
BONG!! two new tiers on kickstarter - you can now get a copy of the comic ost 10 tracks by @barefoot

BONG!! two new tiers on kickstarter - you can now get a copy of the comic ost 10 tracks by @barefootbobo link in biooo~
#music #ost #cmic #art #musician #kickstarter #indiecomic #komiks #listen #dance #crowdfunding #bong #artist #comicbooks #song #unique #ihatehashtags #hell #happy #live #nature #party #tiktok #newmusic #soundtrack #digital #artbook #ambient #dark #spooky

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klub zin x @barefootbobo x @batabing_bataboom The Fortunate Isle comic book kickstarter launches 7/10, that means tomorrow!! WOW ️️
#kickstarter #kickstartercampaign #crowdfunding #comics #kickstarterproject #art #komiks #kicks #comicbook #island #comicgeek #artist #comics #crowdfundingcampaign #bgg #kickstartercomics #design #illustration #crowdfund #indiecomics #tabletop #startup #kickstagram #playingcards #comicsofinstagram #kicksonfire #dark #apocalypse #endofsummer #endoftheworld

you can do it!! a page from an upcoming comic with @barefootbobo and @batabing_bataboom “The F

you can do it!! a page from an upcoming comic with @barefootbobo and @batabing_bataboom “The Fortunate Isle” ️
#indiecomics #comics #comicbooks #comicart #art #comic #illustration #makingcomics #comicbook #comicbookart #drawing #comicartist #webcomics #webcomic #graphicnovel #comicbookartist #makecomics #indie #comiccollector #indiecomic #artist #comicstrip #komiks #apple #independentcomics #coach #youcandoit #fps #ptt #abc

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love’s a failin? a page from the upcoming comic by @barefootbobo and @batabing_bataboom ❤️ the

love’s a failin? a page from the upcoming comic by @barefootbobo and @batabing_bataboom ❤️ there will be some real fun things coming with this one, ehehe… i can’t wait!
#comic #comics #art #drawing #illustration #cartoon #traditionalart #comicart #artist #comicbooks #manga #comicbook #komiks #draw #komiksy #orginal #artwork #comicstrip #funny #adventure #unicorn #fantasy #love #artistsoninstagram #kickstarter #animal #kickstartercomics #resinart soon :^)))

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added PDF versions of all the books to the store in case you want to read something while staying at

added PDF versions of all the books to the store in case you want to read something while staying at home don’t want to make money off the pandemic, so all proceeds go to polish charity for animals @otwarteklatki stay safe everyone and link in bio!! #comic #comics #art #drawing #illustration #イラスト #digital #digitalart #anime #comicbook #manga #comicart #artist #comicbooks #indiecomics #webcomic #draw #artwork #read #indie #animals #charity #comicstrip #makingcomics #illo #illust #workfromhome #artistsoninstagram #komiks #corvid19

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i found 2 last issues of @ciut.zine at home! up in my store (link in bio) im packing for katowice, s

i found 2 last issues of @ciut.zine at home! up in my store (link in bio) im packing for katowice, see you this weekend!! #indiecomics #comics #comicbooks #comicart #art #illustration #makingcomics #comicbook #comicbookart #comic #komiksy #drawing #indie #graphicnovel #book #igcomicfamily #makecomics #comicbookartist #inking #digitalart #漫画 #anthology #イラスト #artist #webcomic #indiecomic #comiccollector #newcomicbookday #school #komiks

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some pictures from the @fakkrakow festival i organized this saturday!! thank you everyone who came,

some pictures from the @fakkrakow festival i organized this saturday!! thank you everyone who came, i hope you had fun it was super stressful, but also really really amazing. i will work hard to make the next edition a success as well!

#art #festival #illustration #comics #animation #sztuka #festiwal #manga #ilustracja #komiks #komiksy #alternatywne #indie #underground #animacje #animacja #comic #merch #targi #plakaty #poster #design

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the kickstarter is finished ✨ thank you everyone who supported klub zin!! i will start sending out c

the kickstarter is finished ✨ thank you everyone who supported klub zin!! i will start sending out copies tomorrow the dino poster is for my newest project - an alternative comic festival i’m doing in krakow @fakkrakow on the 12th of october!! thank you @nesserdraws for yhe coolest graphic follow FAK for more info

#festivals #festival #music #festivalseason #comicfestival #events #party #comic #komiksy #indiecomics #komiksniezalezny #festiwal #fak #komiks #dinozaur #dino #indie #dinosaur #koncert #panel #animacja #animation #poster #concert #concerts #design #festivallife #adobe #krakow #bhfyp

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@kficc in klub zin! kicksterter still up for 41h tinyurl.com/4klbzin#comic #art #comics #drawing #

@kficc in klub zin! kicksterter still up for 41h tinyurl.com/4klbzin

#comic #art #comics #drawing #illustration #cartoon #sketch #anime #artist #manga #digitalart #indieart #comicart #comicbook #webcomic #comicbooks #draw #funny #fanart #artwork #artistsoninstagram #komiks #comicstrip #doodle #dc #漫画 #webtoon #oc #bhfyp

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@mriyuka for klub zin #4! getvyours at tinyurl.com/4klbzin - 72h left on kickstarter!! #illustrator

@mriyuka for klub zin #4! getvyours at tinyurl.com/4klbzin - 72h left on kickstarter!!

#illustrator #illustration #art #drawing #artist #design #artwork #graphicdesign #sketch #漫画 #photoshop #draw #instaart #designer #painting #creative #artistsoninstagram #comic #komiks #kickstarter #sketchbook #graphic #graphicdesigner #illustrationartists #illustrations #artoftheday #branding #drawings #doodle #bhfyp

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@jlaguff comic in klub zin #4!! get your copy tinyurl.com/4klbzin#books #comic #book #reading #boo

@jlaguff comic in klub zin #4!!
get your copy tinyurl.com/4klbzin

#books #comic #book #reading #bookworm #booklover #anthology #kickstarter #instabook #booknerd #webcomics #love #bookaholic #illust #illo #art #author #booksofinstagram #libri #komiks #komiksy #indiecomic #indieart #libros #library #booklovers #bhfyp

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part 2 of The Fortunate Isle Reading Hour!! watch it in full on kickstarter there are 10 days left and we are at 90%! 90+10=100? YES PLEASE ️✨
#traditionalart #comicart #komiks #kickstarter #digital #animation #ost #reward #artproject #comicbook #not #marvel #dccomics #but #amazing #selfpublish #indiecomic #wow #postmalone #ilikeit #rodeo #lilnasx #apple #endofthefuckingworld #hungry #sisters #idk #anymore #help #pointlesshashtags

#traditionalart    #comicart    #komiks    #kickstarter    #digital    #animation    #reward    #artproject    #comicbook    #marvel    #dccomics    #amazing    #selfpublish    #indiecomic    #postmalone    #ilikeit    #lilnasx    #endofthefuckingworld    #hungry    #sisters    #anymore    #pointlesshashtags    
Paczka rozpakowana :D #newbooks #books #pilipiuk #gołkowski #glencook #starwars #jakubwędrowycz #fab

Paczka rozpakowana :D #newbooks #books #pilipiuk #gołkowski #glencook #starwars #jakubwędrowycz #fabrykasłów #komiks

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Ang Hari ng Tondo. (2021). Made a quick, decent-looking fanart out of the previous warm-up drawing I

Ang Hari ng Tondo. (2021).

Made a quick, decent-looking fanart out of the previous warm-up drawing I did.

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Night and Day. (2021)  Saw Ardie Aquino’s “night time version” of my #Trese fanart

Night and Day. (2021)

  Saw Ardie Aquino’s “night time version” of my #Trese fanart, and I really just had to ask him to do an impromptu collaboration where we combined both pieces into one image!

Here’s Alexandra Trese trying to reason with an enraged Mayari when the night was silenced by a cult, and when she returned a fragment of the Sun stolen from Apolaki.Really happy with how this turned out!

Anyway, stream Trese on #Netflix!#TreseOnNetflix#komiksph#komiks#pinoykomiks

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 Co planuję na nadchodzący rok? Jeśli chodzi o ziny, to w tym roku trzeba będzie trochę przystopować

Co planuję na nadchodzący rok?

Jeśli chodzi o ziny, to w tym roku trzeba będzie trochę przystopować z komiksami autobiograficznymi, bo mam dość dużo innych projektów, na których chcę się skupić. W 2019 miałam niezłe tempo, ale raczej nie zamierzam kontynuować z tak dużą częstotliwością.

Może na Złote Kurczaki będzie coś nowego, ale na razie niech pozostanie owiane mgiełką tajemnicy. Puszczę farbę pewnie przed samym festiwalem. Na KFK chciałabym wypuścić “Omnibusa 2019”, który będzie zbiorkiem wszystkich pasków autobiograficznych z minionego roku – tych publikowanych, ale też nowych, których jeszcze nie widzieliście. To będzie pierwsza moją prawdziwa niezależna „cegła” (zapowiada się ponad 100 stron) i bardzo się tym jaram. Pewnie tradycyjnie będzie też jakieś zin na MFKę, no bo trzeba mieć jakieś standardy, ale na razie nie zdecydowałam jeszcze jaki.

W 2020 roku planuję głównie rysować – długo odkładałam zabranie się za swoje większe projekty, ale już czas najwyższy. W trzecim kwartale siadam do rysowania “Auslandera”, komiksu do scenariusza Bena Dicksona, na który ostatnio dostaliśmy dofinansowanie, po paru latach starań. Do tego czasu planuję robić stuprocentowo swoje rzeczy, przede wszystkim komiks dla Wydawnictwa 23 – przynajmniej na tyle, na ile pozwoli mi projekt robiony ze studiem animacji, który właśnie zaczynamy. Będzie też cała masa drobiazgów, samodzielnych jak i w duetach, ale to będę dawać znać na bieżąco.

Trzymajcie kciuki, żeby mi ręką nie odpadła!

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 Fajnie móc zakończyć 2019 ze świadomością, że się zrobiło naprawdę sporo. Pod względem ilości i jak

Fajnie móc zakończyć 2019 ze świadomością, że się zrobiło naprawdę sporo. Pod względem ilości i jakości zinów to był chyba mój najlepszy rok ever. Ale przede wszystkim był to czas zmian i odnajdywania się w nowym życiu i w nowej rzeczywistości. Komiksy na pewno mi w tym bardzo pomogły. Zaczynałam rok leżąc na kanapie, zatopiona w kreskówkach i bojąca się, że po całym zamieszaniu z premierą “Weź się w garść” zejdą mi długie miesiące, zanim uda się wrócić do komiksów, szczególnie autobio. Tymczasem w marcu narysowałam “Idee fixe” i od tego czasu idzie całkiem nieźle.

W minionym roku nawiązało się sporo współpracy, których efekty będziecie mogli zobaczyć w kolejnych latach. Ktoś chce komiks wydać, ktoś chce żeby mu scenariusz napisać, z kimś robię wspólne komiksy, a niektóre projekty podostawały dofinansowania, umożliwiające wreszcie realizację. Bez szczegółów na razie, bo wiecie, jak jest.

Fajnie było móc odebrać nagrodę PSK. Nigdy wcześniej jakoś nie pomyślałam o sobie, że jestem scenarzystką. A teraz nagle pisze scenariusze dla innych rysowników i przestałam się tego bać.

To był dobry rok, zmiany były potrzebne, chodź niektóre momenty okazały się dla mnie niewyobrażalnie trudne. Ale mam się coraz lepiej, cieszę się przyjaciółmi i pracą, i patrzę z nadzieją na nadchodzący rok. I jaram się nadchodzącymi komiksami!

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Starra was a one-shot episode of Filipino anthology tv show, Wansapanataym, broadcast back in 2002. The long-running show was (and still is) a feel-good mix of fantasy and fairy tales aimed at a family audience, featuring a diverse range of stories told across a variety of genres – including superheroes. The episode in question, Starra, showcased Claudine Barretto as Rosario, a young woman who – when danger appears – has the ability to transform into the titular superheroine.

Although some grainy screen shots have been available online for a while (rescued, thanks to the internet archive, from an early 2000s web forum post), the full episode itself has been missing for 20 years – until now. Jeepney TV, a digital channel owned by Pinoy broadcaster ABS-CBN (who are planning to screen the new Darna tv show later this year) have finally uploaded the full episode to their YouTube channel, free to watch.

The 20 year old episode is a enjoyable, if only for the laughably bad special effects, created on a woefully limited budget in an age when CGI was still beyond the reach of most cheap television. Even without being able to understand the single word of dialogue, the heady mix of serious drama and pantomime-style silliness is endearing, and Barretto is clearly giving it her all as a superheroine, even if her costume is more camp than crimefighter.

If you want to see the whole episode, you can catch it here.

1. Stargirl
2. Krystala
3. Robotrix
4. Andro Mask, from 好き! すき!! 魔女先生 (aka Suki! Suki!! Majo Sensei)
5. Night Hawk, from นางเหยี่ยวรัตติกาล (aka Stang Pikheat or Yiao Rattikan)
6. Mega Myra, from Mega Mindy
7. Black Scorpion
8. Poitrine, from 美少女仮面ポワトリン (aka Bishōjo Kamen Powatorin)
9. Black Rose
10. Dreamer, from Supergirl
11. Devi, from Maharakshak Devi
12. The Bionic Woman
13. Super Ma'am
14. Cat Claw
15. Mighty Liling
16. Batgirl, from Batman
17. Midnight Angel, from Wu ye tian shi
18. Lightning Bolt, from  ไต้ฝุ่นสุดซ่า สายฟ้าจอมกวน (aka The Typhoon, the Lightning Bolt)
19. Yuugen Jikkou Sisters, from 有言実行三姉妹シュシュトリアン
20. Varga
21. Supergirl
22. Lady Black Cat, from 女賊黑野貓 (aka The Wild Black Cat)
23. Princess Ruby, from Panji Manusia Millenium
24. Tiara, from GMA Telesine Specials
25. Wonder Girl, from Wonder Woman
26. Janet Bin, from 飛女正傳 (aka Fly With Me)
27. Bijli, from Ssshhhh…Koi Hai
28. Super Twins
29. Wildcat, from Stargirl
30. Masked Belle Florence, from 美少女戦麗舞(セレブ)パンシャーヌ~奥様はスーパーヒロイン!  (aka Socialite Belle Panchanne: The Wife Is a Superheroine!)
31. Cybergirl
32. Killer Frost, from The Flash
33. Captain Barbie, from Daig Kayo Ng Lola Ko
34. Mysterious Nile Girl Thutmose, from 不思議少女ナイルなトトメス (aka Fushigi Shōjo Nairu na Totomesu)
35. Queen Maeve, from The Boys
36. Red Heroine, from 红侠 (aka Hong Xia)
37. Saras, from Saras 008
38. Gadis Bionik
39. The Greatest American Heroine
40. Incredible Mama, from 我阿媽係黑玫瑰
41. Darna
42. Supermak
43. Isis, from The Secrets of Isis
44. Alpha Omega Girl, from Komiks
45. Serpent Girl, from एक अनोखी रक्षक नागकन्या (aka Naagkanya Ek Anokhi - Rakshak)
46. Starlight, from The Boys
47. Wonder G, from สาวน้อยมหัศจรรย์ (Wonder G)
48. Supergirl Manohara
49. Anonymous Fighter, from ยย์อดมนุษดาบเทวดา (aka Yot Manut Dap Thewada)
50. Wonder Woman, from The New Original Wonder Woman

#superhero    #superheroine    #comics    #comicbooks    #komiks    

The Filipino anthology tv series Daig Kayo Ng Lola Ko is no stranger to superheroines. The family orientated series runs a number of different stories each season, some re-imaginings of classic fairy tales, and some borrowing from modern genres like comicbooks. Captain Barbie is an example of the latter; a four episode tale that focuses on a superheroine – but a superheroine with a secret… She is a man in her everyday identity.


Actor, presenter, and model Barbie FortezaplaysCaptain Barbie (the name cashing in on the lead’s fame on primetime and social media, apparently), a pink-clad heroine with a bubbly personality and a zero-tolerance attitude towards local crime gangs. Captain Barbie can fly, deflect bullets with her wrists, fire energy blasts from her hands, and summon a staff that she throws to knock down opponents. That same staff can also transform her from and to her secret identity of Bruce Dimagiba(Jeric Gonzales), an everyday police officer who struggles to take on the same villains that his pink alter ego tackles with ease.


This isn’t the first time that the Philippines has dabbled with mixing superheroines and sex changing. ZsaZsa Zaturnnah is a comicbook that sees a gay beautician find a magic rock that transforms him into an amazonian superwoman. The character is unashamedly a camp spoof on the popular superheroine Darna, and was popular enough to be given a 2006 movie filled with flamboyant characters and revealing costumes. Captain Barbie, by comparison, is a much tamer take on gender and superheroes, deliberately pitching at an audience that includes young children.


A lot of the humour initially comes from Bruce coming to terms with suddenly learning he can transform into a super powered female, then later episodes shift to a tricky romantic triangle between Bruce/Barbie and two of his fellow police officers – one female, one male – who are unaware of his dual identity. Comic relief is also provided by an over-the-top pantomime villain, Goldino(Thou Reyes), who is part ‘gangsta’ and part Adam West Batmanvillain.


All episodes are up to view on the GMA Network’s web site, for anyone who is curious. Daig Kayo Ng Lola Ko doesn’t appear to be too fond of sequels, so this may be the only time we can enjoy the ultra-pink delights of Captain Barbie. But who knows, if the character is popular enough then maybe she might return in some form or other.
