#learn japanese from scratch


Japanese Study Group Discord

hi guys ^-^ if you’re wondering about the discord I made a little while back, it’s still up and running! all that’s left is finding some more japanese learning fanatics to join.

of course it will be a constant work in progress, but the dream is that maybe someday it will be filled with a variety of people with the same common goal, all trying to help each other out in the process of helping themselves.

We are currently accepting staff applications and are offering special roles to certain active or more advanced learners. We hope you consider joining! Having a sense of community is so important when it comes to taking on huge goals such as learning Japanese.

I’m also working on getting native speakers to join, so although for now it will be mostly english speakers, hopefully we can change that soon! I look forward to you seeing the server grow into a flourishing community of positivity, motivation, and belief in one another!

7日目の単語 (なのかめのたんご) Day 7 Vocabulary

十一月十六日月曜日 (じゅういちがつ じゅうろくにち げつようび) Just saying the date!

The challenge where I force myself to memorize an entire vocabulary list a day

So we just started a new chapter and I don’t have the vocabulary memorized, so I’ll have to halt the video once again and get these textbook words out of the way. But like I said, I have to learn them all anyway, so I’m not too concerned!

postal stamps 切手(きって)




holiday; day off; absence 休み(やすみ)



interesting; funny 面白い(おもしろい)


cold weather 寒い(さむい)



old item (inanimate) 古い(ふるい)


kind (person); easy (problem) やさしい

inexpensive; cheap (item) 安い(やすい)

I have a lot for this list because I learned some of these a while back and I’m only relearning them, which should be a lot faster and easier than seeing them for the first time. I also rly need to get these out of the way so I can go back to finishing the JLPT N5 Vocab video, soo yah lol
