#l lawliet

“Light waited for a long time for his real life to start, for something to fall out of the sky and make the world worth living in, living for, but it never happened. He looks out of the window now and wonders why it seems only he has to survive with the emptiness of life in his head.”

Perfectly Hollow by Silver Pard [T, 3k]

not sexy ftm L no never that

Lawlight moodboard i made for fun


he left marks

l/light | 2.3k | college au

[read on ao3]

day 31 : friend @deathnotetober

“You think humans are like that to other humans? Leaving marks?” L asked.

“Of course. But not in the same way. It’s just…why am I explaining this to you? We’re not stone stacks, idiot.”

In which L and Light playing their usual game in the abandoned building Light seemed to be very familiar with.

My second (and last) entry for deathnotetober. I lost a bit of my interest on this bc that’s what you get when you procrastinate for weeks. Anyway! Though there’s not really college, they’re friends who know they’re in love with each other but just being a complete piece of shits abt it. Enjoy <3

Also happy birthday L! Here’s my birthday present, I make you fucking happy.


@deathnotetober 2021: Betrayal + Toy

“I’ve outgrown you.”


@deathnotetober Day 30: Friend. Based off of a panel from the Deathnote Manga! Also I know L was prob just saying this as a test for Light or something but- it was real to me


title: by the hand of god
prompt: execution
characters: light yagami, l lawliet
cws // death

l lawliet collapsed to the ground like a ragdoll.

even though light knew he had written the name, something about it didn’t seem real.

a bolt of sharp pain coursed through his chest like fire.

it would have been easier if l hadn’t mouthed the words.

i love you, light.


title: strangely he feels at home (in this place)
prompt: friend
characters: light yagami, l lawliet
cws // none

l lawliet had never had a home in his life.

all he had ever had was wammy’s house and the Place Before. they didn’t speak of that.

so light could forgive him for the way he flinched when his hand met l’s face for the first time in his life.


Day 18 and 27: “Heart” and “Betrayal”



full version under the cut

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Day 31: Relight

Happy birthday L! This is very…House of Usher esque, that’s all I can say. Inspired by the graveyard scene from the Relight movie, perhaps what could have happened if L hadn’t exactly gone into that great beyond yet. 

This has been such great fun, I’ll mis deathnotetober:’)

If you want to read more of my writing, check out my ao3 under the same pen name: <a href=“https://archiveofourown.org/users/d3adendsinmymind” rel=“nofollow”>TEXT</a>


The sun broke from the clouds, shining directly on the gold looming cross, almost shining a spotlight on where the dead slept.

Ryuk was the first to notice.

Light couldn’t catch his breath, the endorphins were running rampant, crushing any of the despair he felt and twisting it into a sick sense of victory. He had won, he had won!  

“Erm, Light-o? I think-”

Loose bangs lay in front of his eyes, marring his vison, loose hairs swept across his face, which was almost torn into a smile.  

“Nothing left to say?” he gasped out, filled with a holy sense of justice. This was even better than when he had scribbled the false prophets name upon his pages. This was real, this was something tangible that he could hold. This was victory and it couldn’t have tasted sweeter.  

Sweet like honeyed sugar, crystalized on cherries. Sweeter than L’s kisses-

Perhaps if Light hadn’t been speaking in tongues to his lost lover, maybe he would have noticed the dangerous rumble of thunder sounding overhead.

He didn’t even notice when Ryuk flapped away in a frenzy. The shinigami had seen something like this before, and he hoped to never see it again.

Poor Light-o.

He didn’t notice anything amiss, until of course there was nothing left to do about it.

He drew in a long breath, preparing to let out one more deafening cackle that sounded a bit like a sob, when-

Cold, clammy fingers wrapped around his wrist.

A hand, pale as milk and almost translucent, had emerged from the dirt.

The laugh died in his throat, as well as the beginning of a scream.

His eyes widened.

Time froze for a millisecond, the clock ticked on regardless of his horror, however.

Light’s mind was as blank as the walls of the silent room in an asylum.  

L had come to gather up his birthday present.

It only took a second, Light’s numbers spun above his head until the tally reached zero.

And then, he was gone.

The earth had swallowed him whole.

And then there was silent. Peace. A reverent whisper heard by no one but the crow, who cawed over the loss of the moon.

There were no stars in the night sky that night, only reflections of headstones in the foggy grey clouds.  


Day 30: Friend


the advantages of being top score students xd


trueffelmaiden: Vent art for @deathnotetober Day 29 “Execution”


Vent art for @deathnotetober Day 29 “Execution”

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trueffelmaiden: Quick sketch for @deathnotetober Day 30 Friend.I think they were both pretty lonely


Quick sketch for @deathnotetober Day 30 Friend.

I think they were both pretty lonely children :(

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Killer Friends


Day 30: Friend


NSFW warning (slight, but it’s there under the cut)

L and Light muse over their friendship. Or, lack thereof.


His friend.

His ‘friend.’

Ha! That had been a funny one.

The look on Light’s face when he had announced such a seemingly mundane comment had been worth the previous irritation of Matsuda forgetting his hot chocolate. The way that his eyebrows had rose almost imperceivably, the tiny almost unnoticeable flinch, the way his plush rose lips had dropped just so-it had been perfect.

Friends? Of course not.

L Lawliet did not do ‘friends.’ Never mind the fact that he was a recluse, never mind that he was a twenty-five-year-old man.

He was a detective. And not just a ‘damn good one.’ No, no, not even that covered the extent of his legacy. He was the L, he was known all over the world, he was the one man alive who could bring anyone to justice no matter how far they ran or tried in vain to hide. He was L, he was a title, an image, a persona of righteousness. He had much more pressing matters to worry about.

And even if he hadn’t had this level of responsibility, he wouldn’t need friends anyway. L just….well, he didn’t like people. And he didn’t think that was a bad thing.

What was there to like?

People were strange creatures, almost alien even though he himself was one. He had studied what made these beings tick all of his life, and though he understood the basic mechanics, he would never take the time to get to know an individual person.

It would just be a waste of time. A dreary, sad dead end.  

People lied. They lied and hurt and betrayed those who they claimed to love. They were callous and cold when the moon shone, and then bright and cheery while crossing their claws behind their backs. L trusted Watari, that was about it, and that was only because he was his father figure and the only person who had ever looked out for him without fail.

Hm, without fail? L would have to revise that statement. Watari definitely had his moments. Still…..he trusted the old man. Mostly.  

L had quite a negative opinion of humanity, they could all go to hell and burn and he probably wouldn’t even bat an eyelid as long as he still had a slice of strawberry cheesecake on his plate at lunchtime.  

And if L were to start venturing out into the sociable world and conducting normalcies such as ‘friends’, there was no way Yagami Light would ever be his friend. Not perfect little Light. Not pristine, popular, pretty as a peach Light, with all of his put-on airs and graces. Light was someone who was pretty to look at if you were standing ten yards away, he was not someone anyone ‘knew.’ If anyone thought they did, well, L had some quite sour news for them. Like telling a child Santa wasn’t really real.

The easter bunny and the tooth fairy were myths, and so was Yagami Light.

He wore the skin of a human, but his blood and brains and beating heart were borne of true hate.  

L saw this and knew this because he was the same way. Him and Light wore their disguises together, Light’s was just a bit more obvious. L hid his behaviors, his unkempt and morally reprehensible ones, but never his true purposes and intents. He was L, and he was not a nice man to invite over for tea.

When he told Light he was his friend, mostly, it was quaint manipulation for the sitting ducks in chairs known as the Task Force. Soichiro had looked so pleased that his son had made friends with the world’s most important detective that it had almost made L sick.  

Light had seen through his pretty words, or at least, he hoped he had been smart enough to. He knew that Light didn’t want to be his friend either.

They didn’t want friendship; they wanted a war.

Maybe…something more?

Friends didn’t hate like they did.

Friends didn’t understand like they did.

Friends didn’t…love how they did.  

Whatever L felt for Light, it went way beyond the boundaries of an acceptable friendship.

Hell, this was probably the most fucked up relationship he had ever been a part of, full stop.

But then, why did it mean so much?  

Light couldn’t be his friend. He didn’t want a shallow, kiddie pool feeling, he didn’t want surface level smiles and soft polite laughs. He wanted this to hurt, he wanted to bleed. He wanted to win, and he wanted his prize to be worth something.

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Ko-Fi commissionFor  5percentkira and  faded-smiles Light is often depicted with wings to suit his dKo-Fi commissionFor  5percentkira and  faded-smiles Light is often depicted with wings to suit his d


For  5percentkira and  faded-smiles

Light is often depicted with wings to suit his delusions of grandeur, which I find rather fitting as L observes him like a particularly interesting specimen pinned to a board.

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commission me on ko-fi so I can also buy irresponsibly sweet tea

commission me on ko-fi so I can also buy irresponsibly sweet tea

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Road trips & naps

(I have this idea that the Wammy boys went on a road trip and went absolutely unhinged with disposable cameras so this is part of the results) (Also Light has longish hair now, I don’t make the rules)
