#label it properly


For the love of… pre-slash is not the same as pre-relationship! It’s specific to slash, a.k.a. m|m pairings!

Damian/Anya is not pre-slash unless you’ve made a very specific change to one of the characters! If you’re just writing pre-relationship, they’re so cute with their crushes, that’s pre-relationship. Hell, you can even label it pre-het if it’s important to you to be specific! But pre-slash it is not.

And another thing! If you’re writing ANY RELATIONSHIP that is NOTROMANTIC,the proper form is ____&____ or ______+______ NOT ____/_____! The forward slash is for romantic relationships and romantic relationships ONLY! People will not read whatever explanatory tag you add after. They see that /, they go straight to ‘romantic’ and your fic has been effectively blacklisted.
