

IDCS英会話の「Pix & English」:  Nippon Maru・日本丸

IDCS英会話の「Pix & English」は、風景写真撮影しながら、英語を使って、楽しみましょう。









Japanese Study Group Discord

hi guys ^-^ if you’re wondering about the discord I made a little while back, it’s still up and running! all that’s left is finding some more japanese learning fanatics to join.

of course it will be a constant work in progress, but the dream is that maybe someday it will be filled with a variety of people with the same common goal, all trying to help each other out in the process of helping themselves.

We are currently accepting staff applications and are offering special roles to certain active or more advanced learners. We hope you consider joining! Having a sense of community is so important when it comes to taking on huge goals such as learning Japanese.

I’m also working on getting native speakers to join, so although for now it will be mostly english speakers, hopefully we can change that soon! I look forward to you seeing the server grow into a flourishing community of positivity, motivation, and belief in one another!

Update:I’m starting a language exchange Discord server!

At the moment it’s solely Japanese and English, but I may add more languages once the server is together.

For now it is just a casual place to practice speaking your second language and to connect with others who have corresponding linguistic interests.

It is not, I repeat not, a tutoring/language teaching server.It’s just a place to practice speaking in your target language. That’s it. (There will be study tips, info snippets and resources, but no actual qualified teachers or “classes” will be offered).

I’m accepting staff applications too!

This server is a fetus at the moment but I’m hoping people can join! I’m looking for native Japanese speakers and native english speakers especially! :)

Let me know if you’re interested! I’m not even done setting up the bots and channels so I won’t be linking anything just yet :)

Update: I’m still working on it but here’s the link!


The server is for anyone of any level in Japanese or English! You don’t have to be a native in either to join :) I’m a beginner still so that’s why it’s just an immersion server. I’m really hoping to find a lot of native Japanese speakers that are willing to join!

Country Names in Japanese pt2

USA - アメリカ or 米国(べいこく)

France - フランス

Italy - イタリア

Australia - オーストラリア

Portugal - ポルトガル

Spain - スペイン

New Zealand - ニュージーランド


Country Names EN/JP/KR


Country / 国(くに) / 나라

China / 中国(ちゅうごく) /중국

India /インド/ 인도

Indonesia / インドネシア/ 인도네시아

Pakistan / パキスタン/ 파키스탄

Bangladesh / バングラデシュ/방글라데시Japan / 日本(にほん) / 일본

Korea /韓国(かんこく) / 한국

Animal Names in Japanese pt4

Bee : 蜂 (はち)

Camel :駱駝 (らくだ)

Goat :山羊 (やぎ)

Mosquito : 蚊 (か)

Otter : カワウソ

Peacock : 孔雀 (くじゃく)

Zebra : シマウマ

Kangaroo : カンガルー

Hyena : ハイエナ

Hedgehog : ハリネズミ
