#last one for today




Mark and Gemma get a Pet, p XXX

Tag list: @painful-pooch@for-the-love-of-nsfwhump @whumpinggrounds@dragyouthroughthewhump

Cw for BBU, pet whump, very vaguely referenced BBU-typical dubcon/noncon, referring to whumpee as ‘it’

[Masterpost] [Part I] [< Previous] [Next >]

Gemma let the pet sleep in her bed now. It was a king size bed, after all, there was plenty of space, and she liked the pet’s soft warmth next to her. Ira whimpered in her sleep sometimes, or flinched at noises from the street, but it kept quiet and didn’t move much. It was just there, listened to Gemma, cuddled up against her, or, well, did that thing that Gemma liked. 

Gemma hadn’t used her vibrator in weeks. There was no need.

Sure, the pet was more expensive in the upkeep, but it was warm and pretty, its kisses felt nice, and it always kept itself neat and clean. And, if Gemma was honest, Mark had surely burned more of her money - and of her patience, along with it.

She was so over him. 

Next to her, the pet stirred, and Gemma ran her fingers through its hair, watching its eyes flutter open. “Ms… Ms Gemma, good morning,” it mumbled. “For… Forgive me, I’m sorry, I must’ve slept in, I…”

“Shhh,” Gemma whispered, caressing the pet’s cheek. “It’s Saturday, I’m sleeping in.”

The pet blinked rapidly. “Do…” Its voice was raspy from having just waken up. Gemma liked the sound of it. “Do you want your coffee, Ms Gemma?”

Not necessary, Gemma wanted to say automatically, but then her gaze caught on the pet’s collar, a reminder of what it was. “Mmmmhm,” she mumbled instead. “Yes. And check the staircase for the pastry delivery. If it’s there, get me the croissant too. With a little butter and honey on the side.”

“Of course,” the pet whispered and slipped out from under the sheets.

Gemma smiled. Perfect. She didn’t need to fake politeness. Ira was her property, and the pet loved to be of service. It was made to, after all. 


wenceslaus, showing amir a stick: a stick

amir: i can see that

wenceslaus, to the stick: you are perfect
