
A friend from my Virgina gaming days came up to Pittsburgh to visit a while back, bringing his absolA friend from my Virgina gaming days came up to Pittsburgh to visit a while back, bringing his absol

A friend from my Virgina gaming days came up to Pittsburgh to visit a while back, bringing his absolutely MASSIVE Space Wolves army with him. He wanted to use one of the cool tables at Legions Hobbies in the North Hills area of Pittsburgh to take a group shot before we did a huge 4500 point battle (back in 7th edition).

He put together a solid list of space wolves with admech support and THREE knight titans. Unfortunately for me, my main guard army was stuck in my girlfriend’s car miles away so I had to go super unbound and throw together everything I could from what was left at my apartment that day. I think all told it was:
-all of my Deathwatch
-a contingent of all the gaurd armor/artillery/air support I could throw together
-some inquistion
-a few squads of Lamenters

Needless to say I was flattened but did have a few highlighted moments of brillance including:

- My Shadowsword, to the “Righteous Bastard” knotching two more Titan kills to it’s growing tally (kept track of on the side of the turret)

- The last remaining member of kill team Cassius (the Raven Guard, Edryc Setorax) killing two space Wolf termis and Ajax Rockfist over two turns of combat.

- My Deathwatch Watchmaster, Asenrar of the Sons of Orar, goading Bellerius Cawl into a a single combat challenge. He put a single wound on him while taking none (somehow). He then failed his leadership check for losing combat and broke and the watchmaster was actually able to run him down, shoving his guardian spear up cawls metallic ass!

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