#incorrect untamed


149.) Even Lan Wangji couldn’t keep a straight face.

147.) There are just some things we do not share with an easily offended villain, Sect Leader Nie.

145.) I mean, how else would you define lying?

143.) Baxia can cut through thick skin, I think.

225.) No wonder Huaisang is so confused all of the time. He’s running around trying to find where he asked for your opinion.

Kofi extra for Priyanka ^^ (part 1, part 2 is #231) Thank you for the  and for being proud of our work

lan xichen: so what’s the reason you guys became roaming cultivators

lan wangji: the desire to make things right

jiang cheng: my love of justice

wei wuxian: lan zhan looked at me that one time on the boat

wei wuxian: it’s too dangerous to go alone, take this

lan wangji: …. you’re just holding out your hand

wei wuxian:

[wei wuxian and lan wangji having a staring contest]

lan wangji: [eyes drying out but he’s trying his hardest not to blink]

wei wuxian: [having the time of his life staring into lan wangji’s eyes without getting smacked in the face with an instrument]
