

My mood is a lot better and I actually feel like a person again. I even left my room and spoke to actual humans last night.

Lesson learned: take your fucking meds.

It seems I’d forgotten that without Lamictal I have no personality

Adderall XR is $49.69 with GoodRx. Unbelievable. I had just started getting used to it being free with insurance after my former doctor had done some finagling. I was paying about $70 out of pocket for it before.

Now with no insurance and no job, I’m kinda screwed. All of my meds together cost $96.86. Almost $100 a fucking month for pills, and that’s not even counting birth control.

Fuck that.

Well, I had my appointment today and I’m back on Lamictal and Adderall XR, along with the Lithium. So, the original trio is back in action.
