#looking for a caregiver


wish I had some to tell me beforehand that training pants aren’t for little girls like me who have accidents >\\< they get wet on the outside ! How was I supposed to know ??

they’re still super cute tho and alpacas n llamas are some of my fav animals

i miss having a caregiver to remind me i need diapers and that I’m too much of a baby to be trusted out of them. is been a while since i’ve had a daddy or mommy and I hope that changes soon !

as always my dms are open here on tumblr or u can chat wit me on wickratbabiegirlangel!!

It’s currently 12:37 pm as I’m writing this and I’ve got really high anxiety rn

I have work at 3 and I just feel immobile. Like if I did anything that uses my attention I’d end up forgetting about work or somethin silly. Time anxiety sucks

so for now I’ll just be here, laying in bed on my phone, looking for people to talk to to help distract me.

if u wanna help, my dms are open and so are my asks (anons welcome). I also have wickr if u don’t wanna chat here

Hello. Still need help with $300 if anyone can help. Also follow my twitter @ BalenciagaMilk

Good morning daddy! Will you give it kisses? Xoxox

*still looking for a daddy*

Follow to see more xoxo

Add me on SC: kinkykitten0918

I need a daddy!!! They tingle and I’m sad cuz I want a daddy to fix it! Reblog if your a Daddy looking for a baby girl

Add me on SC: kinkykitten0918

I hope tumblr doesn’t get mad at me for this lol
