#literally fight me



guys i have a secret

aspecs are valid and lgbtq and everyone should respect them

ok listen up people tryin to start some ace discourse in the comments—

first of all, we are lgbtq+, because the ‘a’ in lgbtqia is for us, the aspecs

also, we are not heteromantic and/or heterosexual, we are not cis, that means us aspecs are inherently lgbtq. you cannot say we are hetero if we don’t experience romantic and/or sexual attraction to the opposite gender !!! (or anyone)

also,,, we are oppressed- sure, maybe not as much as some identities i won’t deny it- but there are still many aphobic comments and hate that we all face, particularly from exclusionists and people who don’t understand our identities, so they decide to hate on it !!

so aspecs are lgbtq+, we are a part of the community, and no matter how much hate we get for our identies, that doesn’t change shit.

disclaimer: if you are aspec and don’t identify as part of the community because of some of the hate we receive or other reasons, that’s ok, it’s your choice- not someone else’s
