#how to learn japanese


You Can Learn the ENTIRE Irregular Verb Group… RIGHT NOW

Sound hard? Impossible, even? Well that’s funny, considering that this category is only made up of two verbs!

する to do

くる to come

Now, these verbs are oftentimes attached to the ends of nouns to create even more verbs. It’s like simple addition but with meanings.

掃除(そうじ)is the noun cleaning

掃除する is “to clean” (ie. do cleaning)

If it helps you to grasp the concept, you can imagine the direct object particle を in between the noun and する. を would be tagging the noun as the direct object that you are performing the action (in this case, “do”) to.

掃除をする = to do cleaning.

掃除する = to clean

These verbs are conjugated how you would conjugate する. There are tons of these verbs. That means, if you already know a lot of nouns, you may actually know tons of する verbs without even realizing it!

The concept with くる verbs is similar, and they are also conjugated how you would conjugate 来る.

来る = to come

連(つ)れてくる = to bring someone along

持(も)ってくる = to bring, to take (an item)

You see how the meanings of these verbs are concepts similar to the meaning of 来る? That is no coincidence my friends. Now all that’s left is learning how to conjugate them.

Using “When” – Noun + のとき

Toki is a noun, so remember: You always connect two different nouns with の particle!



= When it rains, I often read books at home.


= I was always arguing with my parents when I was a teenager.


= When I was a child, I was scared of spiders.

Plain form verb + とき

You can also combine it with plain form verbs. Remember to drop the の in these instances because it is only needed when connecting nouns.


Pei rides trains every day. When she goes to work, goes shopping, meets with friends, or goes to an English-conversation lesson, she rides trains.

Summary of state-of-being (plain form)


学生() Is student

学生った Was student


学生じゃな Is not student

学生じゃなかった Was not student

*The is replaced with かった

単語 (たんご) Frequency Adverbs

not much 余り (あまり)

not at all 全然 (ぜんぜん)

usually 大抵 (たいてい)

sometimes 時々 (ときどき)

often; much よく (良く)

at about… ぐらい

Frequency Adverb Grammar

Frequency adverbs are added to a sentence to describe how often you do something.

I sometimes go to a coffee shop.


Negative frequency adverbs anticipate a negative verb form at the end of the sentence. Therefore, you cannot use ぜんぜん or あまり with a positive verb form such as ます to communicate their meanings here. They would have to be used with ません!!

Ie. 私は全然テレビを見ません

I do not watch TV at all.

Genki Vocabulary

Here are some words from chapters six through eight :)

もちろん of course

良かったら if you like

太る(ふとる) to gain weight

速い(はやい) fast

すぐ right away


つける to turn on

着る(きる)to put on clothes above waist

短い(みじかい)short in length

おりる to get off

勤める(つとめる)to work for

親切 (しんせつ)kind

閉める(しめる) to close something

やせる to lose weight

知る(しる) to get to know


結婚する(けっこんする)to get married

はく to put on (items below your waist)

長い (ながい) long

出かける to go out

やさしい easy (problem)

にぎやか lively


夜(よる)evening; sunset

大変(たいへん)tough situation

返す(かえす)to return (item)

使う(つかう) to use

手伝う(てつだう)to help

持つ (もつ) to carry; to hold

降りる(おりる)to get off

借りる(かりる) to borrow

閉める(しめる)to close something

つける to turn on

電話をかける(でんわをかける)to make a phone call

連れてくる(つれてくる)to bring a person (irregular verb)

持ってくる(もってくる)to bring a thing (irregular verb)

遅く(おそく) (do something) late









短い(みじかい)short (length)


便利 (べんり)convenient

かぶる to put on a hat

知る(しる)to get to know

知っています I know

知りません I do not know

はく to put on (items below your waist)

太る(ふとる)to gain weight

太っています to be on the heavy side



今朝(けさ)this morning


今月(こんげつ)this month

大学生(だいがくせい)college student





パーティー party

はし chopsticks

冬(ふゆ) winter

毎週 (まいしゅう)every week

来月(らいげつ) next month

上手(じょうず)skillful; good at

下手 (へた) clumsy; poor at


Japanese Study Group Discord

hi guys ^-^ if you’re wondering about the discord I made a little while back, it’s still up and running! all that’s left is finding some more japanese learning fanatics to join.

of course it will be a constant work in progress, but the dream is that maybe someday it will be filled with a variety of people with the same common goal, all trying to help each other out in the process of helping themselves.

We are currently accepting staff applications and are offering special roles to certain active or more advanced learners. We hope you consider joining! Having a sense of community is so important when it comes to taking on huge goals such as learning Japanese.

I’m also working on getting native speakers to join, so although for now it will be mostly english speakers, hopefully we can change that soon! I look forward to you seeing the server grow into a flourishing community of positivity, motivation, and belief in one another!

Casual reminder to LISTEN.

YOU GOTTA LISTEN. Listen to your favorite shows, to podcasts, to vlogs, to music, to anything—as long as it’s made by native speakers. The textbook isn’t enough. Get serious about immersing yourself in the language as much as possible.

Why? Because you need to get a feel for common phrases and vocabulary, for context, for intonation and pitch, for pronunciation, to train your ear to make out the sounds better, etc…. It’s not about understanding everything, it’s about getting a feel for the language and its patterns.

So yeah. Stop neglecting it. Like now. Because grammar rules help, but they will never get you to fluency. A shit ton of input will take you much further (eapecially input that you can comprehend, which the grammar rules will help with). That’s all ^-^

Genki I Vocabulary



disgusted with; to dislike きらい

beautiful; clean きれい


fond of; to like すき

to hate 大きらい

very fond of; to love 大すき


not busy; to have a lot of free time ひま

to swim 泳ぐ(およぐ)

kind (person); easy (problem) やさしい

inexpensive; cheap 安い(やすい)

the day before yesterday おととい

This one is really な-adjective heavy! That wasn’t on purpose Cx The blue ones are the ones I had a harder time memorizing. It’s been a while since I created this list, so I actually already know all of these now! Yay

My new learning system ~

Hiii, here’s how I have been learning Japanese these past couple of weeks!

I have been learning my kanji with The Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Course. I learn 2+ kanji a day, along with a corresponding vocabulary word for each one. I think this is nice because I am killing two birds with one stone by learning a reading of the kanji and the vocabulary word at once!

First, I review the previous day’s kanji by writing it down. I will review up to a week’s worth of kanji sometimes.

Then, I write down the new kanji I learn at the back of my notebook. I will include the words and stroke order beside them.

The next day, IN A DIFFERENT NOTEBOOK, I write the previous day’s vocabulary words (which are made up of the kanji) review. The second day notebook is what I use as a “I should probably know this or at least be somewhat familiar with this” kind of thing. Side note: If I learn 2 kanji a day, I should be able to finish the book (and learn a lot of vocabulary!) in under 10 months.

I have also been using WaniKani. I don’t know how to feel about it yet. I have however been taking words I struggle to remember and putting them on sticky notes and placing them on what I call my “focus wall” beside my desk. None of those words should be lying dormant on the wall for more than a week. I add them to a corresponding “focus” flashcard set on the Shirabe Jisho app to give them extra attention

I use the Shirabe Dictionary app for a lot of things, but mostly last minute kanji and vocabulary refreshers. It’s PACKED with value because it offers example sentences, stroke order, built in flash card sets (and an SRS system for them), word lists and kanji lists, etc. You can customize your own sets too if you want. The only thing is, don’t rely on the audio for the vocabulary. It’s not great. Still, I’m shocked that it’s free.

I’ve also been using HelloTalk. I actually quite love the listening they offer on there because it isn’t too difficult for beginners but there are intermediate options as well. They offer vocabulary and grammar explanations with listening that is suited for my level, which I really found most other podcasts to be lacking. Note: Another fun thing is just texting native Japanese speakers on there. It’s rly useful for learning their common phrases, especially because there’s a translation feature. It also kind of has the same features as HiNative, so I find it to be better in my opinion.

I found that I struggle with reading enough example sentences, so I scurried to my genki textbook to look at the fundamentals. I also use Japanese Sentence Patterns for Effective Communication. I like it, but the Romaji is quite annoying. Other than that, I find the example sentences to be pretty extensive!

Any other grammar I’m learning comes from a mixture of Cure Dolly (don’t binge her videos after the 4th episode, you will quickly regret it. It adds up too fast. Try to supplement her videos with beginner articles or other videos on the topic, then PRACTICE and EXERCISE making sentences before moving on), various blog articles (Ie. Tofugu) and my textbook (Genki).

So yeah. I also sometimes practice reading with the book Japanese Short Stories for Beginners by LingoMastery. I really like it, especially because it also includes vocabulary to learn with the stories. It’s written pretty formally so it will complement the traditional western learning style textbooks nicely.

Anyway, that’s how I’m studying lately. For me, I find the Kanji and their vocabulary to be daily, listening practice to be almost daily, and WaniKani almost daily. My weakness is reading and speaking. I usually speak when i’m imitating native speakers or the lessons from HelloTalk, but I’m not quite good enough to actually talk to native speakers yet.

Anyway, I’m off to sleep. Hope this helped! お休みなさい!


-relative time vocab -

the day before yesterday 一昨日・おととい

yesterday 昨日・きのう

today 今日・きょう

tomorrow 明日・あした

the day after tomorrow 明後日・あさって


- weekly relative time vocab -

two weeks ago 二週間前・にしゅうかんまえ

last week 先週・せんしゅう

this week 今週・こんしゅう

next week 来週・らいしゅう

the week after next 再来週・さらいしゅう

- monthly relative time vocab -

two months ago 二か月前・にかげつまえ

last month 先月・せんげつ

this month 今月・こんげつ

next month 来月・らいげつ

the month after next 再来月・さらいげつ

- yearly relative time vocab -

the year before last おととし

last year 去年・きょねん

this year 今年・ことし

next year・来年・らいねん

the year after next 再来年・さらいねん


Here’s a list out of the first chapter of a book I’m reading:

違う(ちがう) different

少ない(すくない) not many

不思議に思う(ふしぎにおもう) to wonder

もうすぐ just around the corner, soon

目の前 in front

一緒に(いっしょに) together

眺める(ながめる) to look, to stare

前に before

一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい) to try very hard

降りる(おりる) to get off (ie. train)

急いで(いそいで) hurriedly

声(こえ) voice

がっかりする to be disappointed

着く(つく) to arrive

字幕(じまく) subtitles

耳が不自由(みみがふじゆう) deaf

Ahhhhhh so many words but I already feel familiar with a lot of them so it’s okay. I’m gonna do a mass vocab review tonight! Then write down my journal corrections and watch grammar videos :) ^-^

Language Exchange Discord: UPDATE #3

I spent probably 6 hours trying to get native speakers to join and one said he would another time. Ah, what a productive way to spend my day.

I can’t continue on like this, so I hope I can find a more efficient way of getting native speakers to join :/.

Other than that, I set up the english rules, did bot config, reaction roles etc. I even found my first learning assistant!

Please join if you guys are interested :). It’s for anyone who is learning english and/or japanese. I’m giving out special roles to people who are qualified to answer linguistic questions and to people who can get a certain number of members to join :)

This server isn’t a school server. We don’t offer classes or tutoring. It’s for language immersion. This is why i’m frustrated that Japanese people don’t want to join They will eventually dw about it cmon :3



Hi guys! I am really going all over the place with this vocabulary, but I decided that I want to start learning the vocabulary for the podcast “Let’s Learn Japanese from Small Talk!” so I can listen more easily :) I will be making my vocabulary lists based off of textbook words, JLPT words, conjunctions, and the wordlists from the podcast!




last month 先月(せんげつ)

so, thereforeだからなので

by the way ところで

for example 例えば(たとえば)



disgusted with; to dislike 嫌い(きらい)


very fond of; to love 大好き(だいすき)


To really solidify my learning, I’m gonna take the words from these lists and make them into a big flashcard set with the Shirabe Jisho dictionary app! I’ll study it today too of course :)

I’m frustrated because I’m not learning my textbook words fast enough but we r trying… I’m gonna take a break to work on my new server :3

Friends that fight together…..XD

Sometimes the smallest things…can mean the most <3

I have no i-deer what just happened 

Listen to this famous Disney song in Japanese!
