#kylo ren imagina


Kylo Ren x Original Female Character
[part i] |[part ii] |[part iv] |[masterlist]


I mumbled to myself as I hid behind a smaller dune right next to their ships where nobody would be able to see me, but it was true, there were way too many. They outnumbered the small number of inhabitants this tiny village had. Stormtroopers were still running out of their squadrons, there had to be at least 100 of them, shooting at everything and everyone. I could hear the mechanically distorted radio commands, but I couldn’t understand anything.
What was I supposed to do? How could I save Enoka before they got to her and the children?

Red lasers lit up the blue night sky, sparks ignited their little huts, houses and tents, crates and other things started to explode and Troopers with flamethrowers were setting everything else on fire to encourage the residents to leave the burning remains of their homes.
I panicked and looked for Enoka and the kids, but I couldn’t find her, I couldn’t find anything but white shiny armour and red lasers in the darkness, nothing but pain and death. But there was something else.

There was a man in the middle of all of this. He seemed old, short white hair covered the top of his head and face and his dark brown, long coat fluttered behind him while he walked through this mess.
The scenario seemed so surreal, he just aimlessly wandered through them and for a short amount of time it almost seemed like they didn’t even see him. I was distracted when suddenly blue lasers began shooting back at them from the darkness and some stormtroopers started to fall.

Someone was attacking them back! There was hope for me, this was a good distraction to be able to run over to Enoka’s hut and save them, nobody would see me. I grabbed the gun from my left leg and reloaded. When I was just about to run, I heard something else. Something loud from above. A wind got up and from the grey fog that surrounded the village and the sky emerged a huge black impressive ship. ‘Holy fucking shit.# I mumbled.
This was a black Upsilon-class command shuttle, I remembered these things too from back in the day. The wind got up even more when the shuttle began folding its wings upward to achieve the form of a huge TIE-fighter and landed with a loud crash.

The ramp started opening and I took the chance to run and hide right underneath of the half-see-through metal right before four stormtroopers lined the sides of it to guard whoever was going get off of this ship. There were some more loud hissing sounds and then suddenly I could feel that someone was walking right above me, making their way down the ramp.
I couldn’t see much more than a black cloak, but when I looked past them I could see that the remaining villagers were being captured and placed next to each other right next to their squadrons to my left, but I still couldn’t see Enoka anywhere. Had she been able to hide from them?
The black figure marched down and walked towards the old man that had now been captured by two troopers. They roughly brought him towards the black figure, forcing him to stand right in front of him when he stopped. Should I do something? Should I intervene? How?
I couldn’t possibly win against this mass of enemies, it would be suicide to try and help the man, who was after all still a stranger to me.

The troopers that were holding the man let go of him and stepped back, leaving the man facing the black figure alone. ‘Look how old you’ve become.’ 
The black figure’s voice was deep and metallic, he was probably wearing a helmet that was distorting his voice. ‘Something far worse has happened to you.’ The old man didn’t seem scared, his voice was strong and low. ‘You know what I’ve come for.’
What was this all about? I let my eyes wander over the crowd, the village and the surrounding dunes again. Where was Enoka? ‘I know where you come from. Before you called yourself ‘Kylo Ren’.’ Kylo Ren?!
My eyes snapped back to the cloaked man. Not only had I seen this man before, he wasn’t just any regular captain or anything. Kylo Ren was the commander of the First Order! I remembered him from a speech that he had held a long time ago before we invaded some planet, I couldn’t fully remember. Where he came from before he called himself Kylo Ren, what was this guy talking about?

‘The map to Skywalker. We know you’ve found it.’ Ren started circling the old man and now I recognised his signature silver and black mask, the dark uniform and coat. ‘And now you’re going to give it to the First Order.’
The old man still didn’t seem intimidated. ‘The First Order rose from the Dark Side. You did not.’ WHAT?
I was even more confused than before, this didn’t make sense at all! Ren served Supreme Leader Snoke as we all did. He, General Hux and my old Captain, Captain Phasma were the general leaders of the First Order, and as far as I’d known, Ren had always been on this side. ‘I’ll show you the Dark Side.’ Ren circling the old man and now stood right in front of him. ‘You may try. But you cannot deny the truth that is your family.’
Ren hesitated and leaned in a bit closer, still talking loud enough so that everyone could hear him. ‘You’re so right.’
From one moment to the other he had drawn and ignited his huge red crossguard-lightsaber, dramatically held it up high above his head and then quickly swung it down to decapitate the man.

I was in shock as I saw the blood of the supposedly innocent man splatter on the yellow sand, but it didn’t last long when suddenly another blue laser emerged from the darkness behind Ren and the troopers aimed directly at Ren himself, but he turned around and stopped the beam in mid-air and the Stormtroopers caught the guy that had tried to shoot him. The force.
I’d never seen someone use it myself, I’d only heard or read about it. As I gazed in amazement I, all of a sudden, felt someone else walk down the ramp I was hidden under. I instinctively ducked down to hide from whoever was exiting the ship, but I was once again struck with flashbacks as I recognised the shiny silver armour and the long legs.
Captain Phasma walked down the ramp and approached Ren. I hadn’t seen her in so long, there used to be times in which we knew each other, we fought together and I had almost made it to the same level that she was. Some would’ve even considered us to be some sort of 'friends’ since I’d been one of the few people that had seen her without her mask on. She probably thought of me as a traitor too if she even remembered me nowadays.

I shook my head in embarrassment and turned it to the left, where I saw Oswald sticking his head out from behind a smaller dune that was located just behind the captured villagers. I immediately snuck out behind the troopers’ backs and ran towards it.
A look over my shoulder showed me, that the young gunman had been brought up to Ren, kicked to his knees and Ren had crouched down and was saying something to him. He was probably going to kill this guy too. I continued running and looked back once more just before I arrived at the dune. The guy had been dragged to his feet again and Ren was towering over him.

‘Sir, the villagers.’ Phasma came up right behind Ren. ’Kill them all.’ I reached the dune and ducked behind it, immediately seeing Oswald, but I couldn’t see Enoka or Lily anywhere.
‘On my command: 5…’
‘Zara, oh my god you’re alive!’ Oswald ran towards me to hug me and I turned my head back towards the crowd. ‘Oz, where are your mom and your sister?’ 
My eyes scanned the crowd again and all of a sudden I recognised Lily’s red hair and saw Enoka standing behind her. ‘The-they’re there!’ ‘Listen. I’m going to go get them, you run back to my ship, you know how to get it started, I’ll be there in no time, we’re going to get out of here!’ I didn’t wait for his response, my mind blacked out completely and I started running towards the back of the crowd hidden behind the troopers and the people so the attackers couldn’t see me.
‘STOP!’ I suddenly heard the loud scream of the young girl in the crowd. I reached the left side of the crowd and saw that Lily had stepped forward and was now standing only metres away from Ren, Phasma and the other man, out in the open. ‘DON’T KILL US, PLEASE!’ she desperately screamed. Phasma stopped counting down and everybody looked at the little girl. ‘PLEASE DON’T!’ I saw Phasma hesitate for a second and then lifting her gun, pointing it at Lily. I was just about 2 metres away from them when I heard her gun fire.

‘NOOOO!’ I screamed as loud as I could, reaching out to Lily as I heard the laser shoot through the air. Then, abruptly, everything froze. The dark red laser stopped in mid-air, and I heard nothing but my own scream. What?
Lily struggled when I shoved her behind me and I quickly glanced at the crowd of people behind me that were all staring at me in disbelief before I turned back around. Phasma, Ren and all the Troopers, everyone was staring at me.
My tears were blurring my vision and my green hair was falling into my eyes, but as I looked at Ren and Phasma I noticed that my right hand was still up in the air, holding the laser in place. I was doing this.
There was no more time to react, I quickly turned my hand and shot the laser straight back in the direction it had come from, turned around and pushed the troopers behind us back to let them soar through the air and land several metres away from us in the sand.

We used the stirred up sand and the confusion to grab Lily and Enoka and quickly maneuver us through the fleeing crowd, running back towards the house and my ship. I had done that. Me. We heard several shots behind us that were meant to hit us, and then a lot more that weren’t. The villagers, we could hear their screams of pain.
‘I’m sorry that we couldn’t save all of them, guys, there was no way…’ I stated as we reached the house while tears were streaming down my face. ‘I’m so sorry.’
They didn’t react, they were probably both in shock, and I simply shoved them behind the house and into Aurora where his Oswald was busy starting the engine. I saw some troopers running up behind us, slammed the door shut behind me and took over the starting process while the reunited family hugged and kissed.

Flipping several switches and pressing buttons I managed to finally get the engine to start and was just about to head off when something hit the back of my ship that sent sparks flying through the entire room. ‘They’re shooting at us!’ I shouted and shoved Enoka towards the steering wheel. ‘You steer and I’ll fix it, I trust you!’ She took over immediately and I ran back to inspect the damage the Troopers had made on the back of my ship.
As Aurora rose and sped up forwards I saw the small hole in the back wall of my ship and dropped to my knees to fix it. Looking through, I could see two troopers behind the ship, gun in hand, and then, without warning, one of the troopers shot at us again.

Suddenly, it was like everything was happening in slow motion. I pushed the kids out of the way towards their mother and tried to dodge the laser myself but it was too late. The last thing I remember was an excruciating pain in my left shoulder and then everything went black.
