#loge2718 art


May The Fourth Be With You!!!

Happy Star Wars Day!!!

Yes, I am currently re-watching the Clone Wars right now… They were so happy together Anakin WHYYYYY

Order 66 never fails to make me wanna cry… almost cried drawing that Ahsoka post order 66 one

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

Dinner Date

Anotha one~

Another one of my self-insert, cause why not?

My outfit is kinda inspired by Persephone from the Webtoon Lore Olympus

Photo Background by Jacques BopponUnsplash

Another self-indulgent art I made :“

I want him so bad~

Pink cat brought you a severed hand, will you accept?



Soft Angel Boi and His Chaotic Demon Husband

I tried to capture soft boi and chaotic energy with this art-style

Happy Valentine’s Day love! - Giorgio Liquido

the table BG is by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

