#lilith in aries


We are all aware of Lilith, and how she can help us get more insight into our secret desires, our sexuality and things which might have been/are considered as taboo, but actually are not bad. I would describe Lilith as empowerment and an understanding of aspects of ourselves that were/are/could be shamed but can be channeled into something empowering and can be embraced.

We are going to be focusing on Black Moon Lilith.  Oh another thing, Lilith can help us also recognize where we were rejected and how we deal/dealt with it. Where we feel shame.

Lilith in Aries:

Someone with a Lilith in Aries does have deep desires to lead and assert themselves, but at the same time they also possess the fear to do. This fear can cause this individual to go both ways, either become forceful with their ‘leadership’ or just quit/run away from such positions and hand them over to others. Here, the individual might struggle with accessing the power that they obviously possess and also struggle with how they channel their individual power, how to exert themselves as leaders and how to lead. These individuals are also very restrained or without any restraint at all. Overcoming all of these fears and issues, and just becoming a dot in a balanced environment requires for the individual to learn that power comes from within, once they go inward and discover the power they hold, they will truly embrace it and just know what to do with it instinctively. Instead they might look for power around them and oftentimes become lost in the wrong corners. Change direction and go within.

Lilith in Taurus

There is always a talk about extremism when it comes to Lilith, but I feel like Lilith in Taurus can really go a long way with the dealings of Lilith. They have a deep desire for things, people, whatever strikes their fancy. No matter which route they take they can remain unsatisfied oftentimes and require more and more and more. Lilith in Taurus might also be very repressed when it comes to sex and sexuality, sexual desires, they are just contained and stray away and/or are not very expressive in that department. Taurus is a fixed sign, so being fixated on staying in one state which I described above can be very likely, which is why this placement is prone to extremism. It is hard for these individuals to come out of that box they’ve prepared for themselves which is quite cozy. This might sound very cliché, because Taurus is an earth sign, but re-connecting with nature and doing some soul-searching can actually be of help - in order to gain that balance and let their sensuality naturally flow. Learning how to manifest and attract things the proper way is going to help them elevate themselves and always be a step closer to what they want and need. The energetic flow and letting it flow naturally is very important for this placement, forcing it to flow is also a trait of Lilith in Taurus because of the inherent shame they feel if it doesn’t. Working through the shame is also a very important thing which can elevate them and liberate them.

Lilith in Gemini

There is probably a blockage in the communication with these folk. An obstacle, difficulty communicating or just being straight-up misunderstood (or maybe even an unclear or disrupted communication with Universe/spirit angels/spirit guides whatever you believe in). When it comes to sex, these individuals might be into dirty talking, word-play, self-expression but due to the shame and/or repression they really disconnect from their bodies and concentrate all of their energy in their heads and get stuck in their heads and thoughts which makes them an absent sexual partner. Drawn/draws in damaged people, people with issues, because they have a storage of unhealthy thoughts, repressed feelings/thoughts and what-not themselves. These individuals just really need to come in terms with their intellect, how their mind works, liberate themselves by grounding themselves and objectively looking at themselves in order to come closer to first, becoming aware, secondly addressing the issues. Liberating and elevating yourself is really important. I’d even recommend (for all Lilith placements) working on or at least taking a peek into your chakra energies, blockages and how to heal them and balance yourself.

Lilith in Cancer

There is this initial shame for having/expressing/feeling emotions, it is either self-inflicted or they were shamed since they were younger for it. That probably created a trauma effect and caused these individuals to repress their emotions so they may even avoid emotional situations or situations which cause intense feelings altogether. With Lilith in Cancer there is a possibility the individual has experiences some traumatic events in their childhood or within their family/loved ones circle. Obviously, repressing emotions in that way does not work for the long haul, so in some cases with Lilith in Cancer emotions can burst up unexpectedly or sideways. Because of this they might even be prone to be sad, depressed or simply develop escapist tendencies. In regard to all of these issues, these individuals are prone to become needy and/or clingy partners, friends, parents.  Sexually, it is also hard for them, because they yearn for that deep connection with their partner but most of the time they are unable to attain that connection due to their unresolved issues, so they become disconnected from sex. Acknowledging, letting go of this control, releasing all of this baggage and repression is so freeing and liberating and the way to go for these individuals, the healthy way of course which is most likely through a creative channel, or just a channel which produces productivity and fruitful results. They really just want to feel connected and present, feel everything without fear and shame. Dealing with the past and facing it, addressing it can also help these individuals, because they might also have a tendency to cling to it.

Lilith in Leo

For these individuals wanting to be wanted, adored can indicate feelings of shame for the very same thing. That shame causes repression and causes them to, sometimes, go to many lengths for approval and recognition. There are two cases that go both ways on the spectrum, either these individuals will be attracted to people of power/status or will try to gain power and status. Lilith in Leo should be careful and be very aware of the thin line between their ego and their drive, because they are also very determined and that can manifest in bad ways if ego is involved. They can either lack self-esteem or be total narcissists. Healing and focusing on doing their thing, attracting adoration and feeling worthy will come naturally, because the people will admire them, look up to them and love them, and that will all result from them just being themselves authentically and going after what they want after being liberated and letting the natural flow of energy get at it.

Lilith in Virgo

Issues with perfectionism are main issues. These individuals deeply feel that they are filled with flaws and only give light to those flaws which results in them feeling shameful and restrict themselves in some way. They will try to attain perfectionism or never try anything because of how ashamed they are of their flaws. Because of it they sometimes feel so anxious and quit projects/on people/tasks half-way, they feel unprepared, they feel very low, that voice is constantly repeating ‘you are not ready’, ‘you are not good enough’ etc. Sexually they will either be obsessed with being perfect at it, focus on pleasing their partner fully and exclude themselves, or they are very stoic, cold and repressed when it comes to sex. In order to heal they need to have a greater understanding of how the Universe works, some deep soul-searching, realizing that perfection is impossible and even if possible then what? If you are perfect then there will be no room for improvement, growth and etc. Perfection is only an ending of everything. But it is impossible. They should focus on working on themselves tremendously, working on bettering, growing and improving themselves. Acceptance.

Lilith in Libra

Blockages in relationships arise as well as many issues surrounding relationships. This placement is a harder one to heal. Learning how to stand on firm ground, cherish your independence even in a bond/partnership/union. It is important to break away from toxic people and toxic relationships, either heal those toxic relationships, repair them, understand where you are feeling guilty, why you are feeling that way, look within. Explore yourself, where does the shame lie, you want to please everyone else but yourself, sacrifice yourself by putting everything on the line. Constant guilt that you are not doing enough for others, that you should do more. No. Do that for yourself, instead. Put yourself first, go inward, listen to your own voice, if necessary isolate yourself for a bit. When you charge yourself then you will be able to help others, only those worth it.

Lilith in Scorpio

Magnetizing, intense, smoldering, obviously it is a Scorpio placement. Lilith in Scorpio tend to be very self-destructive even if Lilith feels a bit comfortable here. It is very easily for these individuals to fall into rabbit holes, because they only want to go to the deepest of corners of whatever it is (whatever it their cup of tea), but sometimes going that deep can mean drowning, forgetting that you actually are a great swimmer and letting the waves of the depth drown you. Negative thoughts, fears are piling up and it is hard to exit that escapist route. As a fixed sign, this placement can hold a grudge and might be even a bit vengeful. But caring for themselves, breaking these patterns of repetition, breaking these patterns which cause them to escape which is unlike them will bring them steps closer to healing. They have the tendency to get over-attached among being self-destruct, which can destroy them if they do not work on releasing themselves from attachments.  Learning how to be okay with how life goes, with the journeys life has prepared for them, just to back off, get their claws off of everything and relax and sometimes even just observe. Trust the process. Trust the Universe.

Lilith in Sagittarius

These individuals are very restless and want to just break free from any chains they feel are upon them, they just want to burst out any barrier out of any bubble, and sometimes that can stir up problems in work/job/relationships/friendships etc. They just have this burning up need for independence and experiencing the world at its fullest and on their skin completely, without anyone preaching it to them. They are also very experimental, sexually as well. They will want to be with partners who are open to new things and are liberal. They are the ones who can do sex without a strong connection to the person, they know how to have fun. Lilith in Sagittarius need to learn that they can still be independent and nurture their independence while being committed to a relationship. They must not forget to take care of themselves individually, outside of a relationship. Because if they do not, the fear of being tied down, being denied freedom will always ring in the back of their mind. It’s kind of a false fear causing you to rebel or do reckless things that are not fruitful in the long run and might even make you cringe, you need to gain emotional stability without fearing it or being ashamed.

Lilith in Capricorn

These individuals have a fear of failure a constant self-put pressure or a pressure caused by societal norms, by looking at what others which are their age do and what they don’t do. They fear not catching up or not climbing any ladder at all. They can become slaves to their tasks/duties.  Even though they do not react well to failure they are very strong and can quickly get back on their feet again. Sexually they might be very dominant and want to be in control (mommy/daddy vibes lol) or will be very detached/cold. They might carry that feeling of duty, a responsibility to please their partner fully and create such a fulfilling and unforgettable sexual experience for their partner and it can become a constant burden. Healing can happen by these individuals actually taking responsibility toward themselves, taking care of themselves first and then paying attention to others.

Lilith in Aquarius

With Lilith in Aquarius it is totally visible that they stand out in some or another, they are unique and it might have been quite an alienating experience growing up or still. They feel ashamed for how different they are and how they cannot fit it or be accepted or be understood. It can be quite a lonely experience but also frustrating, and that is because these individuals want to be a part of a group, they want to belong, they want to be accepted, they want to be powerful with their gang and change the world. Growing up or just through life they might knock on the wrong doors couple of times. They can achieve healing when they start accepting themselves and their unique nature. Once they do that I really believe they will attract like-minded individuals who are also different and possibly are misfits of society. In that way they can be different together. All they need to do is accept their own differences without conforming. But I believe, because Lilith is about restrictions and repression, fear and shame, at one point in their life or another they might have tried to conform and make themselves like everyone else just to belong. But no, liberate yourselves by accepting yourselves, it is the most empowering you can do.

Lilith in Pisces

They are unsure, they doubt, they fear, they look at many alternatives finding the good things in every which makes it hard to be decisive, so they just turn it off and escape. They definitely have escapism tendencies. Sometimes in order to cope with trauma or uncomfortable experiences they just pretend those did not happen or do not exist by turning it off, but that is anything but good. Because that trauma keeps piling up without them addressing it or even being aware of it, which can cause the trauma to be let out in every field of their life. They must not allow it to come to that degree. Break the cycle, learn, grow, accept. I know it is easier said than done, especially with this placement which is prone to sadness/depression/anxiety. It is also important to learn moderation, therapy is also good if necessary. They also need to learn to love themselves and their life no matter how shitty it can get, heck it gets shitty for all of us. Gathering the courage and strength to face it head-on instead of retreating to a fantasy can be liberating and elevating for these individuals.

— Astrology Observations

  • Neptune trine/sextile Plutocan make someoneintuitive and potentially great manifestors.

  • Mars opposition Ascendant individuals tend to feel they are disliked or hated on a lot by others. They usually attract lots of aggressive people.

  • Jupiter conjunct, sextile, and trine Ascendantusually gives utmost great health and an attractive body shape.

  • Sun square, opposition Ascendants tend to do really well when it comes to socializing with wider groups of people. But can slack off and become awkward when in a one-on-one conversation.

  • Air mars(Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) at some point in their life questioned their sexuality.

  • Lilith in Leo’s are incredibly unique. Their self-expression is top tier. They are the embodiment of a blueprint. Others tend to get inspired by them. They can be very prideful of their identity. This can lead to having the tendency of getting petty and upset when others copy them.
  • Asteroid Salome (562) in the 1st, Salome-Ascendant in a female’s chart creates a femme fatale aura.

  • Mercury square Ascendants tend to appear quirky or eccentric. They either smile a lot unconsciously because of awkwardness, or fidget.

  • Majority of the Pluto in Aries to Cancer generations aren’t alive.

  • Males with Lilith in the 1st or in Aries tend to be strong feminist supporters.

  • Squares are more about the inner conflicts someone has. Oppositions are more about outer conflicts.

  • People who have their moon sign in the same sign as their mom’s sun tend to have a significant relationship with their mother.

  • Gemini’s are usually very versatile, and talented.

  • Mars-Ascendants, Pluto 1st, and Saturn 1st tend to have a rbf.

  • Asteroid Kitty in the 1st, Kitty-Ascendantin a female’s chart gives them a promiscuous, independent, yet “i’m your toy” type of allure.

  • Mars trine, sextile Saturn people tend to have great hygiene and have a strong desire to be presentable to others.

  • Natal Venus RX tend to function better during venus retrograde season. Since venus is backwards during the season, it’s more of a natural energy for them since venus was backwards at their birth.
  • Also,women with this natal retrograde when they were younger might have not been the best when it came to maintaining their looks or beauty. This is mainly because they felt uncomfortable doing so. Since most of the time, they were not comfortable with their femininity or doing “self-care”. It might’ve been harder to find what makes them feel beautiful.

  • Lilith in the 1st house womentend to be capable of so many things. The types of women to be financially-stable, well-educated, independent, have great self-esteem, and maintain a healthy body. They are a literal threat.


Femme fatale placements/aspects in astrology

a femme fatale is a super attractive woman that uses her power of seduction to control and manipulate men. she is ultimately in charge of the relationship. she is the beautiful mysterious woman whom everyone wants but fears. intimidating but sexy.

Lilith in the 1st house

lilith sitting in the 1st house is the embodiment of lilith energy. these people are naturally seen as alluring they have a streak of darkness in how they express themselves. they are often seen as intimdating. they truly are raw in how they express themselves and do not care about anyone elses opinions. they are the classic sex symbols.

Venusaspecting pluto (especially the square)

the magnetism that comes with this aspect. these people are seen as very sexy and are able to capture anyones attention. they learn early on that love is about power and control. the trine and sextile are sexy and mysterious in a more subtle way but when we get to the conjunction, square and opposition we have people that aren’t afraid to assert themselves they know the power they hold. they are manipulative by nature. in love they are intense and will do anything to get what they want.

Venus square/opposite ascendant

this aspect makes people seem more charming and attractive they can easily captivate people and anyone that gets involved with them find themselves unable to escape. everything from their cupids bow to their long lashes these natives have a sultry look to them. the embodiment of pretty privilege. they are very sexually attractive and if they have other aspects in their birth chart they can tap into the femme fatale energy easier than others. head turning beauty.

8th house placements

an 8th house placements aura in one word is magnetic. these people carry a lot of sexual energy and are not afraid of their sexuality and sensuality. they often embrace it embodying the dark feminine. they often attract people obsessed with them or want to be someones obsession they get a thrill out of it.

Asteroidmedusa (149) aspecting personal planets and ascendant

asteroid medusa speaks about a woman who flaunts her beauty and lures men in then punishes them. they are man eaters. these natives are naturally super seductive, playful and flirty but can have a deep hatred for men.

Asteroid sirene (1009) conjunct lilith

asteroid sirene speaks of deceptively luring people in. this asteroids talks about when sirens lured in sailors with their enchanting music and looks. the same could be said about the femme fatale. when sirene conjuncts lilith, someones dark side can be that they like to seduce men and wrap them around their finger.

Asteroidcirce (34) aspecting personal planets and ascendant

asteroid circe speaks about witchcraft but also bewitching men. the men you interact with or date can be so obsessed with you that they claim you casted a love spell on them. your existence feels like a potent love spell to these men.

Pluto aspecting ascendant

these people are gifted with the ability to read others like a book and of course they could use this for their own benefit. they physically are magnetic. their stare lingers. incredibly piercing bedroom eyes. they are extremely powerful with thick skin as they are blessed with the power of regeneration. they might get hurt but come out stronger.


much like pluto aspecting the ascendant these people are born with a lot of power. they are dark by nature and aware of their own intensity. they can have a lot of people obsessed with them. they also can be extremely manipulative.

Pluto in the 7th house

when pluto sits in the 7th house of relationships and other people here we have people that can be extremely powerful in their relationships. i know this placement can indicate power struggles but once these natives are aware of their own power they can be the ones in charge of their relationships. these people find that a lot of their relationships have a strange power dynamic. they are very intense beings that are filled with passion and intimacy. they could be seen as mysterious by the people they interact with.



“A child that is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.”

⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of sex and abuse.

Lilith in the 4th in the Natal Chart is a sign of generational trauma in the family.

Lilith in the 8th house are usually born into some kind of power or fame, for example: Kylie Jenner, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie.

Lilith in Cancer can experience conflicts, drama and powergames with motherfigures. Someone in the family, most likely a mom or step mom might have had a lot of control over them which made them not trust women.

Lilith conjunct Sun can mean that your father dislikes something about your personality/appearance for some reason, most likely because you remind him of someone or bc you are too much like him.

Lilith Square Moon makes someone extremely intense, vengeful and psychic. This aspect unfortunately makes someone filled with dark thoughts. They will either suffer with being extremely jealous of other women or their might receive this envy themselves. This aspect is very much like having Moon Square Pluto.

Lilith aspecting Ascendant might experience men getting completely crazy when they get a no from you. They are extremely afraid of getting rejected by you thats why most men wont approach you to begin with. Another thing with these aspects are that some people might wait years to approach you because you make them nervous.

Lilith in Virgo women struggle a lot with the Madonna/Wh*re complex.

Lilith in our chart shows how we act out when we are in a dark place mentally and how we cope when we feel like we are not in control. Some examples:

Lilith in the 2nd house could shoplift, overspend or start eating extremely much. These people usually have a very low self esteem so they easily become a danger to themselves.

Lilith in Libra/7th house starts acting fake nice and manipulative because thats what makes them feel powerful.

Lilith in the 8th/Scorpio might fall into s*x addiction and start watching a lot of p*rn.

Lilith in Pisces/12th housemight cope by doing drugs or drinking alcohol.

I feel like most Lilith dominant people go trough a situation where they do something wrong, it can be the tiniest mistake and gets outcasted from society and its after that the inner b*tch comes out.

Lilith in the 5th house creates art that awakes strong reactions, Tyler the creator and Lil Nas both have this placement.

Nobody can kiss and make out like someone with Lilith in the 2nd house

Lilith in the 2nd might also make people shiver just by touching them, they have magic hands

Lilith in the 10th house is a lot like having pluto in the 10th because its like people just cant forget the bad things they have done even if it was a long time ago.

People with Sun aspecting Lilith might like to be watched having sex. They also like when their partner c*ms too fast. They need to feel extremely wanted because Lilith aspecting Sun makes the ego huge.

© 2022 Zeldas Notes

astrognossienne: Lilith in Aries “To sensual vices she was so abandoned, That lustful she made licitastrognossienne: Lilith in Aries “To sensual vices she was so abandoned, That lustful she made licitastrognossienne: Lilith in Aries “To sensual vices she was so abandoned, That lustful she made licitastrognossienne: Lilith in Aries “To sensual vices she was so abandoned, That lustful she made licitastrognossienne: Lilith in Aries “To sensual vices she was so abandoned, That lustful she made licit


Lilith in Aries

“To sensual vices she was so abandoned,
That lustful she made licit in her law,
To remove the blame to which she had been led.“
Dante Alighieri - “Inferno”

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Lilith is the Dark Feminine. She was Adam’s first wife, God created them at the same time and they were to be equals. But once it was time to make love, they began fighting over who got to be on top. Lilith demanded equality and Adam wanted her to submit to him. She fled and went to live by the Red Sea, where she would copulate with demons and monsters. She became known as the child-killer/seductress/witch/she-demon.

Before this, Lilith, in Sumerian mythology, was handmaiden to Innana, the Queen of Heaven. Lilith’s job was to approach men on the street and bring them to the temple for sexual rites. During these days female sexuality was revered and seen as holy. Once the patriarchy decided it wanted more power, it began demonizing the female sexual power and its hold over men. Hence, later myths depict Lilith as evil. Really, her only sin was sticking up for herself. This is what Lilith represents in our charts - the dark feminine aspect, unbridled sexuality, equality amongst the sexes. Wherever Lilith is in your chart shows where you may have an unconscious (or conscious, if you are identified with this side of yourself) need to express your sexuality, demand personal satisfaction, and be yourself. Lilith wouldn’t change herself for Adam and she went off to live a life of passion.

Pluto is a similar archetype. Lilith is associated with the serpent (sexuality) and the bird (messenger for the goddess). Scorpio is also associated with the snake and the eagle. Lilith is more specifically feminine and deals with our feminine wounds, and for men, their projection of the evil woman onto others. Lilith is an important element in your psyche if you’ve ever suffered sexual abuse, have been ostracized for expressing your sexuality, or if you identify with the darker aspects of the feminine (or are attracted to the femme fatale type). Lilith asks us to own our sexual nature and to put our needs above society’s (especially today, in this patriarchal society).



Lilith in Aries is the firey sex siren, she knows what she wants and is going to get it. Assertive, aggressive, dominant  - she take the power of Mars and lets Lilith ride away in its war chariot. She may be a little selfish in the bedroom, putting her pleasure first. She may be perceived as masculine if she takes on the more dominant role. She can also imbue sex with a youthful energy, like teenagers first falling in love. Underneath her cutting aggression, she is a hopeless romantic. She tends to love the chase and may lose interest after making a conquest, but it’s only because she’s searching for the perfect partner, someone who will keep her flame burning forever. The most passionate of the Liliths, her sex recalls the days of knights and maidens.


Lilith in Taurus is an earthy lust goddess, the most sensual of the Liliths, decadent in her approach. She loves all things beautiful, perfume, candles, soft furry blankets, all these things make her feel sexier. She is a woman of the forest, a forest nymph, dancing around with Pan and enjoying all of the earth’s delights. Her sex is full of love and romance, she can pull anyone into her world of intense romantic connection. Perhaps she loves everyone that she sleeps with, even if it’s only once. She is simple in her approach, there’s a bare nakedness to her, knowing that all it takes is letting Venus flow through her. She is Venus’s priestess (along with Lilith in Libra). She would perhaps be able to express her sexuality to the fullest within a loving relationship.


Lilith in Gemini would be very playful sexually, probably into dirty talk, they probably love trying on different sexual styles (maybe into roleplaying), adaptable to different partners and enjoys trying on different people. They also make smart sexy, they would find sex in the mind, like getting aroused just having an intellectual conversation with someone. Turned on by cleverness, wit, intelligence, knowledgeable people. I would also think maybe their sense of sexualness may fluctuate, feeling celibate one day and promiscuous the next, because they feel the myriad of possibilities when it comes to sexual expression. Bisexuality would be something to pin on Gemini (or pansexuality). They feel the feminine and the masculine within them, and can express both sides (passive or active).


Lilith in Cancer has sex with her soul. She is bewitching and psychic, calling down the powers of the Moon. Her power is her insight into the hearts of men, the world of feelings. She has felt it all, and this is where her wisdom lies. There is a timelessness to her, her past-lives are ever-present, and she can be nostalgic for places she lived centuries ago. The emotional bond is what is paramount in the sexual act - and it is always felt more strongly by her, as she is aware that they met before, in other lives. She is the nurturer, the comforter, but can just as easily turn into the dark mother. To gain access to Lilith in Cancer’s body is to gain access to her soul, the home in her heart. Those that disrespect the sanctity of her inner world may find that she’s not just a cute and cuddly comforter. She’s a natural witch and has no qualms banishing you from her temple. She offers you a return to the womb, a reunion with the Great Mother, if you are able to handle her ever-changing emotional landscape.


Lilith in Leo combines the dark bewitching Lilith with the confidence of the Sun, bringing that dark energy out into the light. It reminds me of the 70’s and disco, gold glitter everywhere, people dancing into the night. She’s a woman who demands to be worshiped, and demands that sex be fun, rather than serious. But she also requires a deep need to connect at a heart-level in the sexual sphere, she is a romantic at heart. In Tarot, Leo rules the Strength card which is represents the taming of the animal side. So I would think maybe there would be an animalistic side to the sex, like a wild-cat thing going on. Leo Lilith would have no shame showing off their sexual side, putting on sexual performances (strip shows, dances etc). The bedroom is her stage. There’s a sense of royalty and glamour imbued into her, she is the Queen and knows it.


Lilith in Virgo brings together the virgin and the whore, combining innocence with seduction. The self-owned woman, the woman who owns her sexuality and is not dependent on her partners. ‘Virgin’ doesn’t mean abstaining from sex, it means pure, untouched, even if she’s enjoying a bountiful sex life. Ruled by Mercury, Lilith in Virgo can handle multiple partners at once. She loves to serve and would probably fall more naturally into a submissive role. She finds joy in pleasing her partner, even to the point of obeying orders. She knows her power lies outside of this bedroom dynamic. Sex may be a chance to lose the control she so perfectly holds over her life. Like Lilith in Gemini, she would prefer an intellectual partner, one that can ignite her mind.


Lilith teaming up with Aphrodite. Like Lilith in Taurus, this Lilith embodies pure femininity. While Taurus would be a more earthier, sensual lust goddess, Lilith in Libra would be the charming seductress, beauty is her power. She would maybe be a people-pleaser in the bedroom, putting her partner’s pleasure first. I would see her bringing poise and grace into the sexual act. Libra rules justice so this Lilith may be interested in finding justice for women. Combining soft flowery femininity with dark witch power - like Lilith in Aries she knows how to get what she wants, but instead of taking action she’ll charm you into coming to her. While Lilith herself prefers to be single and independent, Lilith in Libra may find power through relationships, it gives her the stage upon which to perform her sacred sexuality.


Lilith in Scorpio - the true witch. Lurking in the shadows, this is Lilith completely satisfied having sex with demons by the Red Sea - it’s not just rebellion for rebellion’s sake, she just really likes it. She is drawn to the darkness, to the taboo. She is comfortable doing things in the bedroom that would make others blush or cringe. Her sex is filled with intense passion, undying love. She is the reason the French call the orgasm le petit mort - sex brings her to the boundary between life and death. Sex is not a frivolous thing to be entered into, it is the place with the deepest waters. She may be interested in sex magick, knowing the energy produced through sex can be channeled to fulfill her Will. She may also be interested in BDSM, comfortable with the fact that sex is a dance of power. Lilith is associated with vampires and Scorpio takes full advantage of the sexual intrigue the vampire image presents.


Lilith in Sagittarius brings to mind the centaurs, half-man half-animal. We don’t always talk about Sagittariaus’s sexual prowess but what would expect from the sign following Scorpio? They are able to channel a certain primal strength into their lovemaking. Lilith in Sagittarius turns sex into an adventure, bringing to mind high-class international escorts. Having sex in hotel rooms may feel more right than in the comfort of their own homes, where things are stagnant and predictable. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of excess, they see no limits to their sex life, it is an expansive frontier they are implored to explore. They’re wild horses running away from boredom. Within a relationship they’re always keen to explore new territory to keep things interesting. They look for anything novel and exotic in their encounters, things that make them feel larger than they are.


Lilith in Capricorn would also have an earthiness to her. There would be an element of seriousness to her and to her approach to sex. She has a practical, keen mind and can orchestrate her sexual encounters in order to have the greatest payoff, whether her desired end is a committed relationship, financial gain, or just pleasure. She is timeless and classy, appearing modest. But underneath this public face, well Capricorn is one of the kinkiest signs (sorry Scorpio lol). Capricorn rules the Devil card in Tarot - the card of all earthly pleasures and delights, especially those forbidden to us. Capricorn may be known as the sign of repression, but on the other side of repression is a thick libido, and who knows what they get up to behind closed doors. You won’t know, though, because outside the bedroom she is the respectable CEO.


Lilith was the first rebel, and Lilith in Aquarius reminds us of this. She is is the experimenter, she’ll try anything in the bedroom once, just for the hell of it. Interested in overcoming sexual limitation, sexual mores and codes of conduct, it’s her body and she’ll do what she wants with it. Aquarius rules technology so probably not shy about using toys in the bedroom. May have a detached view when it comes to sex. Finds independence through sexuality. A sexual ‘weirdo’,  Aquarius is the eccentric. Might try things for the bizarre novelty of it. Radical and revolutionary in their sexuality, may be interested in sexual politics, a true feminist. May be androgynous, finding both the masculine and feminine within themselves. May be drawn to unconventional sexual lifestyles like BDSM, polyamory, orgies. Imbues the dark bewitching Lilith energy with electricity, divine knowledge - she may have sudden mystical revelations at the point of orgasm.


Lilith in Pisces brings sex to new heights - the heavens. Sex is not just sex to her, it is a point of departure, a doorway to encounter her higher self. When you have sex with Lilith in Pisces you are being given an invitation to experience heaven on earth. Sex is a transcendent experience - ask her when she feels closest to God and she’ll say in the bedroom. May be interested in spiritual sexuality such as Tantra. There is a certain innocence to Pisces, although she dives into the depths of emotion like Scorpio, her sex is not in the shadows. She finds herself completely merging into one with her partner, she longs for dissolution, absolution. She wants to forget herself. Sex may be a form of escape for her, an addiction, if she’s acting unconsciously. She may love having sex in the water or masturbating in the tub, anything that makes her feel more fluid, so her sense of physical boundaries disappears.
