


So we got baby Kaldur and he is absolutely adorable and also heart breaking but like…


I don’t know but I want one now

yourfavedeservesbetter: Kaldur’ahm from Young Justice deserves better!yourfavedeservesbetter: Kaldur’ahm from Young Justice deserves better!


Kaldur’ahmfromYoung Justice deserves better!

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a while ago I tried to participate in the @youngjusticebigbang but stumbled at the finish line but!!

a while ago I tried to participate in the @youngjusticebigbang but stumbled at the finish line but!! I was tasked with illustrating @icanhearyouglaring‘s amazing spy fic and this is the first illustration I did! you can find the fic here, and you should all read it and also leave adoring comments because.. we love a spy fic, folks.

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Here’s a collection of random yj stuff just cuz my steam is slowing down so I’m probably gonna post Here’s a collection of random yj stuff just cuz my steam is slowing down so I’m probably gonna post Here’s a collection of random yj stuff just cuz my steam is slowing down so I’m probably gonna post Here’s a collection of random yj stuff just cuz my steam is slowing down so I’m probably gonna post

Here’s a collection of random yj stuff just cuz my steam is slowing down so I’m probably gonna post less but let’s see if my brain can think of ideas

Anyway I love the rep of Jaime being Emo Mexican, doodles from when I was rewatching season 1 with my sister, Brion as a Kpop stan, and my hope for Wally coming back

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YJ Straightforward: An Open Letter to the Young Justice Writers

I really do not know if this somehow reaches their attention or if this will get any notes but I felt the need to just write this all down now that YJ Phantoms has ended.

First off, I would like to thank the entire YJ Production team for this wonderful season, you guys did amazing and I’m thankful you were given the chance to tell this story. The finale was crazy good and I was satisfied especially since episode 24 and 25 stressed me out real good.

I am being an optimist regarding you guys getting renewed so we shall see if the post ages like wine or milk. Point is, I wish to give some constructive criticisms for this season. I respect you guys as storytellers and admire your work, but I feel the need to express a few things I’ve seen from myself and from the fandom regarding Season 4.

One of the things I want to talk about is the expectations of Season 4 vs the actual season.

Season 4 become highly anticipated by fans when you guys revealed your first poster: the original Team (minus Will Harper but that’s a whole other topic). And we all collectively thought: oh wow! The Original team are the main focus of this season just like Season One! We were all thrilled. You see the magic of Young Justice Season One was the dynamics of the original Team. We got to see their history, their growth and how they overcome obstacles from villains as well as their personal lives. It was a character-driven story where the Team’s actions are what make the story very interesting.

The Season 4’s arcs sets us up with the expectation that we are getting to see exactly that. And in fairness you delivered it so well with M'gann, Artemis, and Kaldur’s arc.

However in the case of Zatanna, Rocket, Nightwing, and Superboy, we didn’t get to see that. Instead we got a view of the magic community, the cosmic community, and the Phantom Zone respectively with plot-driven stories. I understand you had an overall story arc in mind for the season involving the Phantom Zone prisoners and I genuinely enjoyed seeing that. However, fans can’t help but feel disappointment that we didn’t get a character driven story arc that explores the other four team members’ past, growth, and personal battles for the past decade, when we got it with the other three.

I completely respect the choices you’ve made in the stories you have told in Season 4. I actually loved the reveal of Vandal being connected to both metahumans and Homo Magi. The battle against Child and the Sentinels of Magic. Earth 17 holy multiverse. Exploring New Genesis and the Phantom Zone. They were all great to see.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, perhaps in the next season (yes I’m being an optimist in that regard), we get to see more character-driven stories. At the very least try to give us the proper expectations.

Now I’m not blaming the marketing or the writers with the disconnect between what the posters led us to think and what we actually got in the story, I understand that you guys may not have the final say in how the promotions are run, or thag it was nit your intention to give us the wrong idea on Season 4’s plot. But perhaps based on the fans reaction to this season, you could consider trying not to make a repeat of this again.

I hope this doesn’t offend you guys in anyway, I meant no disrespect. I just hope when we get a chance to have Season 5, we get to relive the magic of Season One, by seeing Dick, M'gann, Artemis, Conner, Kaldur, Raquel, Zatanna, AND Will (AND Wally too please we are still not convinced he is dead call me a clown I don’t care) go on a mission together. I hope we get to see them interact now that they’re adults to have a fun contrast to their Season One dynamics. I hope we get an episode exploring Zatanna’s state of mind as the new Doctor Fate, more of Raquel learning how to form a healthy relationship with Amistad, Conner’s dynamics with the entire Kent family, and that sweet sweet Batfamily story where Dick gets to interact with Jason. The fans really wanted that and I hope that we get to see that in some shape or form in the future.

This is getting long so I’ll end it here. Again, thank you for the stories you have told in Young Justice Phantoms. And I hope to see some improvements for Season 5.

You can start by bringing back Wally West.
