#kizashi haruno


Back on my bullshit!

Imagine Kizashi judging the Uchihas on how they dad. Shachi and Haruka are floating and judging right along side him.

Kizashi: *side eyeing Fugaku who is comparing Sasuke’s achievements to Itachi again* He realizes he has two different sons right? Like they’re their own person. Sasuke is still a brilliant kid with a bright future career as a shinobi. So what if he isn’t advancing as fast as Itachi, as the old saying goes slow and steady wins the race.

Shachi: *lets out a tired huff* Sadly they get it from Indra.

Haruka: We’re hoping to have that stick mostly out of Sasuke’s ass by the time he realizes he’s in love with Sakura. At least then we can get him trained early on how to dad. Maybe we’ll break the cycle.

Sakura: *pretending not hear but she’s also lowkey judging and plotting on how to train Sasuke to be better for their future children.*

I might start some shit but y'all can’t change my mind on this.

Out of all the fathers on team 7 Kizashi Haruno is the superior father!

I want an every one lives au just so Kizashi can train Minato and Fugaku how to dad properly. Plus I think it would be funny as hell to see the Hokage and the Uchiha clan leader bowing towards a retired shinobi/civilan for knowledge on how to dad.

I stand for Kizashi Haruno supremacy!
