#korean lockscreen


- 부 - 떼 부

Division / Part

Example in main pic:

分 - 대분 - Most

- 분 - 나눌 분

Division / Part / Minute

Example in main pic:

- - Minute

- 다 - 많을 다

Many / Most / All

Example in main pic:

樣 - 양 - Variety / Diversity

- 수 - 셀 수


Example in main pic:

- 다 - Majority

- 전 - 온전할 전

Whole / all

Example in main pic:

部 - 부 - All parts

Source :https://www.howtostudykorean.com/hanja-unit-1-lessons-1-20/hanja-lesson-17/


(you can ignore this. Here’s your ignore-this permission-slip. Don’t drop it)

So… Hello. I usually don’t comment on these because they feel big enough already, but whatever. I’m clearly trying out different ways of visualizing things so I hope you don’t mind the inconsistencies. Feel free to tell me if there’s a style you prefer (and why it’s better for your learning?), but you’re not my boss so no promises. No promises to my boss either for that matter.

Anyway, I’m also making a couple pics here and there kind of Black Lives Matter-y and you can’t stop me, but it does mean that I don’t necessarily use the most recognizible words for the Hanja? (Like for 수 the most obvious one is obviously “math - 수학”) You’re just gonna have to live with that.

Also I really appreciate likes and reblogs? It’s pretty motivating, but I’m not your boss either so just do your thing.

(this is why I don’t comment things here. I ramble. Stay safe out there. Bye)

Meaning - Place / Location

Korean syllable - 장

Korean name - 마당 장

Meaning - Room

Korean syllable - 실

Korean name - 집 실

Meaning - Food

Korean syllable - 식

Korean name - 밥 식

Meaning - Land / Earth

Korean syllable - 지

Korean name - 땅 지

Meaning - Area / Region / Side

Korean syllable - 방

Korean name - 모 방


Meaning - Public / Shared / Equal

Korean syllable - 공

Korean name - 공평할 공


園 - 원 - Public park

主人 - 주인 - Hero, Leading role in a story

主 - 주 - Princess

Meaning - City

Korean syllable - 시

Korean name - 저자 시


民 - 민 - Citizen

內 - 내 - Downtown

- 도 - City

Meaning - District / Division

Korean syllable - 구

Korean name - 지경 구


民 - 민 - Inhabitants of a district

域 - 역 - Area / District

龍山 - 용산 - Yongsan-gu / Yongsan district. One of the 25 districts in Seoul. (pictured)

Meaning - Neighborhood

Korean syllable - 동

Korean name - 골 동


內 - 내 - Inside a neighborhood

口 - 동 - The entrance to a neighborhood

梨泰院 - 이태원 - Itaewon-dong / Itaewon neighborhood. A neighborhood in Yongsan-gu. (pictured)

Meaning - Combine / Unite

Korean syllable - 합

Korean name - 합할 합


- 통 - Integration

- 단 - Unity, Solidarity

意 - 의 - Agreement

Source :https://www.howtostudykorean.com/hanja-unit-1-lessons-1-20/hanja-lesson-14/

Meaning - First

Korean syllable - 선

Korean name - 먼저 선


生님 - 생님 - Teacher (님 doesn’t have Hanja)

着順 - 착순 - First come first served / order of arrival

- 우 - First, above all, preference, special treatment


청바지 - Jeans

바텐더 - Bartender

스웨터 - Sweater

사업가 - Businessman (removed picture after correction by @chrissy-notes. Picture said 사업기)

은행원 - Bank clerk

고용주 - Employer

동업자 - Business partner

회계사 - Accountant

노동자 - Worker, labourer

(Sorry if I’ve posted these already. My files got mixed up)

녹다 - To melt

탑승권 - Boarding pass

절벽 - Precipice, sheer cliff

빨강 - Red

하양 - White

노랑 - Yellow

피망 - Pimento, Bell pepper

근대 - A beet

연령대 - Age group

소시지 - A sausage

살라미 - Salami

닭 날개 튀김 - Chicken wings (닭 - Chicken, 날개 - Wings, 튀기다 - To fry/deep-fry)

칠면조 가슴 구이 - (Grilled) Turkey breast (칠면조 - Turkey, 가슴 - Chest/breast, 굽다 - To roast, grill)

스폰지 - Sponge

두통 - A headache

욕조 - A bath/bathtub

해변 - Seashore, beach, coast

감자 튀김 - Fries (감자 - Potato, 튀기다 - To fry/deep-fry)

설날 - New Year’s Day

종이 접기 - Origami (종이 - Paper, 접다 - To fold (up))

베트남 - Vietnam

삼계탕 - Ginseng chicken broth

까치 - A magpie

영웅 - A hero

싱크대 - A sink

수건 - A towel

마늘 - Garlic

얼다 - To freeze

뿌리 - Root (both plant and origin)

부엉이 - Owl, A Korean scops owl

밀가루 - Wheat flour

이불 - A quilt, bedding

담요 - A blanket

하룻날 - The first day of a month

재채기 - A sneeze, sneezing

선원 - A sailor, member of the ship’s crew

임신하다 - To become pregnant, conceive

지중해 - The Mediterranean

비용 - Expense, cost

새벽 - Dawn, daybreak

낚시 - Fishing

상수리 - An acorn

벼랑 - A cliff

논 - A rice paddy

목걸이 - A necklace

메추라기 - A quail

개똥벌레 - Firefly, glow worm (개똥 means ‘dog poop’ but I don’t if that’s related to the word itself)

백조 - A swan

감초 - Licorice (Also means 'indispensable’ which I personally think is very fitting)

대머리 독수리 (대머리수리) - Vulture (Literally 'bald eagle’)

간호사 - A nurse

각다귀 - A gnat

딱정벌레 - A beetle

바닷가재 - A lobster (바닷가 - Beach)

전구 - Light bulb

콘센트 - Outlet

재채기 - A sneeze

멀리 - Far away, distant

건너편 - The opposite / other side

계단 - Stairs / Staircase

자벌레 - Inchworm

결정하다 - To decide (upon)

독수리 - Eagle

모피코트 - Fur coat

멜빵바지 - Overalls

비옷 - Rain clothes/coat

팔찌 - Bracelet

왕관 - Diadem, crown

반바지 - Shorts

가죽 재킷 - Leather jacket

파카 - Parka

해군 - Sailor, navy

자랑스럽다 - To be proud

노동자 - Worker, laborer

겁나다 - To be scared, frightened

믿음 - Belief

은발 머리 - Grey hair (은 - Silver, 머리 - Hair)

야회용 드레스 - Evening dress (야회 - An evening party, ball, 용 - for (the use of))

턱수염 - Beard (턱 - Jaw, chin)

콧수염 - Moustache (콧 = 코 = Nose)

색소 결핍 - Albino (색소 - Pigment shortage)

드시다 - To eat/drink. (polite version of 먹다/마시다)

연두색 - Light green

수영장 - Swimming pool

적 - Experience (ex. 부산에 가 본 적 있어요? Have you been to Busan?)

도와주다 - To help someone do something, lend a hand

희박한 - Rare (the animal is a Saiga antelope, they’re awesome (and critically endangered))

재료 - Ingredient

매미 - Cicada

곤충 - Insect (Ladybug is 무당벌레)

거리 - Road, street

바닥 - A floor, surface

심장 - Heart (anatomical)

맘 (마음) - Heart (emotional), mind

집들이 - Housewarming

첫- - First

게시하다 - To notify (계시하다 is to reveal)

대황 - Rhubarb

존경하다 - To respect

코뿔소 - Rhinoceros

자리 - A seat

계피 - Cinnamon

헤드셋 - Headset

헤드폰 - Headphones

가치 - Value

곶감 - Dried Persimmon

책장 - Bookshelf

짜장면 - Jjajangmyeon (Chinese noodles)

손님 - Guest

원주율 - Pi

야구 - Baseball

침팬지 - Chimpanzee

박쥐 - A bat

멧돼지 - Wild boar

수탉 - Rooster

암사자 - Lioness

원숭이 - Monkey

초대하다 - To invite to, be host to

시금치 - Spinach

냉동장치 - Freezer

자물쇠 - A lock

화장지 - Toilet paper, paper towel

거울 - Mirror

약물치료 - Medication

면도칼 - Razor. 면도 - Shaving. 칼 - Knife

치약 - Toothpaste

신도 - Shinto. (A believer = 불교신도 - Buddhist)

궁수 - Archer

마술 - Magic, Tricks

전통 - Tradition

칫솔 - Toothbrush

겉옷 - Outerwear

저장 - Storage

후라이팬 - Frying pan

넣다 - To put in

참기름 - Sesame oil

일기 - Diary

목도리 - Scarf

공작 - Peacock

짹짹 - Chirp, tweet (sound a bird makes)

먹이 - Feed, prey

주름 - Wrinkles

스끄럽다 - To be noisy

면도 - Shaving

하누카 - Hanukkah

천칭 - Balance

전갈 - Scorpion

해변 - Beach

동화책 - Children’s book

그릇 - Bowl, container

접시 - Plate, dish

반찬 - Side dish

과자 - Snacks, Confectionery

뱀 - Snake

거북이 - Turtle

악어 - Crocodile, alligator

옥수수 - Corn

도마뱀 - Lizard

깃발 - A flag / banner

어둡다 - To be dark

캥거루 - Kangaroo

기르다 - To bring up, raise, cultivate

영원 - Newt (eternity)

황소 - Bull

칠면조 - Turkey

비둘기 - Pidgeon / dove

까마귀 - Crow / raven

바다표범 - Seal (바다 - Ocean, 표범 - Leopard, panther)

문어 - Octopus

인형 - Plushie, doll, puppet, figure

모래 - Sand

다리 - Bridge

표범 - Leopard, panther

웜뱃 - Wombat

에뮤 - Emu

두루미 - Crane

코알라 - Koala

창턱 - Windowsill

경치 - Landscape, view, scenery

우뢰 - (우레, 천둥) - Thunder

썰다 - To chop

오리너구리 - Platypus (오리 - Duck, 너구리 - Tanuki/Raccoon dog)

가오리 - Stingray

오징어 - Squid

해파리 - Jellyfish

애벌레 - Larva, caterpillar

역 - Station (지하철역 - Subway station)
