tell me now, and we can stop.”

“Keep going,” she demanded, desperate to feel him closer but grateful that he was still making sure she was okay first – as he always did. The normalcy of his actions helped make this strange evening easier, allowing her to fully give in to the irresistible desire she felt.

“Tell me if it’s too tight,” he replied, slipping the ribbon around her wrists. She shifted impatiently in front of him, biting her lip as he expertly knotted the ribbon, forcing her to rely on his help if she wanted to move.

He pulled away, his shadows still softly caressing her. She waited, praying he would start touching her now. His hands drifted to her waist, hovering just above her hips, his thumbs stroking her skin. The wetness between her legs had fully spread across her thighs now, her nipples peaked in the cool air, goosebumps spreading across her body.

She felt his hands pull away, leaving just the tips of his fingers on her skin as she heard him moving. His shadows followed the path of their master, drawing patterns across her body as Azriel slowly traced every inch of her. The movement of his fingers kept her anchored, stopping her from becoming too disoriented. Each stroke of his hands sent shivers down her spine, her chest heaving as he circled her.

His hands drifted dangerously close to her most sensitive areas, teasing her before he pulled away. Each movement of his fingers felt like he was branding her, each touch so sensual, so deliberate that her knees shook from the sheer force of her arousal. Finally, she felt him come to a stop in front of her, his hands resting on her sides, just underneath her breasts.

His lips grazed the shell of her ear. “Kneel,” he commanded, his voice low and rough. She sucked in a breath, her chest heaving.

“I…I need help,” she admitted, wanting to obey him but unsure if she could get on her knees without falling. She already felt unsteady, and the lack of mobility in her arms only made it worse. “Please, Azriel.”

His hands found her elbows, gently guiding her to the floor. She lowered herself without question, trusting him to keep her safe. She felt him kneeling with her, and confusion fluttered in her chest. She had thought he wanted her on her knees for other reasons, but that wouldn’t work if he was on his knees too.

When she was settled on the ground, her breasts jutting out in front of her as she sat back on her heels, he kissed her slowly. She opened for him eagerly, whining softly when he pulled away too quickly. But then his hand was gently pushing her legs apart, his fingers just barely brushing over her slick sex, and she was overcome with need. She was ready to beg if that’s what he wanted her to do, as long as it meant he made her cum.

“Gwyn, I need you to trust me,” he whispered, his hand still hovering between her legs. She felt his other hand slip past her thigh, joining the other underneath her. “I’m going to try something different to try to help take off the edge from the drug. Is that okay?”

She nodded. “Yes, I trust you, Az,” she assured him, her legs shaking. She thought she might faint from how potent her arousal was. It was like being in the mating frenzy again, except she felt like she had no control over her own body, which was far more difficult to handle than the frenzy had been. At least then she had been able to exhibit some restraint when necessary. She was quickly understanding why Azriel had wanted her to take the antidote to this odd drug.

“Keep your legs spread for me, Bird,” Azriel commanded, accepting her answer. She forced herself to pay attention, trying to ignore the desperate clawing of desire that was ripping through her body. “This is going to feel strange, but just stay relaxed.”

She thought about asking what he meant, but she never found the words, the sudden movement of his hands between her legs forcing every thought from her head. A finger circled her entrance, gently entering her before pulling out. But it was quickly replaced with something cold and hard, the mysterious object slipping easily inside of her.

As her inner walls involuntarily clenched around the item, she suddenly realized what it was, a breathless giggle escaping her as Azriel slowly finished putting it inside of her. It was the gift Nesta had jokingly given her for her birthday, a glass sex toy that Nesta had said might be useful for when Azriel was away. Gwyn had never used it, partially from nerves, but mostly because she had grown accustomed to Azriel’s hard warmth inside of her. She thought the toy would feel strange, and she was quickly realizing she had been right.

But gods, did it feel good. It wasn’t quite as large as Azriel, but the odd ridges that ran along the sides of it made up for it. Every time she so much as breathed, it shifted just slightly inside of her, teasing her enough to cause her breathing to turn ragged. But, to her surprise, Azriel didn’t move the toy. Instead, he released his hold on it, his shadows replacing his fingers and holding it in place. She whimpered, quickly growing desperate for Azriel to fuck her with the toy.

To her dismay, she felt him move away from her, leaving her side, the toy still resting in her aching cunt. She whined, her inner walls clenching fruitlessly around the object. His shadows didn’t help, as they kept gently caressing her clit, her breasts, her neck – everywhere.

“Azriel, please, I…gods, please,” she moaned, shifting frantically to try and bounce her hips up and down on the toy. But his shadows kept it in place, denying her the movement she wanted. “Az, I want to cum. Please.”

“Shh, it’s all right,” he assured her, his voice much too far away for her liking. “All you have to do is stay exactly like that for five minutes. Then, if you’re good, I’ll come back and do anything you want me to. Can you do that for me, Sweetheart?”

“Az, I…what?” She stumbled out, the pressure from the toy making her almost dizzy with need. “Where are you going? Are you just going to leave me here?”

“I’ll be back in just a few minutes, Sweetheart.”

And with that, she heard the door open and shut, leaving her alone in the darkness. His shadows remained with her, coaxing small whimpers of pleasure from her as they teased her body. She tried to stay as still as possible, but every second felt like an eternity, the glass toy inside of her a constant reminder of how much she needed to cum. Azriel’s shadows began working her clit, adding pressure to her already throbbing core, her whimpers turning into moans.

But she still couldn’t find enough friction to climax, the shadows keeping her release just out of reach. She wanted to scream in frustration, the blindfold keeping her from knowing how much time had passed. Her safe word floated through her head, something that rarely happened, but she wasn’t sure how much longer she could handle this. Her body was screaming at her with the need to orgasm, every inch of her body aching with need.

But just as she truly considered saying her safe word, desperation clawing at her throat, she heard Azriel reenter the bedroom. She sagged in relief, softly sobbing as she heard him approaching. She heard rustling, and then movement in front of her, followed by scarred hands cupping her face. His lips pressed against her temple, his thumbs stroking her cheeks reassuringly.

“Shhh, it’s all right. I promised I’d be back, Sweetheart,” he murmured, peppering her face with kisses. She sighed with relief, too needy to form words. “You did so good, little bird. You were so patient. I think you deserve a reward. Would you like that?”

“Yes, please,” she moaned, forcing the words out, nodding frantically. She clenched her thighs, causing the glass toy to shift, drawing a gasp from her lips. “Oh gods, Az! Please, please do something.”

“Shhh, it’s okay, I will,” he promised, brushing his hands through her hair. “Do you still want me to fuck you, or do you want something else? You’ve done so well, love. Tell me what you want, and it’s yours.”

She whimpered, shifting restlessly on her knees, her wetness fully dripping down her legs now. “I…I still want that,” she whispered, her mind a frenzy of heat and need. She felt dizzy, her desperation to climax reaching new heights. “But I…I need you to touch me. Please, Az. Please, just touch me. I need your hands, your mouth, anything. Please. I need you.”

“Okay, I’ll take care of you, I promise,” he soothed her, gripping her elbows to guide her to stand up again. She obediently stood, her legs shaking uncontrollably, the glass toy still nestled inside of her throbbing center.

“Come here, Sweetheart,” he murmured, guiding her forward before turning her around. The backs of her knees hit the bed, and he helped her sit on the edge, his warmth filling her with renewed arousal. She clenched her thighs, clawing at the restraints on her wrists. She wanted to touch him, to feel his skin beneath her.

He helped her shimmy backward, easing her onto her back as he crawled over her, kneeling between her legs. She trembled, her inner walls fluttering around the glass toy as Azriel shifted her arms until they were stretched out over her head, the familiar tug of his shadows pulling on the ribbon to keep her in place. His breath danced across her skin, his mouth ghosting along her chest before finally meeting her lips softly. She bucked her hips up, trying to find his body, but he pushed her back down as he pulled away, one hand gripping her hip while the other trailed up her thigh.

And then the toy was suddenly pulled out of her, drawing out to the tip before shoving back in. She cried out, her back arching as her wrists strained at the ribbon. He pulled the toy out again, dragging the tip through her wet folds and circling her clit before slipping down to her entrance again. He eased the toy back in, only going a few inches before pulling it out. She gasped and whimpered, frantically pushing her hips up to meet his thrusts.

But he kept her in place, alternating between barely putting the toy inside of her to tease her and roughly thrusting it in until she was crying out in pleasure. His movements were unpredictable, making each sensation heightened, her inner walls fluttering uncontrollably as he fucked her with the glass toy. Then his shadows joined in, stroking her most sensitive places, nipping at her before Azriel soothed the marks with his tongue.

“Look at you, so needy,” he murmured against her skin, his lips trailing down to her breasts. “I thought you wanted my cock, Bird, but you seem to be doing fine without it. I guess I don’t need to fuck you after all…”

She let out a soft sob, arching her back into his mouth as his lips wrapped around her nipple. “No…no, please,” she whimpered, tugging at the restraints as he roughly thrust the toy into her again, his teeth nipping at her swollen peaks. “Please, Az! I still need you. Please. Oh gods, please. I want you to fuck me.”

“Hmmm, I’m not so sure, Gwyn,” he drawled, suckling at her sensitive nipples while dragging the toy in and out. “You’re already squirming, and I’m not even in you yet. How do I know you really want me? If you don’t want to have sex with me, you can just say it.”

“You asshole!” She screeched as he drew his mouth away from her, taunting her with her own words from earlier. He dragged the toy to her clit and back to her entrance, inserting it just enough to make her squirm again. “Just fuck me, please! I want you. I want you to take me. I want you to cum inside of me. Please. Please, Az!”

“Mmm, if you insist,” he chuckled, the sound coming from somewhere close to her legs. The hand on her hip prevented her from moving enough to reach him, the throbbing in her core making her frantic for him. “But…I think I’ll have dessert first.”

Before she could utter more than a small whimper, the toy was roughly pulled away from her, only to be replaced a second later with Azriel’s mouth. His tongue swirled her entrance, then delved into her, thrusting into her already aching cunt. Her back arched off the bed, her thighs clamping around him as pleasure burst through her.

His shadows kept her restrained, holding the ribbon down and preventing her from touching him. She squirmed frantically, shamelessly grinding her hips into his mouth. His tongue stroked up to her clit, circling it before his teeth nipped at her, sending a jolt of pleasure through her. She cried out, feeling her climax fast approaching. She was already so overly sensitive from his previous ministrations that she knew she wouldn’t last long with his expert mouth working her.

“Azriel, oh gods, yes!” She sobbed, her pussy clenching uncontrollably as he alternated between fucking her with his tongue and teasing her clit. “I’m…I’m not going to last long. Please. Oh gods. Az, Az, Az…”

Her pleas trailed off into a string of whimpers and sobs as his thumb found her clit, rubbing her steadily while his tongue delved into her relentlessly. She felt him chuckle against her, the vibration shooting through her and making her almost scream in ecstasy. With one final thrust of his tongue, his fingers stroking her clit, she fell over the edge.

Her back arched into him, a scream echoing through the room as hot bursts of pleasure shot through her, his tongue still fucking her as her inner walls fluttered around him. He continued working her until her body slowly relaxed, a small whimper escaping her as she tried to come back down from her high. He licked at her entrance, then swept up to her clit with one long stroke before finally pulling away.

She collapsed onto the bed, her body shaking yet somehow still aching with need. She was exhausted and overly sensitive, but the aphrodisiac was already beginning to urge her to find release again. She was far too tired to resist, going utterly pliant as Azriel slipped his arms around her and pulled her into his lap.

She fell against his chest, her still restrained arms tucked between them, her head resting on his shoulder as he stroked her back. She realized he must have removed his pants at some point because his very prominent erection was pressing into her stomach, drawing a needy moan from her. She was past the point of words, merely attempting to wiggle her hips to indicate what she wanted. She needed him inside of her. Needed to feel his hard length filling her as only he could.

“Try to breathe, Gwyn,” Azriel soothed her, shifting until he seemed to be in a seated position. He eased the blindfold off, allowing her to finally see him. “You’re doing so well, Sweetheart. So fucking well.”

She softly mewled, blinking as her eyes readjusted and squirming in his arms in a desperate attempt to get him to slip inside of her, but he held her firmly, keeping her still. She clenched her thighs around him, her core somehow even more wet than it had been. His cock twitched beneath her, indicating how much he was holding himself back.

“Az, please,” she managed to whisper, clawing at the ribbon on her wrists. “I need you. Please. I want to cum for you. I want you inside me. Please.”

“Mmm, so eager,” he murmured, kissing his way down her shoulder, his hands drifting to her ass and squeezing. “I think you’ve earned it. You’ve been so good for me, Sweetheart.”

She moaned at his words, gasping in relief when he shifted her over his length, positioning her how he wanted before sliding into her tight, throbbing cunt. She sobbed in ecstasy, reveling in how full she felt as he entered her. He pulled her tightly to him, adjusting her arms until they were over his neck, allowing her to press her body firmly against his. Her peaked nipples scraped against his hard chest, her walls already tightening around his cock.

She waited for him to do something, but he merely stroked her hips with his thumbs, his mouth still softly kissing her throat as he worked his way toward her chest. She shifted on him, clenching her thighs to try and get him to move. But still, nothing. She could feel his cock twitching inside of her, but he refused to do anything besides continue his leisurely exploration.

“Az…please, I need you to move,” she pleaded, her clit throbbing with need. It was rare for her to beg so willingly, even though she knew he liked it, but she was too desperate to tease him like she normally would. “I need to cum. Please, Azriel.”

“Then cum,” he commanded, his voice rough and full of heat. She sucked in a breath, her nipples once again peaking from her arousal. “Fuck yourself on my cock. I want to watch you riding me, so use me. Show me how much you need me, little bird. Fuck me.”

She stared at him, waiting to see if he was only teasing her again, but he gripped her hips harder, urging her on. She began slowly raising her hips, then let her body slip back down, adjusting to riding him while her hands were still bound. Azriel groaned deeply as she found a rhythm, bouncing her hips on him, his hardened length hitting her at an angle that quickly had her moaning in pleasure.

Azriel used one hand to keep her steady while he trailed the other up to her breasts, lightly squeezing before he began teasing her nipple. She clawed harder at the restraints, aching to touch him. Her walls clenched around his cock with every snap of her hips, leaving them both panting and moaning as they drew closer to release.

“You look so pretty like this,” Azriel groaned, his mouth roaming her skin, leaving small marks where he let his teeth nip at her. She bucked her hips harder, his encouragement spurring her on “You’re so fucking gorgeous, Gwyn. Gods, you feel good…”

His words trailed off as he threw his head back with a groan, his hands dropping to her hips and gripping her so tightly she knew it would bruise later. She moaned loudly when he pulled her down harder onto him, finally giving her the help she had wanted before. The restraints dug into her wrists as she desperately tried to touch him, her throbbing core fluttering around him as he began thrusting his hips up to meet hers.

“Azriel, I want to touch you. Please,” she whimpered, wildly rocking her hips in time with his. “Please let me touch you. Oh gods…it feels so good, please. I need to touch you.”

He chuckled, one hand drifting between them and stroking the area just above the apex of her thighs. She gasped and bucked uncontrollably, trying to get his hand to slip toward her clit. His fingers dug into her hip, his cock thrusting into her harder and harder with every movement.

“I’ll let you touch me on one condition, Sweetheart,” he growled, his eyes blazing as the hand near her center finally drifted down. She gasped as he began rubbing her clit, circling it with his fingers while he roughly thrust into her. “Never question how much I fucking want you again.”

He emphasized his demand with several hard thrusts upward, her body trembling with the force of how hard he was fucking her. She managed to nod while she clenched her walls frantically around his cock, moaning relentlessly as pleasure built in her core. But he still didn’t release her restraints, silently telling her that he wanted a verbal response from her.

“I…I won’t,” she agreed, mewling softly as the pressure of his fingers increased on her clit. His cock twitched inside of her, his thrusts hitting the sweet spot in her core that would have her coming undone in seconds. “I won’t question it. I promise. Oh gods, please. Please Az!”

As her words flooded out, she felt the ribbon around her wrists snap, his shadows releasing her from the restraints and allowing her to finally touch Azriel. She scratched at his shoulders, one hand delving into his hair while the other trailed down his back. He groaned deeply again, biting at her shoulder while she used him as leverage to grind on him harder, meeting his deep thrusts.

Their sounds of ecstasy filled the room, the hand on her clit helping push her toward the edge. Their movements were filled with desperate, uncontrolled need; their unintended abstinence from sex making them both almost wild with lust for each other.

With one more hard thrust from Azriel, pleasure burst through Gwyn’s senses, her orgasm crashing over her as she cried out in pleasure. Azriel’s name fell from her lips in a stream of whimpers and cries, her ecstasy drowning out everything. He kept fucking her through it, his hips snapping up to hers as her release shook her body.

As her climax eased, he flipped them over, his hand leaving her clit to grip her hips again. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he continued fucking her relentlessly, his cock slamming into her at a punishing pace. Her nails scraped at his back, another orgasm already building in her core, her inner walls clenching harder around his cock.

“Touch yourself,” he commanded roughly, looking at her through his lashes as he barreled toward his own release. She obeyed without question, reaching a hand between them to rub her clit, moaning loudly at the added sensation. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum, Gwyn.”

“Yes! Oh gods, yes, Az!” She cried, her eyes fluttering shut as she felt his body shudder, his release spilling into her. His head fell to her shoulder, his movements erratic as he fell over the edge, her name on his lips.

She followed him a moment later, pleasure washing over her once again as she climaxed, their bodies trembling as they both rode out their highs. His pace slowly eased as the last moments of pleasure filled them. They clung to each other, their breathing ragged, their bodies still joined.

They stayed like that for several minutes, his cock still inside of her, their bodies tangled together. She slowly removed her hand from between them, stroking his back as their breathing returned to normal. But just as she thought she was finally returning to normal, arousal once again built, the ache in her core making her whine in exhaustion.

“Are you all right, Love?” Azriel murmured, his breath tickling her skin. “Was that too much? Did I go too far?”

She let out a sound that was half sob half laugh. “No, you were perfect,” she assured him, shifting restlessly beneath him. “But…please tell me you made the antidote.”

He lifted his head with an amused smile, chuckling as he eased out of her. “It’s in the kitchen,” he explained, kneeling above her. “Come on, let’s get cleaned up and then we can go get it.”

She smiled in relief, sagging onto the bed as he went to retrieve a damp cloth to clean her up. She had enjoyed every second of tonight, but she was utterly exhausted. Not to mention, she was still starving. She wasn’t sure she could handle anymore wild sex unless she had food and a nap first.

To her delight, within 10 minutes she was perched on the kitchen counter, dressed in one of Azriel’s shirts, happily watching him collect the ingredients to make her pancakes while she sipped on her second cup of tea. The bitterness from the tea would normally have bothered her, but the relief the first cup had given her was enough to make her continue drinking it.

“Feeling better?” Azriel asked her with a smile, pausing his search to slide in between her legs, his hands stroking her thighs. She nodded happily, the ache in her core finally eased. “Good. What kind of pancakes do you want?”

She grinned, setting aside her empty teacup to give him a quick kiss. “Chocolate chip, please,” she requested, giggling when he pinched her sides playfully. “Thank you, Azriel. For the pancakes, and for taking care of me.”

“Mmm, my pleasure,” he murmured, leaning in for another kiss. She willingly obliged him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I love you, Bird.”

“I love you too,” she whispered against him, leaning her forehead against his. “After the pancakes, can we just cuddle? I’ve missed spending alone time with you these past few weeks.”

He smiled, kissing her softly before responding. “I’ve missed you too,” he agreed, pausing to kiss her again. “We can cuddle for as long as you want tonight. And tomorrow, we’re not going anywhere. I’d like you all to myself for a while.”

She giggled, letting him pepper her with kisses before he turned away to retrieve the chocolate morsels for the pancakes, her heart bursting with happiness. As Azriel mixed the pancake batter, the two of them falling into a comfortable silence, a thought popped into her head.


“Yes, my love?”

“No one else had the antidote…” she commented, thinking of their friends and family back in the Spring Court. She hadn’t been the only one to eat that pie, but she had been the only one given the antidote as far as she knew. That would certainly explain the lack of greeting when they had arrived for dinner.

Azriel turned to her, his eyes wide as he met her amused face, and then he burst into laughter, his deep rumble echoing through the kitchen. As Gwyn watched her mate double over with mirth, she couldn’t hold back the stream of giggles that flooded out, the two of them happily lost in each other. A slice of pie might have changed their plans for the evening, but she was right where she belonged.


Tags:  @chloepereyra​ | @lovelyladymayyy​ | @gojosatorurailmepls​ | @valkygwyn|@remellarome​ | @inejjg​ | @azrielsgirl​ | @gisellefigue08​ | @acourtofmidnightsnacks​ | @67impalagirl13​ | @illyrian-valkyrie|@arinbelle​ | @amandapearls​ | @bittermuire​ | @cauldron-blessedarcheron1​ | @starbornsinger​ | @princessofmerchants​ | @allygug​ | @zooni92802​ | @molinden​ | @tallyovie​ | @siyeoncruella​ | @thelittlebookishcorner​ | @zerxfaithinhumanity​ | @words-are-what-i-hide-behind​ | @vasudharaghavan​ | @gwynkyrie​ | @niytavia​ | @fairytamy​ | @madie2200​ | @icarusave​ | @spookylightkidranch​ | @mirubyai​ | @gwynsazriel​ | @live-the-fangirl-life​ | @bookprofessor​ | @deedz-thrillerkilller16​ | @positivewitch​ | @cursebreaker29​ | @violentdelightshaveviolentends12​ | @faithisilliterate​ | @b00kishwh0re​ | @spookyfreakturtlefire​ | @inejbrekkxr​ | @whereisvaughan​ | @aelingalathyniusrailme​  | @secretlovelybeauty​ | @gwynrielsupremacist​ | @bookologist​ | @unpopularcharacterstan​ | @moodymelanist​ | @discorrdiia​ | @generalnesta​ | @flora-shadowshine​ | @amaranthas-whore​ | @georgialeighc13​ | @selfdestructionfetish​ | @hlizr50​ | @clearlynothere1​ | @cozycomfyliving08​ | @rhysandswingspan​ | @almosttenaciousmoon​ | @sia-r|@gpxxx|@annikaschwietz|@rewiue



Clouds are Shrouding us in Moments Unforgettable (Nessian Kinktober)

Cherry Pie: Part 5 - Nesta x Cassian

Nesta and Cassian have never been a couple that willingly deny themselves some action between the sheets. But when Cassian has to whip the Illyrian legions into shape for an entire week, as well as smooth out the disputes between unruly clans, Nesta and Cassian make a deal: no orgasms until they are reunited at the Spring Court to celebrate Calanmai.

But when Nesta eats some aphrodisiac-laced cherry pie whilst waiting for Cassian to arrive, the bargain they struck is immediately replaced with a base need for release. Nesta hurries to her room where she can finally be alone, but just as that orgasm begins to crest, Cassian catches her in the act.

And they had a deal, did they not?

Warnings: NSFW, Spanktober, Dom!Cassian being sexy AF, orgasm denial, Nesta high on aphrodisiac

Read it on AO3|Access my masterlist by clicking here

This is part of the Cherry Pie: ACOTAR Kinktober Smut Extravaganza collection. Make sure to check out the rest of the collection and the other authors!

Part 0.5 (Helion x LoA)|Part 1 (Elain x Lucien)|Part 2 (Vassa x Jurian)|Part 3 (Feyre x Rhysand)|Part 4: Emerie x Mor

“It’s so beautiful,” Gwyn breathed, as she and Nesta turned to survey the sprawling estate before them. Elain and Lucien’s home sat amidst undulating slopes of green—a wide and stunning expanse of natural life that had been tamed into beauty. Up ahead, the gravel path they were standing on met a wide alabaster staircase, which climbed to a sweeping veranda framed with wisteria that hung like grapes on the vine.

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Day 6: Cassian x Nesta!



Steal some covers, share some skin

Cherry Pie: Part 4 - Mor x Emerie

Summary: Arriving to find the house quiet, Mor and Emerie do some investigating… Then get distracted, horribly, in a way that only they could.

Warnings: NSFW content, Smut, me being a dumb lesbian.

Slight difference from the other posts, but please, I cannot stress this enough, if you are under 18 years of age, do not read this, it is NSFW and this is my boundary, please respect it.

READ ON AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34638229

Author: CupOTeaHatter

This is part of the Cherry Pie: ACOTAR Kinktober Smut Extravaganza collection. Make sure to check out the rest of the collection and the other authors!

The entire collection will be posted to AO3 and @tealnymph-writes​ by the end of the week.

Part 0.5 (Helion x LoA)|Part 1 (Elain x Lucien)|Part 2 (Vassa x Jurian)|Part 3 (Feyre x Rhysand)


The estate of the Spring Court had always had an eerie quality to it, it was unavoidable with it’s history but even now as Mor winnowed herself and Emerie in on the main path, it remained silent.

She surveyed the building ahead of her carefully, it wasn’t normally like this as there always seemed some form of noisebending itself through the halls.

Emerie took her hand, “Are we the first ones here?”

“I don’t think so, most of them left ahead of us.” She squeezed Emerie’s hand and revelled in the feeling of it in her own again, “Let’s go inside and see if we can find Elain and Lucien.”

Day five: Mor x Emerie!



In Darkness She is All I See

Cherry Pie: Part 3 - Feyre x Rhysand

The High Lord of the Night Court knows how important it is to support Lucien and Elain - and, thus, the Spring Court - as their first Calanmai is upon them. But that doesn’t mean that he enjoys being in the manor where his mate had suffered so much. When Feyre encourages him to eat dessert first with her - a delectable cherry pie - he realizes that their evening is about to get a lot more interesting.

Complete with a final act of sweet revenge against an enemy long gone.

Warnings: NSFW, Light Bondage, its a literal smutfest and I don’t think sex actually works like this, but it’s fantasy so who cares ;)


Masterlist | Author: @hlizr50

This is part of the Cherry Pie: ACOTAR Kinktober Smut Extravaganza collection. Make sure to check out the rest of the collection and the other authors!

Part 0.5: Helion x Lady Aby@spell-cleavers|Part 1: Elucienby@bookofmirth|Part 2: Jurian x Vassaby@separatist-apologist

The entire collection will be posted to AO3 and @tealnymph-writes​ by the end of the week

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Day 4: Feyre x Rhys



Paint A Picture With Your Hands

Cherry Pie part two: Jurian and Vassa

Summary: Jurian and Vassa have come to support Elain and Lucien on their first Calanmai despite being the only two humans in attendance. Starving and early, Jurian finds a pie tin in the kitchen and assures Vassa no one will care if they take a piece and go for a walk in the garden.

Jurian is about to learn just how wrong he can be.

Read on AO3or myMasterlist

Tags:NSFW, Sex Pollen, Jurian x Vassa, Jassa, light sword play, destroying Elain’s garden

Part 0.5- Helion x LOA by@spell-cleavers | Part 1 Lucien x Elainby@bookofmirth

This is part of the Cherry Pie: ACOTAR Kinktober Smut Extravaganza collection. Make sure to check out the rest of the collection and the other authors as they are posted each day this week!

The entire collection will be posted to AO3and@tealnymph-writes by the end of the week.

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Day 3: Vassa x Jurian!



Things Just Get So Crazy

Cherry Pie: Part 0.5 - Helion x LoA

Summary: The (former) Lady of the Autumn Court wants to do something nice for her son, who is about to participate in his first Calanmai as High Lord. Using Prythian’s equivalent of CBD in your baking should be totally fine and cause zero shenanigans, right?


Warnings: NSFW. Unedited, as always.



Author: Spellcleavers

This is part of the Cherry Pie: ACOTAR Kinktober Smut Extravaganza collection. Make sure to check out the rest of the collection and the other authors!

The entire collection will be posted to AO3 and @tealnymph-writes​ by the end of the week.

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Day one: Helion and Lady A!
