#last house on the left


I watched the original Last House on the Left with my gf last night and it made us feel sick more than anything lol. Those scenes in the woods are a lot worse than I remember was a kid?? how was I watching this in middle school unbothered lmao

But at the same time, I almost felt unsatisfied by the revenge story in the second half of the film. I do think it pushed boundaries for 72 but maybe my 2020 lens is busted lol. I feel like there could have been more payoff and pain inflicted on the killers to offset the first half. Thoughts?

The Last House On The Left (1972, Wes Craven) USAA pair of teenage girls are headed to a rock concer

The Last House On The Left (1972, Wes Craven) USA

A pair of teenage girls are headed to a rock concert for one’s birthday. While trying to score marijuana in the city, the girls are kidnapped by a gang of psychotic convicts.

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