#mistborn trilogy


The survivor serving his time at Preservation prison and having a clash of personalities with a particular drifter passing by…


I don’t see why only the male Terris stewards would have shaved heads… But then she is described as having long auburn hair. soooooo… a tiny bit of punk flavor it is.
I wish that we could have seen more of her.
Glass nibs are pretty awesome for writing and drawing.


[image description: Tindwyl is shown as a woman in her late forties / early fifties with light to tan skin and her face shows a inclination towards East Asian features. She gazes critically through her metal lined glasses at a page in her hand. Her head is shaved at both sides, her long auburn hair, streaked with grey is gathered in a metal clasp at the back of her head and falls as a braid over her left shoulder down to her waist. She wears a blouse of a bright orange and a murky green, accentuated with violet diagonal stripes forming a large triangular pattern. There is a belt with a metal clasp at her waist over a long, voluminous dark violet skirt which too has a discreet triangle pattern.
In her right hand she holds a nib made from glass. She wears bracers and rings of different colored metals on her forearms and fingers and her ears are rimmed by lots of piercings and earrings from their top to the stretched earlobe. ]

Elend knows exactly how to romance his lady.


Image description by @senadimell :) (thank you very much for that!)

[ID: A fairly realistic illustration of Vin and Elend from Mistborn dancing together against a warm-toned background. Elend has scruffy, wavy brown hair and a beard. He’s dressed in a military-style formal white uniform trimmed in gold with a cape and epaulets. He holds up an open book in one hand and stands straight while Vin holds on to him as if they are dancing at a ball. She looks up at him with a slightly irked expression, and Elend glances down at her with a knowing, too-innocent smile, as if to say “who, me?” Vin has dark, wavy hair, a little past shoulder length, and it is twisted into a half-up style, revealing her earring. Her dress is the color of midnight and sprinkled with specks of light, like jewels are sewn onto it, with thin silver trim at the edge of the neckline and sleeves. Gauzy, petal-like layers overlap to form the skirt, and the bodice is cut to reveal her shoulders. The wide sleeves end at her elbows. End ID]

Vin and Elend in Hero of Ages

[image description:
The first imageshows Vin standing, wearing tightly fitted shirt and pants, daggers and coin pouch at her hips, a sash with vials across her chest, her black hair tied in a ponytail. Her left hand is propped on a koloss sword sticking out of the ash covered ground next to her, its blade as tall as she is. She smiles while casually opening a vial with the thumb in her right hand. The background is a mix of mists glowing in deep red and orange by the red sunlight and thick flakes of ash falling like black snow.
The second image shows Elend in a white cape and uniform with golden ornamentation on the chest and the shoulders. He now sports a dark beard and holds onto a koloss sword. Both his uniform and the sword a drenched with large amounts of bright red Koloss blood. On Elend’s belt has a small row of vials attached to it. His expression is one of confidence and determination.]

Please tell me this is a joke?? Kelsier can’t be dead??? He can’t…

Me reading The Final Empire
