#kitchen paganims


Cap the lid tightly. At this point you can seal the bottle with candle wax if you choose. Add symbols of protection, your family seal, or anything you feel compelled to draw on the lid or the jar itself. When you’re finished, take another few minutes to sit quietly and add your intentions to the jar, then bury it as close as you can to your front door.

What you need : 

  • A jar 
  • 1/3 cup of salt
  • 3 sewing needles (or other related pins)
  • 3 iron nails (as big as will fit in the jar)
  • 9 tines from your broom
  • 3 tablespoons of protective herbs
  • A teaspoon of dirt from your yard
  • Red wine (or even your own urine)

Pour the salt into the jar and say: Salt for purification. 

Add the sewing needles, saying: As I myself sew the threads of my family life, may these needles sew safety around me and mine. 

Place the nails into the jar and say, As the nails in our home pierce the wood to hold our home strong, may these nails pierce all negativity and hold it safely away from us. 

Place the broom straw into the jar and repeat: As the broom in my home sweeps away dirt, so may these straws sweep negativity away from this home and its inhabitants. 

Add the herb and say: (Name of herb/herbs) strengthens this protection charm. 

With the addition of the dirt from your yard say: This soil binds this jar to my home and property. 

Pour in the liquid until the jar is almost completely filled, and it’s covered all of your ingredients. Hold the jar, concentrating on your feelings of protection toward your family, pets, and property, and say: Let this wine (urine) drown all evil that would seek to touch me and mine.

Cap the lid tightly. At this point you can seal the bottle with candle wax if you choose. Add symbols of protection, your family seal, or anything you feel compelled to draw on the lid or the jar itself. When you’re finished, take another few minutes to sit quietly and add your intentions to the jar, then bury it as close as you can to your front door.

*Credit to original author as I found this on pinterest. 
