#write what you want



When reading fanfic keep in mind that for professional literature: 

  • Short story: under 7,500
  • Novelette: between 7,500 and 17,500
  • Novella: between 17,500 and 40,000
  • Novel: over 40,000

Fics over 40k are literally a novel written and shared for free.  If you have written a 40k+ fic, you have literally written a novel.

For the love of… pre-slash is not the same as pre-relationship! It’s specific to slash, a.k.a. m|m pairings!

Damian/Anya is not pre-slash unless you’ve made a very specific change to one of the characters! If you’re just writing pre-relationship, they’re so cute with their crushes, that’s pre-relationship. Hell, you can even label it pre-het if it’s important to you to be specific! But pre-slash it is not.

And another thing! If you’re writing ANY RELATIONSHIP that is NOTROMANTIC,the proper form is ____&____ or ______+______ NOT ____/_____! The forward slash is for romantic relationships and romantic relationships ONLY! People will not read whatever explanatory tag you add after. They see that /, they go straight to ‘romantic’ and your fic has been effectively blacklisted.






If u want to write a story about a character that’s just you but hotter with a dark twisted backstory and magical powers and a pet falcon or something, I think u should just go ahead and do that. Who’s gonna stop you? The government?? Fuck the police.

What if someone barges in, points at said character and scream, “Mary Sue!”

Tell them to come back with a warrant

This post came across my dash again and now I am having an absolute blast with self insert hotter me that gets the girls and guys everywhere.

This is the Way
