#london architecture


My latest illustration for Postmodern Icons is Terry Farrell’s gotham-pharaonic Embankment Place above Charing Cross Station from 1990, available as a range of colourful prints & products https://adamnathanielfurman.com/collections/pomo_icons/embankment-place

Products celebrating the magnificent Isle of Dogs Pumping Station in London by John Outram from 1988


Here’s our illustration of the iconic Blue House by FAT (fashion Architecture Taste) in Hackney from 2004, available on a range of products at this link:


An engraving from part of the intended bridge at Blackfriars London by Giovanni Battista Piranesi sh

An engraving from part of the intended bridge at Blackfriars London by Giovanni Battista Piranesi showing the techniques of bridge building in 1763.

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Some images take longer to come to life. I captured this image in 2018. Although all the technical aspects were there, my mind and eyes were not at the same level to create the image that I had imagined. I rediscovered the image while backing up my hardrive last year. Patience, time and most importantly practice are essential in progressing.

The camera at my disposal

The camera at my disposal

If you’ve read my last post, you are up to date on what’s been happening – creatively speaking. Instead of stressing about my current situation and beat myself up, I’ve been taking it easy instead. This attitude is completely new to me as I am one those individuals that like being productive. This probably stems from my obsessive personality. As most creatives know, we usually our harshest…

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