#love live lanzhu


Lanzhu, robbing a bank: Alright everyone put their hands up

Everyone: *puts hands up*

Lanzhu, already mad with power: One hop this time

Lanzhu: I have this rare skin disease called perfect

Shioriko: Well I’m glad you’re cured

Setsuna: I told Lanzhu her ears flush when she lies

Ayumu: …Why?

Setsuna: Watch this

Setsuna: Hey Lanzhu, do you love us?

Lanzhu, covering her ears:No

Emma: Lanzhu, stop! This isn’t like you, you’ve gone mad with power!

Lanzhu: Of course I’ve gone mad with power

Lanzhu: Have you ever tried going mad without power?

Lanzhu: It’s boring. Noone listens to you

Lanzhu: Can’t believe all these people are wearing black. Black is supposed to be my thing, they’re all just posers.

Mia: Lanzhu we’re at a funeral
