#positive change

creativetimereports:“We never used time as a weapon. Every moment of ‘being late’ or not using the


“We never used time as a weapon. Every moment of ‘being late’ or not using the discipline-and-punish tactic was a moment of resistance to hegemonic capitalist ideas of efficiency.”

In her latest editor’s letter, Marisa Mazria Katz talks with Ricardo Cortés and Lisi Raskin about their recent project getting youth involved in creative practice, and reflects on the importance of flexibility. 


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there is something good in everyday, even if it’s small.

you might not even notice the something good if you don’t know where to look.

we often look for grand gestures of beauty and major lucky life moments but did you ever stop to realize that sometimes the good thing of the day is your lunch tasting really good?

or maybe remembering you have really yummy leftovers for a snack in the fridge,

or being able to watch a new episode of a fav tv show,

or maybe just a butterfly landing on your car.

sometimes the good thing is small, but i promise its always there.

to be compassionate to one’s self is the biggest challenge of all.

we see our thoughts and our flaws, and we do not see ourselves through the eyes of others. we do not see the goodness that we bring to the table because we have this inside view. that is when having this inner view of ourselves becomes more of a bad thing than good. in most aspects of life, having the inner view of ourselves is amazing- all but when we need to be compassionate towards ourselves.

so, try your best to take a step outside of your mind. come out from behind your eyes and try to see what those that love you see. treat yourself as you would treat them.

((hey guys, if you want to follow me on another form of social media i have a tiktok! follow me @/deannalizabeth. its like deanna elizabeth but without first e in elizabeth. i post body positive content and would love to have some of u guys on there))

it all works out in the end. you end up where you are supposed and with who you are supposed to be with. in the end you would have done all that you are meant to do and you would have helped all of the people you were meant to help. it all works out.

people are so happy that you are alive today. there are so many people and animals who are so thankful that you are in their lives. whether it be in a passing moment or long term, you change people’s lives for good. thank you for being here.

its normal to be afraid. never be ashamed to feel fear. bravery is not the absence of fear but how you act in the face of it. its how you carry on despite fear. 

everything you’ve ever done has led you to where you are today. you are in the right place and you can only go forward from here. you’ll always be where you are meant to be.

online school is tough, it’s a new challenge for a lot of us but it being a challenge doesn’t mean you are incapable of it. you may not do as well as you have in past semesters and that’s okay. you are going through something. we all are, collectively. you are just as smart as you have ever been, you’ve just been tossed into new waters without any paddles. you’ll make it through.

everything will work out in the end. you are so strong and you care so much, it’s bound to be alright.
