

“It’s just boys being boys.”
“He was just a young boy then!”
“He was drunk!”
“It was a different time then!”

If you ever wonder why it takes women 5, 10, 25, 35 years to come forward it is because they have heard comments like these come from their grandparents, parents, teachers and trusted adults for their entire lives. They went from learning “good touch bad touch” to “he’s just a young boy with a bright future, you wouldn’t want to damage that!!”

What about her damage? What about the trembling of her fingers as the flash backs come? What about the round, palpable pit in her stomach and her throat that never really seems to go away, and grows like cancer during times like these? What about her anxiety? What about her fear? What about her future? What about her?

You defend grab em by the pussy, you defend “locker room talk”. yet you sit by the door with your shotgun when a young man rings the door to take your daughter on a date? You say it’s boys being boys or that you don’t believe her when she says a man invaded her body but you would kill a man who invaded your house?

It doesn’t hit home when it’s Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.
You don’t believe her when it’s Sunni Welles.
You don’t believe her when it’s Aly Raisman.
You don’t believe her when it’s Jade Capua.
or Arianna Guerrero.
or Rachael Denhollander.
or Lysette Anthony.
or Juls Bindi.
You don’t believe her…

Would you believe your own daughter?
Would you believe your mother?
Your granddaughter?

Would they even feel comfortable enough to tell you???
