#like a lot a lot



Something Just Like Allurance

  • Footage: S1 - S4 @redmcclain
  • Contains S5 spoilers
  • Song: Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers ft. Coldplay
  • Format: MP4
  • Time: 4:01

Just want to say that.

My partner is an amazing person.

And I’m unbelievably blessed to have found them.

Nothing on this earth bothers me more than the fact that I can’t make them see themselves through my eyes.

I know my past experiences and relationship trauma has made it so that sometimes I’m a very difficult woman to handle, to tolerate, and (in my opinion) love. I shut down, I guard myself, I go non-verbal, I get angry and depressed and down and just give up on myself. 

But my partner has never once lost patience in me and tries their very hardest to be there for me, even when they don’t feel the greatest themselves.

My love, if you end up reading this later, just want you to know how much I love you. I’m so so so grateful to be with you, to be yours, and I hope I can be yours forever. And I want the honor of always always always being there for you, for any thing, no matter what.

I love you more than my paltry words could ever properly express. 
