#loki tom hiddleston



I love the implications that MCU Loki is tiny not because he’s a runt, but because he grow up on Asgard.

Come to think of it …

Heck! Loki has been smol whole time!

That is, he is not an evil gothic-dramatic antagonist with a difficult childhood and problems with his father.

He’s just smol!


Am I a boy? Am I a girl? Who knows. But everybody finds me hot and that makes everybody gay


Is this Loki’s villainous plan?
if so i’m impressed


Ohmygod?! I screamed so loud when I saw this and everyone is giving me a questionable look rn. I simply don’t care, take my money I’ll take two of each!! There ALL so adorably glorious!!

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

Guy’s send help, I am not okay I’m literally turned into that bird for the coco puffs ceral!!


do we all understand that Loki is an endless source of “horny” jokes?

or is it indecent to talk about it?




Fuck the sacred timeline. Make a new one where my boi Loki is happy and thriving

A timeline with Loki happy and thriving will automatically become sacred.

The sacred fanfiction multiverse. It’s controlled by a power greater than anything in the MCU.

Well, technically Loki is still а god

the gods work on the faith of people

therefore …

If we think VERY hard about the timeline in which our baby Loki is happy

Then it will appear

(Does religion work like that? I don’t know, so I could be wrong)
