#wenceslaus ttp


wenceslaus: you are in no way a valid authority to dictate bedtime

rupert: what if i taught you how to lucid dream?

wenceslaus: ?

rupert: when you learn how to control your dreams, you can do anythingthere.

rupert: just go to sleep; i’ll find you on the other side. i’ll teach you there.

wenceslaus, ten minutes later: *is asleep*

amir: i can’t believe that worked

rupert: me neither

percy: what if the person who named walkie talkies named everything?

cecily: pregnancy tests are maybe babies

rupert: socks are feetie heaties

darling: forks are stabby grabbies

amir: defibrillators are heartie starties

wenceslaus: nightmares are dreamy screamies

joan: you are disappointments

wenceslaus, showing amir a stick: a stick

amir: i can see that

wenceslaus, to the stick: you are perfect
