#korea unification


If yesterday the idea of North and South Korea coming together was something out of a wild fictional dream, today we can claim it’s a project with solid foundations. The two countries have now better chances of a sweeter future than a decade or so ago.

Now imagine Seoul and Pyongyang are part of the same borders in the next future; what is going to happen? There are great opportunities in the unification process, starting from the humanitarian side which will bring adequate infrastructure and well being to millions of people.

The other set of opportunities will come in the shape of commercial venues, where large Korean brands will have their say first. Samsung, LG, KIA, Hyundai, will be the very first brand to invade North Korea because the mobile and car industry are going to reshape the country.

Cellphones and cars are the two examples of units which have high scalability, thus they yield to large population chunks with great sale opportunities. Millions of North Koreans are ready to become the next market target of different corporations, starting from those in Seoul.

Here we will have to see how Apple reacts to this shift, but unless they anticipated a great deal of moves there’s the risk of manufacturing and sale opportunities being left out. This will seriously impact Apple’s hegemony in the years to come.

Pyongyang will become the new manufacturing territory to employ those who will build the next Korean technological wave, but also from other countries too. It will be the new labor capital taking high production volumes, directly competing with China.

At the same time China will evolve with new challenges. By the time North and South Korea will be one country again, things will be different in Beijing. China will replace their labor force with Artificial Intelligence governing robots, thus creating the next wave of ultra cheap labor.

All this will represent the Asian booming of the Industry 4.0 age, which will revolutionize the way we understand production, automation, and the future relations that will come with. An upcoming social, cultural, and economical shift is within reach and it has already happened.

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