#low income

creativetimereports:“We never used time as a weapon. Every moment of ‘being late’ or not using the


“We never used time as a weapon. Every moment of ‘being late’ or not using the discipline-and-punish tactic was a moment of resistance to hegemonic capitalist ideas of efficiency.”

In her latest editor’s letter, Marisa Mazria Katz talks with Ricardo Cortés and Lisi Raskin about their recent project getting youth involved in creative practice, and reflects on the importance of flexibility. 


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My upstairs neighbor was arrested on Sunday I wasn’t here for it but her mugshot is on the local PD website ‍♀️ along with her boyfriend/father of her kid — who was also arrested Sunday.

Side note: No, I do not think this will change anything. She’s not gonna suffer any extreme consequences for this (she never does) and she’s gonna continue to be a problem for all of us in the building. Our PM told us, months ago, that she will never evict her no matter how many rules she breaks. So yeah… anyways…

We got a nice peaceful night when we got back home Monday evening but that lasted all of about 14 hours. Yesterday evening she seemed to have been fighting/arguing with herself (as I didn’t hear or see anyone else) and screaming about something and slamming into the floor. At first I thought it was because she thought we were responsible for the police be called Sunday. Despite us not even being home. Last time, back during Christmas, when we went out of town she had a fit 2 days after we got back and slammed into our ceiling for about 10 minutes before coming down stairs, hitting our door and, yelling at/threatening us for her getting in trouble for having drugs in her apartment. Of course it wasn’t us (we weren’t even here when she got in trouble) but she’s not very bright. Our car being absent from the parking lot all week didn’t seem to be noticed or the lack of any noise coming from our apartment.

So idk what she was yelling and being angry about last night. One time she was by herself and was mad at some dude (probs the guy who was arrested with her Sunday) that she broke out her own kitchen door window. And then swept all the broken glass off her balcony and onto my patio (y’all know, I told this story already. And yes, glass is still all over our patio along with her cigarettes, trash, kids toys and even old food — almost 5 months later).

And now she’s back on her bullshit. I can only hope that the PM has no say so in her future at our apartment complex and the owners, or housing authority, steps up and does what should have been done a year ago.

We’re leaving this summer no matter what. So this isn’t gonna be our problem for much longer. But the people who live in these apartments don’t have other options. They don’t have a voice. No one cares about them or listens to them. And it’s not fair to them. No one should ever have to live like this. No one should have to come home and feel unsafe and uncomfortable in their own place. Whoever gets this apartment after we leave NEEDS it to be somewhere safe and comfortable. I’m gonna make sure of that too by contacting as many local news stations and re-contacting housing authority, HUD, the owners — people need to stop treating low income residents as if they’re stray dogs; as if they should just be happy that they’re getting the shitty scrap leftovers.

$35,000 in Scholarship Awards Available:

14 - $2,500 Scholarships for High School Seniors and 1st Year College Students
Planning to Attend a University/College in the U.S. for Fall 2015
TASF is focused on helping economically-challenged Taiwanese American youth fulfill their dreams of obtaining higher education. Through a competitive application process, the funds are applied toward tuition for selected students in their first or second year of college.
Deadline: Midnight – March 31, 2015

U.S. citizen AND a direct blood descendant of a Taiwanese citizen
High school senior or 1st year college student residing in the U.S.
Plan to attend a University or College as a 1st or 2nd year student in the Fall of 2015 (If selected, high school seniors must submit college acceptance letter for verification)
Have a minimum cumulative unweighted high school/college GPA of 3.0
Have a household income at or below Federal/State/County Low Income Level (Must be able to show 2013 or 2014 tax return should applicant be selected for award.)
The scholarship is open to ALL MAJORS

Application Requirements:
Application Form
Three References
Official Transcript

For more information and to apply, please click here.

JOIN, OR DIEMy submission for Francoise Mouly, Nadja Spiegelman, and Gabe Fowler’s RESIST! political


My submission for Francoise Mouly, Nadja Spiegelman, and Gabe Fowler’s RESIST! political comic newspaper baby.  Copies of RESIST! launch today, please see their website to find distribution points in your neck of the woods. Also, prints are available of this image with 50% of proceeds going to the ACLU. Visit here to grab that.

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mapsontheweb:Number of Billionaires In Each Country, 2020.


Number of Billionaires In Each Country, 2020.

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not to start discourse but I really hope you guys are not *paying* for Amazon’s Wheel of Time tv show…

seriously, will people please stop buying shit they don’t need from Amazon?

I understand buying necessities from Amazon if you’re poor and you live in a rural area where you do not get mail deliveries often… 

but the rest of you have no real excuse, especially paying Amazon for a TV show which is something you DON’T EVEN NEED

There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism. Don’t feel bad about enjoying things in life.

And the discourse begins. Hello. I never said people couldn’t enjoy things. I said don’t give Amazon your money. You also don’t understand what “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” means. It’s not just an excuse to do whatever you want. Generally speaking, it means that capitalism, as a whole, perpetuates a system where people have few truly ethical options, and we should take blame off of poor people, who are just trying to survive, and place the blame on corporations. It does NOT mean you should just indulge in anything you feel like without thinking about the consequence at all. 

“No ethical consumption under capitalism” applies to a situation where, for example, a poor person NEEDS clothes, but the only clothes they can afford come from a large clothing company that exploits laborers in other countries and destroys the environment. Is this the poor person’s fault? No. They do not have the financial resources to buy more expensive clothing from ethical sources. “No ethical consumption under capitalism” refers to people being put in an impossible situation. You can’t just go without clothes or food or necessities. But here’s the thing… you don’t need Amazon’s Wheel of Time. You just don’t. You don’t need it. 

If you want to watch Wheel of Time, at least pirate it. And before someone get on my case for taking money away from the artists and actors who worked on the show or whatever, that’s not how this works. The actors, set designers, stunt people, etc. are paid for the job they do. They are not getting extra money because you have an Amazon prime subscription. That money is going straight to Amazon, the company. Not its workers.

Amazon mistreats their employees,destroys theenvironment, and collaborates with US law enforcement agencies to increase the power of the surveillance stateandpersecute immigrants. Amazon also profits from the forced labor of Uighurs in China and has ties to a Chinese company that is directly involved in the Chinese Government’s ongoing genocide against the Uighur people.

Which is more important: your desire to be “entertained”, or human rights?

Also, as I have explained elsewhere, Amazon’s new TV shows—including Wheel of Time and the LOTR TV show set to come out in 2022—are designed to give Amazon good press and make us all forget what a disgustingly evil corporation Amazon is. I wish people wouldn’t fall for it.

Don’t give Amazon your money. 

I want to emphasize again what OP said about how this applies to the LOTR show.

I also think it’s important to acknowledge that even if you pirate these shows and don’t directly give Amazon your money, you can stillbe benefiting them and their greedy, financially swollen but morally bankrupt pockets. Talking about the show, giving it hype, growing the fandom and increasing the general awareness that it exists are all forms of you giving free PR and advertising to Amazon. You may not funding it, but by increasing its reach your widening the circle of people who will pay for it and/or buy merch.

I’m not saying that you’re a bad person for pirating the show, although I firmly intend to pretend that it doesn’t exist. But be aware of how you interact with it and how you talk about it. Think about it. Reflect on yourself. And never forget what it is and what it represents.

“There is no ethical consumption under late stage capitalism” is a criticism of capitalism, not an invitation to do whatever you want and then justify it to yourself by saying, “nothing’s perfect so we might as well do what we want and give up on morals entirely”. A collection of bad choices doesn’t mean that some of those choices aren’t definitively worse than others.

I’m not going to have posts about the show on my dash once it starts airing. I’m not going to criticize it for its portrayal of Tolkien’s world or bad takes or weird plot points. None of these matter in comparison to the scale of the evil behind it.

Also? If any of you defend this show or people giving Amazon money, you are legally not allowed to ever pretend again that you care about PoC or racism in the fandom.

What it comes down to is this: real people matter more than fictional characters. The real people being hurt by Amazon are more important than your desire to consume entertainment. 



You know, in times like these there’s only one solution,
