#wence ttp


Wenceslaus: when I interact with a new object, I’m gonna look at it for a little bit. I’m gonna reach out, poke it, see if it moves around. I’ll pick it up, wiggle it back and forth, and then that thing goes all the way in my mouth.



Wenceslaus: and if it doesn’t try to get out of my mouth, it’s going down the hatch.

wenceslaus: you are in no way a valid authority to dictate bedtime

rupert: what if i taught you how to lucid dream?

wenceslaus: ?

rupert: when you learn how to control your dreams, you can do anythingthere.

rupert: just go to sleep; i’ll find you on the other side. i’ll teach you there.

wenceslaus, ten minutes later: *is asleep*

amir: i can’t believe that worked

rupert: me neither

wenceslaus, showing amir a stick: a stick

amir: i can see that

wenceslaus, to the stick: you are perfect
