
 Kissa menu series: オムライス (omurice)Even though I order tamago sando the most, omurice remains my fav Kissa menu series: オムライス (omurice)Even though I order tamago sando the most, omurice remains my fav Kissa menu series: オムライス (omurice)Even though I order tamago sando the most, omurice remains my fav Kissa menu series: オムライス (omurice)Even though I order tamago sando the most, omurice remains my fav

Kissa menu series: オムライス (omurice)

Even though I order tamago sando the most, omurice remains my favourite kissaten food – and quite possibly my favourite yoshoku in general. Omurice (omelet rice) is normally ketchup chicken rice covered by an omelet and served with more ketchup on top or demi-glace sauce. There are other variants, but that’s the classic showa style. The omelet part can be thin (with more rice) or thick and gooey (my favourite, as an egg enthusiast).

It is said Rengatei, a yoshoku restaurant in Ginza, is the first one to have made omurice how we know it now, but I have yet to go there, because every time I go to Ginza for omurice, I always end up at kissa You.

Outfit rundown
Skirt: Ingni (the neck bow is actually the skirts waist tie)
Cardigan: second-hand Milk
Blouse: Boutique 1861
Hat: thrifted
Omurice badge: Milk Misachu
Bag: thrifted
Shoes: Queen Bee
Socks: Cando (I think?)
Belt: vintage
Spoon brooch: thrifted

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Vegan Omurice オムライス

“Eggs” on top of fried rice, drizzled with vegan Japanese demi-glace and sprinkled with dry parsley

One of the things I thought I’d say goodbye to when I decided to stop buying eggs. But fear not, chickpea flour mix and Just Egg came to the rescue :) The above is a mixture of 3 tbsp Just Egg and 2 tbsp chickpea flour mix, with 2 tbsp water. But tbh 6 tbsp Just Egg would be much fluffier and more like the real thing.

The other substitute was the demi-glace sauce. I found this recipe from mumokuteki and it is seriously. so. good.

Translation & adjustment that I used for one serving is as follows:

Tomato sauce 8 tsp

Red wine 4 tsp

Allspice 1/8 tsp

Soy sauce 2 tsp

Cooking wine 1 tsp

Sugar 2 tsp

Very small pinch of celery seeds (I just put in 1/8 tsp of ground ginger as a substitute)

Cocoa powder ¼ tsp

Water 4 tsp

Reserve 1-2 tbsp of the sauce and pour the rest into the fried rice :)


Hello my kits! Sorry for the long disappearance but I’m back with something new! Omurice! A staple in animes for so long I attempted this wondrous food and it turned out pretty good so here we go!


1 cup cooked rice cooler

Half of a white onion ~ minced

Mixed veggies (I used edemame and corn but any kind of fresh or frozen small mixed veg works!)

2 cloves of garlic ~ minced

3 eggs ( per person)

2 table spoons cooking oil

1/3 a cup of soy sauce

1 cup grated cheddar cheese

Splash of milk. Seriosuly just a Little bit

Ketchup. Just dollops I did it to taste so it’s preference on how much you add here

Meat! This is optional. I used bacon as I had some but it’s most commonly made with chicken. Be creative tho and try anything!


1)Heat large pan to medium heat and add cooking oil

2)Cook meat of preference throughly

3)Throw the rice, garlic, veg, onion and soy sauce into the pan

4)Mix all together with ketchup

5)Add salt and pepper to taste

6)Get a new clean pan ( or wash the one you were using and add mixture to a bowl)

7)Using a paper towel pour a bit of oil of the pan and wipe it all over the bottom and sides. While the pan is cold. Please don’t try that when its hot unless you’re using chopsticks

8) heat pan to medium heat

9) wisk eggs and splash of milk together in a bowl then gently add to pan

10) cook as you would an omelette. Don’t scramble. Don’t flip

12) also hard part. Put a plate upside down on the top of your pan and flip it all right side up.

11) now here’s the not so fun part. Turn off the heat. Imagine your egg as 3 section. First section witg about half an inch from the edge add the cheese. In the middle little ways from the cheese add the rice mixture. CAREFULLY fold the sides onto the rice mixture in the middle

Don’t forget I do take requests!

For those who have sent them in I’m sorry Tumblr went wonky and I no longer have them so please send them again!

Not sure pretty but damn was it good!!!

ALSO! By popular demand a patreon is being put together to help keep this blog running! Keep an eye out for that really soon

THE GARDEN OF WORDS OMURICEAs usual, the recipe is below the cut.-MJ & K1T oil½ onion, diced2 chTHE GARDEN OF WORDS OMURICEAs usual, the recipe is below the cut.-MJ & K1T oil½ onion, diced2 ch


As usual, the recipe is below the cut.

-MJ & K

  • 1T oil
  • ½ onion, diced
  • 2 chicken thighs, deboned and skin removed, cut into ½ inch pieces
  • ½ cup vegetables (chopped carrots, peas)
  • 1 ½ cup cooked short grain rice
  • 1T ketchup
  • 1 tsp soy sauce
  • 1 tsp mirin
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 scallion
  • 2 eggs
  • pinch of salt

Heat the oil in a nonstick skillet over medium heat and cook the onions until they become translucent. Add the chicken and continue cooking until the chicken is no longer pink on the inside. Add the garlic and vegetables and cook until the vegetables become tender and the garlic is fragrant. Add the rice, ketchup, mirin, and soy sauce and mix until well combined. Remove from the skillet.

Add a little more oil the pan and heat again. Whisk the two eggs and a pinch of salt until the eggs are smooth and pour them into the hot pan. Mix the eggs in the pan with a chopstick to keep from scrambling them. Use the chopstick to push cooked egg towards the middle and allow runny egg to swirl to the edge of the pan.

When the bottom of the eggs are set but the top is still runny turn off the heat and add some of the filling to the middle of to omelet in an oval shape. Fold the edges of the omelet over the filling and start pushing the omelet towards the edge of the pan. With your plate ready along the edge, nudge and flip the omelet out on top the plate to the folded edges are down. Use a damp paper towel to continue shaping the omelet if desired. Top with minced scallions, ketchup, or Japanese mayonnaise.

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My original character, Kae

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Wut is this?! I’m back to drawing food, for a picture I’m working on #animefood #foodart

Wut is this?! I’m back to drawing food, for a picture I’m working on
#animefood #foodart #fooddrawing #food #omurice

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kohcooking omuretto highlight Which do you like tha best

Katsuya Kanazawa Toyama

January 27 2022

anime–food:Sarazanmai - Episode 5 anime–food:Sarazanmai - Episode 5


Sarazanmai - Episode 5

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