#lucien vanserra



Lucien Vanserra Week

Day 5 - Favorite Brotp

Lucien and Feyre.

Their banter carried ACOTAR.

And I love how in ACOWAR, despite what happened between them in ACOMAF, that they both have each other’s backs. That Feyre saves Lucien from Ianthe and breaks her hand for what she did to him, and that Lucien has Feyre’s back on their travels to Winter and against his brothers.

We’ve seen some small signs of their bantering relationship since ACOTAR, but I hope we see it come back in full force in ACOTAR 6 or a later novella. I miss them.


Lucien Week | Day Six | Family Ties

“But as Eris strode by, I could have sworn there was something like sadness—like regret, as he glanced to Lucien.”


Lucien week Day 6: Family Ties.


*I’m posting this now cause I have a busy day tomorrow

Their last night together day gifts autumn a necklace.

A charm that’s not a charm. But a bronzed locket in the shape of a sun. If she presses the center of it, it pops open revealing a faint glow. Helion found a way to preserve his glow so a part of him is always with her.

When Lucien was a baby and the lady of the autumn court held him, she would let Lucien hold it. On the nights Luicen fussed or couldn’t sleep. She’d pop open the locket. With the soft hums of his mother and the little glow of his father he’d fall asleep.

The locket as he grew became a source of comfort for him. From every scrape or small bruise to hurtful touches and cruel words. Lucien always kept the locket close.

From an early age the Lady of Autumn warned, “You must never allow your,” a faint tenseness settling in her jaw yet her eyes showed a sadness Lucien would later register as heartbreak in her eyes. The Lady of Autumn would swallow thickly. “Father know of this necklace. He will break it before you my love.”

“Why mother?”

“He is not fond of glowing light.” Is all she would say.

And so, Lucien would keep the locket hidden within a drawer or buried within the depths of his pockets. Away from the cruelness his father possessed.

Years. Centuries passed. He still held onto the locket. His mother gifted it to him. Allowing him to keep this glowing security. As the years wore on rarely did he open it. He would simply run the padding of his thumb over the bronzed emblem and could feel the warmth of the glow beneath.

That was until he lost Jesminda, it had been in his pocket then. When he finally succumbed to a silence; head empty, heart hollow, eyes dried, heavy and burning did he open the locket and wish it wasn’t only a glow but a warm embrace to tell him things would be okay.

It wasn’t through easy means, that Lucien had eventually found his mate. The other part of his soul. Even harder to gain her trust. Then her love. But he did it time. The warmth that radiated through him at Elain’s soft touches, and bright smiles. Or that laughter of hers, that felt like being wrapped within the rays of the sun.

He knew that warming sensation. Lucien understood then what the glow in the locket meant, love and true happiness.

Eventually, Lucien discovered the truth of his parentage and where exactly his mother received this eternal glow. After he and his real father worked through the awkwardness of this newfound step. Lucien tried to give to glow back to its owner. His father, High Lord of Day, Helion.

Helion simply smiled, folding his sons hand over the locket. “Keep it.”

Lucien did. Until the day Elain gave birth, with her soft patches of her mother’s hair and russet eyes like her fathers. Lucien went to Helion who helped extract some of his own glow. Then returned to his mate, exhausted from the labor of birth. He carefully scooped the sleeping babe from Elain’s arms.

Lucien settled in a chair next to his sleeping mate, pride thrumming through his body glancing from her to the sleeping baby in the crook of his arm.Lucien held the locket that bore his father and now his glow inside, gingerly laying the curled hand over her chest. The resting newborn reached out, placing a tiny hand over her father’s and the locket.

“This is yours now little rose.” And softly he began to hum a familiar tune.


          “Absolutely not.”


          “Absolutely not.” Lucien attempted to storm out of the study, but Helion followed, utterly undeterred. They billowed out into Helion’s solarium where Lucien’s mother was sitting, reading through her correspondences. She looked up as they came in, and Lucien was surprised to see Elain waiting there as well, idly rearranging some of the daybright flowers under one of the large windows. She also turned when she heard them arrive.

           “Mother, tell Helion that throwing a parade for my birthday is absurd,” Lucien admonished, pointing angrily at his father.

           His mother just turned back to her letters, already numb to Lucien and Helion’s constant bickering. “It’s a Day Court tradition, darling. You’re the heir now—you have to take on more responsibility as a public figure.”

           Lucien frowned. “I never saw Eris have to stand in a parade.”

           He saw his mother fight a smile at the thought. “Just because the Autumn Court and the Day Court do things a little differently doesn’t mean your duties here are any less important.”

           He rolled his eyes. Standing on an enormous swan float pulled by pegasi hardy sounded like a real duty or a real tradition, but Elain chimed in. “Oh Lucien, come on! The parade will be so fun—I’ve never been in one before. Helion says there’ll be confetti, and we give the townspeople sweets!”

           Lucien frowned and whirled on his father. “You recruited Elain into this?” Helion shrugged, his face showing practiced innocence. Elain came over and put her hands on Lucien’s chest, leaning against him. “I thought you were excited for your birthday party?” she pouted. Her big doe eyes beamed up at him, pleading. Dammit.

           “I am excited for my birthday party,” Lucien said. “The party part, where I get to drink with our friends and dance the night away with my very beautiful mate.” He nuzzled her and kissed her nose, and she giggled. “I did not agree to the festivities including a parade from sunup to sundown. We’ll be exhausted by the time we get back!”

           Helion snorted. “Don’t insult me, son. We have more than enough elixirs that’ll put you back on your feet better than before if you start to feel tired. The Day Court are no strangers to multi-day-long parties, and neither, if I recall, are you,” Helion added pointedly. Lucien didn’t have an argument there. “I have three hundred years of birthdays to make up for Lucien, so you better believe every birthday for the next three hundred is going to be just like this. Get used to it. I’ll order you as High Lord if I have to,” he added, but Lucien knew he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t have to. Lucien felt his argument shrivel in his chest, like it always did, because at the end of the day this was Helion’s way of showing he cared, and Lucien was still new to having a father who cared.

           “I’m not wearing a toga,” Lucien muttered.

           “Yes you are,” Helion said cheerfully. “But we can argue about that later. I have a meeting to attend, but the arrangements for the parade are well underway. I put Elain in charge of your float, so direct any further suggestions to her.” He crossed the room and planted a kiss on his love’s cheek, and Lucien’s mother reached up to cup his face and kiss his cheek in return. “I’ll see you all this evening for dinner. Until then!” And he winnowed away.

           Lucien frowned down at Elain, who was still resting happily against his chest. How absolutely unfair of Helion to use Lucien’s mate against him like this. “I have several suggestions for the float. Namely, not having one.”

           Elain rolled her eyes. “That’s a terrible suggestion. We’ll definitely be exhausted if we walk that far.”

           “I can’t believe you’re siding with him on this.”

           She grinned. “Siding with giving my extraordinary mate the most wonderful, fantastical, show-stopping birthday ever because I love him so much and he absolutely deserves it? Sorry, guilty as charged.”

           He sighed. “Don’t you also have a meeting to attend?”

           “I do,” she admitted. “But you do have to wear a toga.” And then, leaning in close to his ear, she whispered. “You should see mine. I picked it special, just for your birthday.”

           Which gave Lucien images of waist-high slits and thin fabric that was going to drive him insane while he had to stand in public with her. His fingers curled on her hips. With a wink, Elain pecked him on the lips and headed out of the room, leaving just him and his mother.

           “Now, I knowyou don’t want to be in a parade,” Lucien said to her.

           At last his mother sighed and set down her papers. “I promise I did try to talk him out of it,” she admitted. “But he’s so excited, Lucien. He means well.” Her voice had taken on an almost-hidden yet distinct soft undertone as she talked about her mate.

           Lucien sighed. A great irony that his mother, the only person Helion might possibly listen to, was so completely unable to argue with him. Despite her more demure demeanor, Lucien knew she loved Helion’s terrible, gaudy spectacles.

           “A parade is just so…tacky,” Lucien said. “A party would have been more than enough! Any and all funds put into the parade should go toward the ball itself, really.”

           His mother just smiled and stood, coming over to him and cupping his face in her hands. “Well I have a deal for you, my darling. I have a bottle of crivlassethat I was saving for your birthday. If you behave about the parade from now until then, we can split it, just you and me, to give us the mental fortitude we need to get through it. Deal?”

           Lucien brightened immediately. Crivlassewas a spiced Autumn Court liquor, and he hadn’t had it in decades, maybe a century. He’d tried many spirits from all around the world, but crivlassewould always have a special place in his heart. Plus, he knew his mother would have only the finest bottle she could find.

           “Deal,” he agreed, then bent down so she could kiss his forehead.

           There were worse things, he supposed, then a family that cared toomuch.



Lucien Vanserra Week: Day 5 - Favourite BROTP

“Go Fish.”
“Literally? Go fuck yourself.”
Feyre groaned, picking up another card from the pile while Lucien only smirked, taking another swig of ale from his flask. The bonfire crackled merrily beside them, sending sparks dancing and swirling into the air. 
“Why did I even agree to play this stupid game with you? I always lose,” she complained as she looked between her huge pile of cards in her hand compared to the few Lucien held. 
“Well, what else would you like to play?”
“We could play truth or dare,” Feyre teased, waggling her eyebrows. Lucien snorted, rolled both russet and gold eyes to the sky, as if praying to the Mother for patience. 
“You’re such a sore loser.”
“Am not.”
“Are, too.”
“Am not!”
Are, too.”
Feyre scoffed, but chose to let the circular argument drop.
“Whatever. Truth or dare?” she asked, tossing her cards carelessly in the pile between them.
Lucien heaved a long-suffering sigh, and did the same. “Dare, I suppose.”
Oooooh.” She grinned, wiggling in her seat while trying to think of something good. “I dare you to-o-o…” her eyes cast about, then widened in delight. “Eat a leaf.”
“Ugh. seriously? I hate you.” Lucien scrunched up his nose in distaste, but without breaking eye contact plucked a single leaf from the forest floor and took a bite out of it.
Feyre collapsed backwards, dissolving into laughter as Lucien chewed, utter disgust pulling at his handsome features.
Feyre wiped at her tears, still chortling as Lucien swallowed, leveling a dry glare at her. 
“Thanks for that, Fey. Your turn. Truth or dare?”
“Dare,” she answered immediately, eyes sparkling with mischief. 
Lucien grinned, something wicked entering into his expression as the perfect thing came to mind. “I dare you… to winnow to the Night Court, smack Rhys’ ass, then winnow right back before he can say anything or sees you.” 
Feyre snorted, her grin widening at the idea and disappeared in a rush of shadows. 
She reappeared a moment later, doubled over with laughter, and Lucien chuckled, urging her to share the memory with him.

Rhys was leaning over his study table, discussing something with Azriel when Feyre appeared in a rush of shadows and smoke, winking at Azriel before giving her High Lord’s firm ass a solid thwack, before abruptly disappearing before Rhys could finish a stunned “Wha-”

“Cauldronboil me, that’s funny!” Lucien howled, sides aching from laughter.
I hope you two are enjoying yourselves, Rhysand’s dry voice filtered into his mind after a polite tap requesting entry. Tell my wife to expect some retribution in the near future. 
Lucien snorted, deciding to keep that little tidbit of information to himself for now. He felt Rhys’ wicked approval before the High Lord’s now-familiar presence left his mind.
“Right, right, right. Okay. Hah-okay. Truth or dare?” Feyre finally managed once she had calmed down enough.
Lucien considered for a beat, then decided to switch it up. “Truth.”
“Hmmm…” Feyre mused for a long moment, then a light twinkled in her eye. “So. Lucien. My oldest, dearest friend. When are you going to ask my sister to marry her?”
Lucien nearly choked on the sip of ale he’d just taken, and he gave a mighty cough, feeling the tips of his ears grow warm.
“I, uh… er… I…”
“Oh, come on, Luc. You think I didn’t suspect why you asked me on this little Autumn Court camping trip?” Feyre teased, but her eyes were full of warmth and love for her best friend and her sister. Lucien swallowed heavily, then dug into his coat pocket to retrieve the small box he’d been obsessively carrying for weeks, sneaking peeks whenever he couldn’t help himself. Dreaming.
“I’m thinking of asking her on the Summer Solstice,” he admitted, bronze cheeks flushing. He handed the box to Feyre, who opened it and immediately choked up with tears.
His breath whooshed out of his chest as Feyre unexpectedly bowled into him, arms flung around his neck as she hugged him tightly to her. He wrapped his own arms around her, marveling for a moment at how far they’d come, their friendship spanning years from when she’d been just a slip of a mortal girl, to the strong, capable High Lady she was now.
“She’s going to love it,” Feyre effused, dabbing at her eyes with the corner of her sleeve. Lucien blinked rapidly against the suspicious mist in his eyes, trying to swallow around the sudden knot in his throat.
“You really think so?” he asked, voice cracking with emotion. He and Elain had been taking things slow for the last year, but she’d been hinting lately that she was finally ready to take the next step, to accept the mating bond, but Lucien wanted to do right by her and honour her human roots. He didn’t want her to just be his mate. He wanted her to be his wife, his other half. His everything.
“I know she will, Lucien. I’m so happy for you,” Feyre whispered, and squeezed him tightly. Lucien felt as though a weight had lifted off his chest, knowing his friend approved of the match. Her father was no longer around for him to ask permission of properly, as was deemed by polite society, but Lucien figured getting Feyre’s approval was the next best thing. After all they had been through together since she’d first stepped foot into Prythian as that mortal girl so many years ago, he wanted her to be the first to know.
“You’re going to have to call me ‘brother,’ you know,” he teased, trying to lighten the mood, but Feyre’s eyes only glistened more as she pulled back to look at him with a tender smile like the sun breaking through the clouds.
“I already do.”


@moononastring​ Gigi, this one’s for you babe x


@lucienvanserraweek my favorite brotp: Lucien and Cassian, but also Lucien and Nesta

1. Lucien x Cassian: my long haired babies whom I love I so dearly, every interaction between them is top tier. So here are my favorite moments

- when Lucien calmed Cassian down oh my GODD

- both of them discussing sports on solstice ugh I love that for them

- Cassian naming Lucien “Fireling” is literally one of the best things to come out of ACOSF

2. Lucien x Nesta: okay I cannot WAIT to see this friendship develop more bc I’m already obsessed with the few moment they’ve had

- Nesta noticing he’s one of the few who have a visible scar

- Nesta ignoring the IC and talking to Lucien first on solstice

- Nesta calling Elain a wretch for ignoring Lucien I’m sorry but that was so funny

- and this last on combines both the brotps, Lucien saying “cauldron save whoever her mate is” when he met Nesta in the library  it’s literally such in law vibes idc


my take for @lucienvanserraweek-Favorite Brotp

“Rhys sprawled in an armchair, and Cassian occupied a second armchair with Lucien leaning against it, arguing with them about something that seemed related to a sporting event.”

Hmmm Sarah? Why didn’t you show us this conversation under Cassian’s pov? I need to know whenandhow this started, pleasee

I was so happy reading this, cause like, Lucien didn’t stay over for Solstice in Acofas and then when I realized that not only was he staying over this time, but that he was socializing, like

I hope this kinda of thing happens again, cause I live for Archeron’s mates being friends

(especially Lucien and Cassian)


Lucien & Vassa

my brotp <3 // @lucienvanserraweek day 5

« A bird of flame and a lord of fire. I wondered if they’d found each other yet. »

Keep reading


Lucien Vanserra Week | Day V

Favorite Brotp

Now I know that this post is downright cheating however, can you really blame me? Lucien is such a social guy that it’s hard not to have a favorite dynamic to choose from!

Lucien + Feyre: go back from ACOTAR days being absolute little shits together. I imagine that Lucien likes to come over and hang out with Feyre and baby Nyx often. Not to mention she is also his sister-in-law

Lucien + Nesta: is a brotp I want badly because their dynamic would be hilarious. They secretly end up bonding over books and all of a sudden they have spa dates no one saw coming. She’s the cool yet terrifying sis-in-law he didn’t expect to like much less get along with.They’re too witty for everyone around them.

Lucien + Vassa: is a bond that was forged under the worst kind of circumstances but they both have that fiery sense of humor and personality that makes them excellent friends and the worst to be around people. I like to imagine Vassa is a big cheerleader to Lucien courting Elain. He definitely takes her input when he’s nervous about it.

Lucien + Jurian: are the dynamic duo ofsarcastic disaster. They are the mean girls of the group when together. I like to think they look at each other just go “Bro.” “Bro.” while Vassa rolls her eyes in the background. Jokes on Vassa, she’sthe third wheel.

Lucien + Eris: I know Eris is his actual brother but since they had a less than ideal childhood, I hardly doubt they bonded much. Once Beron is dead, they slowlybuild a much better bond. Two redheaded dickheads unite to smirk their way through things. Lucien is still nicer than Eris. Eris still doesn’t give a shit. Cue the awkward two-second hug in front of their mom and then the punch/kick that follows.

Lucien + Cassian: give off big dumb & dumber energy only because they choose to annoy the crap out of everyone around them together. This does not mean they don’t actually bond over history and fighting techniques. Also, they’re bro-in-laws DUH. Oh, and of course, there’s their podcast. #TheNightLightPodcast

Lucien + Rhys: sudden memory loss on the strange but very brief fling they had years ago, these two bond over High Lord stuff, and how much they groan about it. They also have the same kind of sass that makes both Archeron sisters want to throttle them.Bro-in-laws unite in being annoying



@lucienvanserraweek favourite brotp

It has to be Cassian and Lucien. I mean Acosf could have explored that a bit more ,there was so much potential there .

For example, they could have had a conversation about dealing with Archeron sisters that wont look twice at them. Cassian could have told Lucien about his mating bond even if it was obvious and them talking ( and drinking?) About dealing with it and how hard that is.

Lucien helping Cassian see Nesta’s pov as someone else who outside looking into the IC





Lucien Vaserra Week | Day 5 - Favorite Brotp @lucienvanserraweek

“Jurian surveyed Lucien with a warrior’s frankness. “I always wondered who made that eye after she carved it out.” […] “I have an old friend at the Dawn Court. She’s skilled at tinkering—blending magic and machinery. Tamlin got her to craft it for me at great risk.” A hateful smile from Jurian. “Does your little mate have a rival?”

“I knew. I knew you were lying the moment you unleashed that light in Hybern. My friend at the Dawn Court has the same power—her light is identical. And it does not do whatever horseshit you lied about it doing.”

“Nuan is one of my most skilled craftspeople.” Rhys leaned back in his seat, brows rising with recognition at the name, and jerked his chin to Beron, to Eris. “You might know her as the person responsible for granting your … errant son, as you called him, the ability to use his left eye after Amarantha removed it.” Nuan nodded once in confirmation, her lips pressing into a thin line as she took in Lucien’s family. She didn’t so much as turn in Tamlin’s

“How did you get those samples?” Cassian demanded.A flush crept over Nuan’s cheeks. “I—heard the rumors and assumed Lucien Vanserra would be residing there after … what happened.” She still didn’t look at Tamlin, who remained silent and brooding. “I managed to contact him a few days ago—asked him to send samples. He did—and did not tell you,” she added quickly to Rhysand, “because he did not want to raise your hopes. Not until I’d found a solution.”

I need to know more about this friendship, I want to see some dynamics between them and would love to see her with the BoE form a beautiful group of sassy and strategic people. Give me a dynamic of this SJM, I beg you.


lucien week, day 5: favourite brotp

“I’m not your enemy, you know. You can drop the aggressive brute act.”

Rhys sprawled in an armchair, and Cassian occupied a second armchair with Lucien leaning against it, arguing with them about something that seemed related to a sporting event.

Cassian’s heart strained at at the pain etching deep into Lucien’s face as he tried to hide his disappointment and longing.

He had to give Lucien credit: the male was somehow able to move between his three roles — an emissary for the Night Court, ally to Jurian and Vassa, and liaison to Tamlin — and still dress immaculately.

in conclusion: cassian and lucien besties when?


@lucienvanserraweek listennn I know headcanon day is over, but I have more, pls take them!

*gets on one knee and offers these on a golden platter*


whenever lucien leaves town for court business elain secretly learns to say little things in new languages to surprise him when he gets back -

I adore you, you’re absolutely enchanting, I’ve never met anyone quite as love as you. Im gonna love you forever.

the first time he hears it he’s fairly surprised but then he notices that it’s become a little tradition of theirs and though she knows it’s nothing big, he’s grown to love it and it’s become something he looks forward to for when he can finally go back home to her. eventually he’ll ask her why she started learning to say things in new languages and she’ll reply, “because I want you to hear that I love you in every possible way there is” and ofc when she says this, he’s kissing her like he’s getting drafted for the army


for elucien mating bond i wish they get to enjoy everything about it!

i want them to managed to have a conversation without anyone meddling. i want lucien to be comfortable and just run his damn mouth and elain actually liking this side of his, because people are always reserved with her for some reason.

then i want them both to realize INDIVIDUALLY that they could be friends for each other, and actually be friends. even if ignoring the mating bond instincts they’re having, i just want them to enjoy each other (presence or just even words in letters) first.

of course that last little because they areattracted to one another and then is a mess of pining left and right.

i hc that elain takes the first step, not only because lucien is letting her decide when she is ready, but because i want her just to get a hold of her own life AND surprise lucien.

lucien of course, courts the shit out of her, and tortures her a lot as well - especially when they’re having sex, foxy boy wont stop making our girl from having absolute pleasure.

when the time comes, they talk about the future and lucien is the one that says he wants to get marry - assuring elain he wants it too. because he does for himself and for elain - and he will give the ceremony of her dreams.

its only family, but its beautiful. at the end, when they’re alone, they have a secluded second ceremony for the acceptance of the mating bond. in which elain prepared all along, again surprising him.

they go for a distant cottage at day court, where they have their frenzy period, and then they travel EVERYWHERE so Elain can see all the places she wanted to see.

hc that they have to cut their trip short (yet not so short) because elain gets pregnant and lucien is fussing from day one.



Lucien Vanserra week : mating bond wishes

  • Lucien and Elain make a bargain to not work out the bond until they are both ready. They get sexy tattoos that are a color, not boring black
  • They end up spending a ton of time together, traveling and researching how to free Vassa/the girls and defeat Koschei
  • They argue, and snark, and laugh a lot but finally get to know each other and realize how much they have in common
  • Falling in love for them is unexpected and surprisingly easy
  • Lucien knows how much Elain treasures her human memories so he proposes so they can have a wedding with their human friends, along with a mating ceremony
  • Elain coyly asks Lucien to taste test her strawberry tarts as her way of a food offering
  • They end up having to have a third wedding because Helion insists on throwing the biggest bash the Day Court has ever seen for his son and daughter-in-law


Lucien Week, Day 4:

Mating Bond Wishes

  1. Calanmai
  2. That’s it, that’s the post


Mating Bond wishes??

Did someone say Elucien mating bond wishes? *cracks knuckles* I want to see my political beans IN ACTION

  • I want to see a FIGHT. I’m taking a full on, angry, have it all out, leave nothing unsaid fight.
  • Lucien starts it one day. He’s like, “Hm, some tea sounds nice,” while he’s bothering Elain (intentionally)
  • And she snaps and is like, “Get it yourself!”
  • And Lucien shoots back “Well thats not very lady like,” to which Elain informs him that perhaps he is not the expert authority on what makes a lady.
  • Lucien obviously begs to differ. They get into it, blaming the other for everything and nothing the other until Lucien, satisfied but nervous, is like, “Doesn’t this feel better than that insipid smile you wear all the time?”
  • And he’s waiting for her to be like, fuck you AND your brother but she heaves a sigh and is like, “Yeah, actually.” Lucien promises he can take whatever she throws at him but Elain doesn’t WANT to throw things at home, physically or emotionally. She’s just TIRED.
  • And Lucien, the perceptive king, knows she is struggling with her Fae identity and the life she left behind and is like, come on this work trip with me. Help me sway this diplomat or whatever.
  • And they have the best time maneuvering through the courts and seeing the sights that Elain is like, I wish we could keep going. And Lucien is like, why not? Lets see it all. And they do.
  • Its a friends to lovers slow burn, 300k words that ends in passionate, bone-jumping, fire dick sex that would make even Feysand uncomfortable.
  • There are no friends with benefits, no no string attached. They’re all in, all or nothing, the kind of shit they write love songs about.

Anyway. Please give me this SJM.


Lord I hope my husband doesn’t see this one
