#lan zhan x wei ying


lan wangji: have i ever told you that you cook well

wei wuxian: aw no you haven’t :)

lan wangji: then why do you keep cooking

wei wuxian:

[at their wedding]

wei wuxian: you still like me right

lan wangji: *kisses him*

wei wuxian:

wei wuxian: you didn’t answer my question

lan wangji:???????????????

just had a shocking revelation that wei wuxian is jus a rockin fratboy that wants to be gay n do crime while lan wangji is the preppy nerd that wont share answers for homework

lan xichen, entering with lan wangji: alright i’ve stalled him for as long as i could. so where is it. where’s the big present

wei wuxian, with a ribbon tied on him: it’s me

lan xichen: it’s.. you? kind of low effort, don’t you think? oh, you’re already making out, i’m going to go,

[modern au]

wei wuxian, gently tracing a finger down lan wangji’s arm: you’re so cringe

lan wangji:

lan xichen: so what’s the reason you guys became roaming cultivators

lan wangji: the desire to make things right

jiang cheng: my love of justice

wei wuxian: lan zhan looked at me that one time on the boat

wei wuxian: i have an excellent gaydar. if someone’s gay i can always tell within-

lan xichen: lan wangji’s been in love with you for ten years

wei wuxian:what

wei wuxian: it’s too dangerous to go alone, take this

lan wangji: …. you’re just holding out your hand

wei wuxian:

[wei wuxian and lan wangji having a staring contest]

lan wangji: [eyes drying out but he’s trying his hardest not to blink]

wei wuxian: [having the time of his life staring into lan wangji’s eyes without getting smacked in the face with an instrument]
