

got my pills hehehe

smoll rant

i hate taking antidepressants and antipsychotics bc they make me feel like i’ve been hit by a truck at full speed and soooo numb and tired but when i don’t take them i still feel numb and tired but with less hours of sleep

that’s literally all the difference they make antidepressants and antipsychotics just help me kind of sleep so if that’s all it does and nothing about my mood like IT SHOULD then i should just take sleeping pills instead lmfao they’re cheaper and more available


So I think today was the first day that I was like, “oh my Lexapro is working.”

My boss is on vacation next week and she volunteered me to fill in on some of her meeting which happen to be print reviews with organizational leadership and some one-on-on updates with our VP.

Rather than freak out and dwell I’m kinda just…. fine, indifferent maybe. Like I’m sure I’ll be nervous before and during. But like I’m not worried about it till it happens.

I guess this is progress haha?

So I had the meeting today and it went totally fine.

Like is this what ‘normal’ feels like?
