#luke skywalker fanfic


Extra Help - L.S

masterlist,guidelines,requesting rules,taglist

Luke Skywalker x Fem Reader

About: The reader is head over heels for Luke but she is too shy to admit it, Leia and Han become her wing people and decide to help her out.

Warnings: Mega Fluff towards the end! Mention of food and eating, and alcohol, jealous Luke with a bit of angst.

The music and background chatter in the dimly lit bar drowned out Leia and Han’s squabbles, you stared into the wall in front of you, getting lost in your thoughts about Luke - his gorgeous soft hair, his kind eyes, and infectious smile.

You missed him, you wished he was here, sat with you, sharing a drink and holding you close - instead, he was in the Millennium Falcon, in a bad mood with no interest in talking to you. He couldn’t bring himself to lose himself in your eyes, he wanted nothing more than to make you his own but you had ‘gone behind his back’ and ‘chose another pilot’ instead.

“Well, I think you better stop whilst you’re ahead, young lady.” Han raised his brows, taking another swig of alcohol.

Leia scoffed and rolled her eyes, sitting back in the booth, accidentally bumping into you with her elbow - she wanted to continue arguing with Han but she was already tired of the constant back and forth.

You broke out of your daydreams about Luke when Leia rubbed your back with her hand, apologising for bumping into you.

Han stared at you “What’s up with you, kiddo?” he asked, his eyebrows knitting together.

Oh shit, he noticed?!

“It’s nothing,” you sighed, trying to play it cool.

Leia leaned towards you, a small smile creeping up on her face “is this about Luke?”

Your cheeks started to burn more than the alcohol slipping down your throat.

You had fallen for Luke after Leia introduced you to him, the shy and dorky Jedi in training who always knew the right thing to say and always made an effort - even more so when you were upset or unwell.

You were left alone with him from time to time when Han would take Leia out for rides across the galaxy, you would spend your evenings watching Luke train and getting to know him a little better, sharing secrets, cuddling, even messing around which stressed 3PO and Chewie, who was very protective over you.

Luke stopped training and put down his lightsaber, turning around to face you.

“I found Ben’s-” he paused  for a moment, shaking his head “I mean, Obi-Wan’s journal on Tatooine.”

“What did he write?” you asked quietly, shading Luke’s hair in your sketchbook.

“Stuff about my father, things I don’t want to believe it but I have to, things that make sense when I remember duelling with him…”

You stared back at Luke, getting lost in his eyes, unsure of what to say.

“I never knew my mother,” he paused again, his eyes looking down at you “but she died believing there was still good in him.”

To tell the truth, you didn’t know what to say? How could you? You had never had been brought into the world as your mother left it, leaving you without a father who happened to be a sith lord.

Luke sat down next to you on the floor, glancing over at your drawings of him in various poses, he picked one up and smiled, examining it closely.

He stood tall with his lightsaber in one hand, his other biomechanical hand outstretched in front of him, the blue light from his blade glowing against his white tunic and trousers.

“Wow,” Luke grinned, focusing on each perfect detail “how do you do this?! You’re incredibly talented, Y/N.”

You felt your heart skip a beat, he had never complimented your drawings before, you were too shy to show your works, to begin with, and you only ever did this for fun.

“Thank you, Luke.” you smiled, trying to blink away the heat rising to your cheeks.

“You should draw a self-portrait and give it to me when the holidays roll around,”  he suggested happily, handing you the drawing before he stood up and continued training.

‘A self-portrait?! He really wants a drawing of me?’ you thought, slightly baffled.

“You really fancy him?!” Han asked in disbelief, earning himself another glare from Leia.

“Would it kill you to be nice?” Leia huffed, crossing her arms.

“Yes, I do,” You admitted, feeling your cheeks burn “and I need to make up with him - he won’t talk to me.”

Han took another sip “what happened? did you trim his hair a bit too short or something?”

Leia had to stop herself from not just laughing but from also lunging at Han.

“No,” you frowned “Things just got complicated, I don’t know what happened, I asked him if he was dating anyone and then he just snapped at me.”

Leia turned to you “Wait, he snapped at you?”  

You were hoping that the hardworking and comforting Jedi would ask you out, you had waited long enough but nothing came of it. Part of you felt foolish, upset, and embarrassed - you were sure that you and Luke had feelings for one another after getting cosy for the past half-year.

The other part of you thought that he asked someone else out, plenty of other guys and girls took an interest in him - how could they not?  He had it all - yet Luke turned them down gently and continued to teach himself in his uncle’s footsteps.

During one of your many evenings alone with Luke, you decided to pull the trigger on the blaster and find out why he was single.

“So, do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?” you asked, gripping the pencil, staring at your paper.

You couldn’t ever ask Luke out yourself, you were too shy and feared rejection - if you had any chance of being his, he’d have to make the first move.

Luke broke out into a smile, he laughed lightly and shook his head.

“No, I-I, I’m not seeing anyone.”

'There’s still a chance for me’ you thought, chewing on your lip nervously, shading Luke’s other lightsaber.

“Is there any reason why?”

Luke continued to practice and concentrated hard, “I’m a Jedi, Y/N.” he replied, his voice more firm.

You knew what this meant - no attachments, no intimacy, nothing; you suddenly felt stupid for thinking he that he liked taking risks and the idea of getting married in secret - not wanting to leave the idea unsaid, you continued to try and plant seeds into his head, hoping to catch any secrets he was hiding away.

“What if you had a partner, you know, in secret?” you asked, putting down your pencil away from the paper, careful not to smudge your work.

Luke started to become frustrated, why weren’t his answers enough for you? Why were you so persistent in finding out if he had a partner?  Were you seeing someone else and didn’t want him to feel alone? Did you not trust him? Were you going to drop your love life on him? Rubbing another guy in his face?

“Can we stop talking about this?” Luke snapped quickly, his beautiful fringe sticking to his forehead “I’ve explained everything already, drop it!”

You looked up from your sketchbook making eye contact with the Jedi who stood in front of you, you were taken aback by his sudden outburst and you didn’t know what to say, you swallowed hard and started to pack away your stationery in a hurry.

Luke’s heart pained at the sight of your face dropping and your eyes becoming dull, how could he allow something that now seems so little to him to get under his skin and ruin your bond? He remembered the entries about his father’s downfall, his hate, outbursts, and arrogance towards his uncle and the council, he couldn’t be like his father, not now; not ever.

You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him, you stood up, your sketchbook pressing into your chest “I won’t mention it again,” you said quietly, quickly leaving the room.

A stray piece of paper fell from your sketchbook as you hurried away, falling down and landing by Luke’s feet. He crouched down and picked it up, an incomplete self-portrait of you stared back at him, searching through his soul.

As the afternoon dragged into the evening, the music got louder and more people entered the bar, some of them looking for a fight, others meeting to settle debts.

“Y/N, did he apologise afterwards? Did he make an attempt to reach out?” Leia asked curiously.

Your evenings weren’t the same ever since you distanced yourself from him, being alone with R2 didn’t solve your loneliness and the fighter pilot who became obsessed with pursuing you made you feel even worse, especially when he threw his arm around you in front of Luke.

Luke hated the sight of another man holding you so close, he became jealous and sad, remembering the Jedi Code and how his father’s jealousy spilt out of control, he excused himself and promised to never fall for anyone else again.

You were watching the fighter pilot work, you had always loved watching Luke when he wasn’t swinging around his lightsaber or making doors shut with his open hand.

“Y/N,” Luke called out confidently “Can we talk for a moment?”

You couldn’t remember the last time he said your name.

Your heart started to make little skips and jumps, turning around you felt winded.

His hair was shorter and no longer fell in his eyes, his shoulders were broader and his clothes looked tighter - you could see his muscles through his clothes and his eyes were still full of adventure but lacked the sparkle he once had.

“Uh, sure,” you replied quietly, your heart thumping in your ears.

Luke walked away from your friend and cleared his throat, staring into your eyes - the ones he had missed more than anything in the world; the same eyes he often got lost in as he stared at your drawing night after night.

“I just wanted to say-”

Before he could continue, the fighter pilot rushed over, his brown curly hair bouncing as he reached you.

“Whos’ this?” he asked, swinging his arm around you, pulling you into him.

Luke’s eyes fell, his throat tightened and he could feel his jealously and hurt brew inside of him, he took deep breaths, refusing to display his feelings or act out.

He knew who Luke was, who didn’t? He blew up the death star and spent his time with a princess and a smuggler - everyone knew of him.

You stared at Luke and couldn’t stop yourself from shaking, “Luke, this is-”

“Forget it,” Luke sighed, walking away with his hands bunched into fists.

You pulled away from the fighter pilots grip, pushing his arm off you.

“What’d you do that for?!” you hissed, glaring at him.

Han groaned and put his head in his hands, Leia started to laugh and shake her head.

“Luke’s got no clue, has he?” she asked.

“No, and he won’t listen to me!” You groaned “Can you help me, please?”

Han rolled his eyes “I’m not a matchmaker here-”

Leia glared at him, Han quickly put his hands up in front of him in defence.

“Of course we’ll help you, Y/N.” Leia smiled.

Han looked around the bar, “We better get going, don’t want to bump into anyone I know tonight.”

Following the two of them out of the bar, the cool night sky beamed down on you, the soft glow from the moon resting on your face and the cold air nuzzled against your cheeks and the tip of your nose, making them go red.

The closer you got to the Millenium Falcon, the more your stomach started to do little flips.

Walking up the boarding ramp and going through the door into the circular corridor, Han and Leia took off to the cockpit where Luke and Chewie were waiting for you all - unable to face him, you took off to the main hold area and sat at the table, your eyes pooling into the table.

Chewie instantly expressed joy upon Han’s arrival, getting up and smothering him in a hug, Luke turned around to see Leia staring at him, you were nowhere to be seen which started to make Luke panic - were you back at the bar? did you go your bunk already? were you going home with someone else?

“Looking for Y/N, kid?” Han asked, patting Chewie on the back, taking his seat.

Luke tried his best to hide his concern, he shook his head “No, just wondered if you brought back any guests.”

“Oh Luke, why won’t you talk to her?!” Leia frowned, leaning into Chewies warm hug “She’s really upset.”

Your eyes continued getting lost in the table, you wanted to go to bed already and part of you felt as if Luke wouldn’t be coming - that Luke and Leia forgot their plan or it already failed.

“I tried!” Luke stressed, “She was with someone else, didn’t even have the heart to tell me!”

“She wasn’t with him!” Leia argued, “She isn’t with anyone, you never gave her a chance to explain!”

Luke started to feel stupid, he had heard other pilots talking about you - always saying you were on your own and looked rather lonely - if you were seeing someone else that would be the news.

“Y/N is really into you,” Han added, straightening out his waistcoat “she wanted to ask you out but she’s too scared to make it obvious, pull it together, Jedi.”

Your eyes kept closing and opening, you rubbed your eyes and the tiniest stars spread across the table and fell to the floor. It felt like the longer you stayed up, the more disappointed you would get from Luke’s absence.

Standing up, yawning softly and stretching, you rubbed your face and pushed your hair back and started to go to your bunk, until you could hear footsteps come from behind you.

“Y/N?” Luke spoke out softly, “I would like to start over on that talk we had.”

You froze on the spot, waking up and suddenly feeling more awake than you ever had in your life.

Luke wants to talk to me?

You turned around nervously, facing him for the first time since he started snubbing you, for the first time in a very long time, Luke finally looked back into your eyes.

The hairs stood up on the back of his neck, your eyes coming to life from the drawing he had been glued to for months, you were here - living and breathing in front of him, not just pencil on paper.

“Hi,” you replied so softly, so quiet it was almost a whisper.

Luke slowly inched closer to you, guilt washing all over his face.

“I’m sorry,” he frowned “I’m sorry for snapping at you, for ignoring you, for acting as if you didn’t exist.”

You didn’t know what to say - you wanted to run into his arms but you also felt like crying.

“I hated the sight of another guy being so close to you, having his arm around you, making you laugh and smile. I hated that I rejected the idea of being with you before I even had a chance to tell you how I truly feel.”

You swallowed hard, your chest-thumping with each step you gravitated towards him.

“How do you feel?” you asked him.

Luke reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper which was slightly crumpled up, unfolding it he handed it to you, looking down, your self-portrait stared up at you.

You had forgotten about this drawing, about the night you shared with Luke that lead to its creation. For Luke to have kept it made your eyes fill with tears.

“I have held this drawing -you - close to my heart every day… every night I have stared into those beautiful eyes, desperate to feel your touch and hear your laugh,” Luke rested his hand against your face “and I’ve been too scared to do so because I pushed you away, I thought I had ruined everything entirely - I wanted to uphold the Jedi Code, but it’s hard to do when everywhere I go your eyes are finding me.”

You didn’t say anything back, you slowly nuzzled against Luke’s touch, a tear spilling from your eye, running down your cheek and landing on Luke’s thumb.

Luke slowly wiped away your tear, his eyes searching yours, desperate for some sort of response.

“How do you feel?” he asked softly.

You smiled and closed your eyes, the sight of Luke’s own eyes as clear as day in front of you.

“Your eyes have been finding me too,” you replied.

Luke closed his eyes and leaned in, his nose brushing against yours, his other hand taking hold of your waist so he could pull you closer, and for the first time, his lips brushed against yours.

Kissing him back felt as if starts were exploding against your lips.


Something New - L.S

Masterlist,Requesting Rules,Guidelines,taglist

Luke Skywalker x Fem Reader

Requested: Luke and the reader have only ever had sex with each other and they are looking to broaden their horizons (luke and reader are 23-24)

Word Count: 3.4k

Warnings: 18+, smut, sex toys, fingering, double penetration (p in v), masturbation (fem), the word suicide pops up once, blink and you’ll miss it, same with the mention of spanking.

Prompt 46: “It’s your choice, love.” He said softly, viewing the vibrators on the shelf in front of you.

A/N: to support my work, please reblog - it means everything to me; this is also my first ever Luke Skywalker imagine and I adored every moment writing it!

Keep reading

Something New - L.S

Masterlist,Requesting Rules,Guidelines,taglist

Luke Skywalker x Fem Reader

Requested: Luke and the reader have only ever had sex with each other and they are looking to broaden their horizons (luke and reader are 23-24)

Word Count: 3.4k

Warnings: 18+, smut, sex toys, fingering, double penetration (p in v), masturbation (fem), the word suicide pops up once, blink and you’ll miss it, same with the mention of spanking.

Prompt 46: “It’s your choice, love.” He said softly, viewing the vibrators on the shelf in front of you.

A/N: to support my work, please reblog - it means everything to me; this is also my first ever Luke Skywalker imagine and I adored every moment writing it!

You wandered around the tiny kitchen, carrying the glass of fresh Bantha milk in your hand, your dry mouth desperate for some cool liquid.

Despite the sandstorms and criminals, living on Tatooine definitely had its perks: the hot days, the cooler nights, and the young lad you befriended as a child named Luke.

You fell in love with Luke from the moment you saw him, his golden locks that would often get in his beautiful ocean blue eyes made you blush, his cheeky smile and soft voice, his adventurous nature - you loved each and every part of him.

As kids, you would spend time together on the moisture farm, hanging out and even helping when you were asked to, instead of watching Luke, of course.

Luke’s aunt and uncle seemed like nice people but you hated how his uncle was so unsupportive of Luke’s dreams - but deep down you knew that one day nothing would ever be able to hold him back, and you couldn’t wait to see where life would take him, even if you would grow to hate it.

When you became teenagers, things started to change, you found yourself too shy to step foot on the farm up until Luke missed you and came to check on you to see if you were okay.

“Y/N,” your mother called softly “Luke is here!”

You panicked, looking at the state of your room, trying your best to make your bed and hide any love notes you had written to him but never sent.

There was a gentle and quiet knock at your door, “Y/N, it’s me,” Luke called out nervously.

Opening the door, you looked up at the tall boy, his calming eyes and comforting smile sweeping you off your feet.

“Hi Luke,” you replied, welcoming him into your room.

Luke looked around, chuckling to himself as he noticed your overflowing bin, stacked with crumpled up notes.

“Is everything okay?” he asked you, rubbing the back of his sunkissed neck.

You swallowed hard, ‘everything is fine,’ you thought 'it’s  not that I’m madly in love with you or anything-’

Luke came closer to you, his lips inches away from yours.

“Uh-yeah-” you answered shyly “everything is okay,”

Luke frowned and looked a little confused “Are you sure? It’s just, you’ve been avoiding me.”

Your cheeks flushed, like the heat in the middle of the day on Tatooine.

“It’s nothing to do with you,” you said quietly, too flustered to keep your eyes on him “It’s just-”

Luke’s eyes trailed across your face, from your eyes, over your nose, to your beautiful pink and plump lips.

“Ah…” Luke smiled, looking rather pleased with himself “I think I get it now.”

One of his hands rested against your face, his thumb casting gentle circles into your cheek. Looking up at him, his smile instantly warmed your heart, you smiled back and he leaned in to kiss you - closing your eyes, you embraced his touch and kissed him back.

You were starting to get impatient, needy for your boyfriend, desperate to hear his voice, feel his touch, see those gorgeous eyes of his looking down on you.

Sighing, you leaned over the kitchen sink, downing your Bantha Milk and wiped the excess off your lips, you could feel tears slowly prick your eyes.

“Luke, you just got back!” you frowned, crossing your arms.

Luke sighed and pouted “I know!” his hands dropped to his sides “but you know how much this means to me, how long I have waited to go Pillio!”

Your hands were now covering your face, your eyes pressing into your hands so hard that you could see the tiniest stars.

You started to understand why Owen worked so hard trying to deter Luke from his dreams.

“But you are risking your life!” You argued, desperate for him to stay.

Luke huffed and stared at you “I’m a Jedi, Y/N! Thats the job! We’re not even supposed to be together under the code!”

Your heart slowly started to crack into little pieces “that doesn’t mean you can just leave me on my own, going on suicide missions as soon as you get back!”

You were thankful that wasn’t the last interaction you had with Luke but when the place you called home got a little too quiet - that’s when the fire of guilt ignited deep inside you.

Closing your eyes, you forced yourself to relieve the last moment you had with him before he left.

Luke’s hands covered your eyes as he encouraged you to walk into the bedroom, closing the door behind him with one swift flick of his hand, you peeked at the wall in front of you and almost giggled in both excitement and nervousness.

“Hey, did you open too early?” Luke asked, planting a soft kiss on your head.

“No,” you lied, pursing your lips and trying not to giggle.

Luke shook his head and let out a light laugh, he removed his other hand.

“Okay, well you can open them now.”

Doing as you were told, your eyes shot open, you couldn’t wait anymore for what was waiting in front of you.

On the shelf, there was rows and rows of sex toys, ranging from vibrators to blindfolds, to whips and paddles, more vibrators and dildos. Your eyes bounced from one to the other, your mind full of thoughts - Luke spanking you whilst you were blindfolded, Luke double penetrating you, the list was truly endless.

“I-I I have no idea what to say!” You blushed, holding onto Luke, trying to hide your blushing.

“Well, we did agree that we wanted to try something new, explore more than just the surface of the water.” he smiled.

He wasn’t lying - the sex wasn’t bad - but after being together for so long and having the same sex, the two of you shared the same eagerness to branch out and explore something new together.

You swallowed hard and approached the shelf, slightly daunted by the dildos.

“I don’t even know where to begin!” you admitted, tucking a few loose strands of hair behind your ear.

Luke walked closer to the shelf and stood beside you, wrapping his arm around you.

“It’s your choice, love.” He said softly, viewing the vibrators on the shelf in front of you.

You followed Luke’s gaze and stared at the vibrators, trying to figure out which one would be an easy start.

“Hmm..” you continued to stare until your eyes landed on the purple vibrator shaped like a penis, its base made up of tiny beads and a small rubber rabbit attached to it, your eyebrows knitted together at its appearance.

Picking it up, you examined it, turning it around, afraid it might come alive or zap you.

“Good choice,” Luke said softly “from what I know, that one is excellent for beginners that want something more than a bullet vibrator”

That familiar heat spread across your cheeks again, but you blinked hard and tried your best to flush it away.

How Luke knew so much you had no idea, but his effort didn’t go unnoticed.

'there’s no need to be shy’ you told yourself 'I’m not a teenager anymore, I’m an adult… and this is what adults do.’

Whilst you were deep in thought, Luke took the vibrator from you and held it in his hand, the other sneaked around your waist and pulled you closer to him, your behind pressed against his groin.

Luke kissed your neck softly and slowly sucked on your weak spot, knowing what it would do to you.

You closed your eyes and your lips parted immediately, a soft moan escaped your mouth, and Luke continued to suck, leaving his mark on your neck and you could feel his length poke your behind.

Turning around to face your boyfriend, he slowly walked you over to the bed as your back faced it, his lips on yours, his hand supporting your back to steady you so you didn’t fall. His lips attacked yours, prying them open, his tongue shooting in your mouth so he could explore it whilst your tongue tried to keep up.

The back of your legs bumped into the bed, with Luke now leaning over you, you slowly laid down on the bed, your head gently falling onto the pillows. Luke climbed on top of you, breaking from the kiss to catch his breath, he placed the vibrator beside him and quickly pulled off his white flowy shirt, exposing his chest.

Even though you had seen your boyfriend shirtless hundreds of times you were still left speechless and captivated each and every time he presented his bare chest to you. His soft and glowing sunkissed skin, his pecks and the warmth that radiated off him made you come undone beneath him.

Your hands reached up to the buttons on your top, you slowly pulled them away from one another, teasingly and slowly as Luke watched, his eyes desperate to land on your bra so he could swoop in and pry it from your breasts.

As you unbuttoned your top further down, Luke’s eyes widened when your breasts weren’t shielded with a piece of fabric supported by straps and a clasp, you blushed, finally sliding the sleeves down your arms and dropping your blouse on the floor. Swallowing hard, you bit your lip seductively and cupped your breasts, caressing them.

Luke’s length pushed against his trousers, desperate to break through and push inside of you.

“You’re so beautiful,” Luke hummed softly, one of his hands reaching to cup your breast, the other reaching down to undo his belt.

Sitting up, you leaned into Luke’s touch and kissed him, sucking on his bottom lip whilst he massaged your nipple between his index finger and thumb. Your hands pushed his away from his belt, you unbuckled it for him and started to work on the zip of his trousers.

Luke pushed you back onto the bed, once again towering over you, he broke free from your kiss and started to attack your marked neck again. Your hands wrapped around him, pulling him closer to you and you could feel his hands slowly slide up your legs and down your thighs through the fabric of your leggings.

It was as if you were back in that moment - Luke all over you, you all over him - your plastic cup toppled over the table and fell to the floor, rolling away from you.

Your shaky hand reached under the waistband of your shorts and knickers, your fingers instantly greeting your touch starved clit.

A moan escaped your lips again and you could feel Luke’s smirk spread against your neck, tickling you.

You raised your lower half against Luke’s touch, begging him to pull down your leggings - Luke complied, leaving you in your wet lace thong.

“T-Touch me,” you moaned, bucking your hips against Luke’s hand “T-Touch me, please-”

Your Jedi boyfriend loved it when you begged, he loved it even more when you were so desperate that you couldn’t control your movements.

Luke’s fingers hooked the waistband of your leggings and your thong underneath and slowly pulled them down your thighs and stopping at your knee before he slid them down your smooth legs with his hand.

Luke stared at your sex and the drool pooled in his mouth, he spat onto his index and middle finger and pushed them against your clit, slowly moving them in circular motions.

Your eyes glued onto Luke’s fingers working so hard to bring shocks of pleasure to your core, you reached out to grasp his hard-on through his trousers, but Luke moved back, unzipping them with his free hand.

“I know baby,” he hummed “I know.”

Once Luke’s trousers were on the floor, you blushed at the tent poking through his boxers, he pulled them down, releasing his large length which slapped against his lower abdomen.. oh how you craved the feeling of him inside of you.

Your neck was now hanging back, your eyes still closed, working your clit as Luke did, over and over like he was actually there, touching you.

The air started to get cooler as the late afternoon reached the early evening, and little did you know, Luke was on his way home.

Luke stopped playing with your clit, spitting down his index and middle finger, he lined them against your entrance, stroking gently, spreading his saliva across your hole.

His other hand started to slowly pump his cock, in the same rhythm as he finally pushed his fingers deep inside you, pumping them in and out, your slick juices already coating them out of sheer excitement.

“Umph,” you moaned “Luke, you feel so good-”

Luke groaned and tiny beads of precum peered out of the head out his cock, pooling at the top before slowly trickling down as he continued to stroke himself.

Luke’s fingers. The sight of him touching himself at the very act of pleasuring you. You missed it all.

“You ready, baby?” He asked softly, noticing that you were adjusting well to his fingers as your walls closed in around him.

You nodded your head, both eager yet nervous as you were getting closer to the purple vibrator accompanying you and your lover.

“I’m ready,” you moaned, frowning at the feeling of Luke’s fingers retracting.

Luke grabbed a condom from the bedside table, ripping open its little square wrapper, he carefully held the condom at its edge and placed it over his penis, squeezing the tip, started to slowly roll it down over his length.

Even in a moment that could be deemed by many as a turn-off, or a moment that needed to be done in a hurry, you waited patiently and watched him in awe.

Luke reached out for the lube and squirted a fine line of it across four of his fingers, he spread the cool gel-like consistency over the condom and pumped his cock again before adding more lube to his fingers to spread across your hole.

“Pass me that pillow, Y/N,” he said, crawling closer to you.

Doing as you were told, you grabbed the pillow and handed it to him.

Luke lifted you up and placed the pillow under your lower back, he then gently took hold of your legs and placed them upon his shoulders, one hand back on your waist and the other lining him up to you.

“Ready?” he asked again.

You laughed lightly, “Luke, I’m ready, you don’t need to keep asking-”

Luke pushed himself inside of your cunt, stretching you out again as your walls started to work tirelessly as adjusting to his size to strangle him.

Your jaw dropped open and a shaky breath fell from your lips, you watched Luke’s cock slide in and out of you, your juices glistening on the condom.

“So fucking hot,” Luke panted, picking up the pace, his hair falling in his sweaty face.

Whilst one hand worked on your clit, without missing a beat, your other hand reached down towards your hole, you pushed two fingers inside of you and started pumping in the same rhythm as Luke did.

Your moans erupted into the kitchen, bouncing off the walls and spreading across the floor.

Luke tired and achy, yet wired and excited to see you, stopped in his tracks as he heard your moans from the front door.

“Did she move on?” he asked himself, “Has she-”

Before he could fall any deeper into the web of overthinking and panic, he heard his name being called.

“Luke,” you panted “Oh, fuck!”

You glanced at the purple vibrator and grabbed it, trying to figure out which button to press, you went for the big round one and the beads at the base of the cock started to churn and the head of the penis started to rotate, the rabbit’s eyes trembled from side to side your eyes widened at the loud buzzing.

Placing the head of the penis against your clit, you jumped slightly at the stimulation, the fluttering spreading deep inside your core, you had never felt anything like this - and you started to wonder why the hell you didn’t try this sooner.

Luke started to blush, he started to fuck you faster and deeper, your walls tightened around him even more as the high setting on the vibrator started to push you to the edge.

Before you could continue, Luke pulled the vibrator from your grip “you’re using it wrong, my love,” he said softly.

For a moment you felt silly and embarrassed, but you remembered that you were here to let loose, to enjoy yourself, to lay back and try something new - it didn’t have to be perfect, first times usually aren’t and it still ends up pretty good.

Luke pulled out slowly and pushed the swirling head of the penis inside of you before pushing it in further, the shaft of it now inside your walls and the rabbit ears pressing against your clit.

You bolted up, your arms supporting you as you watched what was happening, the loud buzzing coming from the tiny beads muffled from the inside of your cunt.

“W-Wh- oh my-”

Luke smiled at you, his heart-melting at the sight of you, your flushed cheeks and wide eyes, your shaking legs and red lips from all the biting.

“See baby?” he smiled “This is how you’re supposed to use it.”

Luke slowly entered your house, making sure he closed the doors as quietly as could be. Creeping into the kitchen he stood in the doorway and couldn’t believe his eyes, his cock started to harden at the scene unfolding in front of him.

Your legs spread wide open, your slick fingers rubbing your clit faster and faster whilst you fucked yourself with your other fingers.

The feeling of stimulation against your clit and g-spot at the same time had you arching your back, desperate for release as you got closer and closer, your tummy tightening and feeling heavy.

Truthfully, you didn’t want this to end, but as good as you felt with the vibrator working constantly and hitting your right spots, you just wanted Luke to hold you in his arms and bring you to orgasm, the way he always did.

“I want you,” you moaned, reaching out to touch him “I want you back inside of me, Luke.”

Luke didn’t understand, why would you prefer him over a toy that didn’t ever tire or stop?

Was the vibrator you picked really that bad?

A sudden thought flashed in your mind, one that made your cunt want to scream, and made your heart skip beats.

'Just tell him’, you thought 'it’s now or never!’

“I want you to fuck me whilst the vibrators inside me,” you confessed, now bucking your hips.

Luke felt flattered but unsure, it had taken you a while to adjust to his size, let alone two of him inside you.

“A-are you sure? I don’t want to-”

It was now your turn to reassure him.

“Yes,” you panted “I’m sure, just get some m-more lube.”

You wanted to release, your orgasm getting closer and closer.

Luke hurried and grabbed more lube, and got ready for the tight squeeze.

You gasped at the feeling of him and the vibrator inside you, battling for room, but you were glad you asked because the feeling was nothing short of extraordinary.

Luke started to fuck you again, his length gliding against the vibrator which pleasured him also, his low groans sent shivers down your spine and your moans only got louder.

With each thrust, the vibrator against Luke’s cock pushed deeper inside you, both of them hitting your G-spot over and over.

Your swollen clit couldn’t take it anymore, and neither could you.

The heaviness in your stomach reached a sudden end, and you felt the deep tightening dissipate as what you could only describe as planets exploding inside of you.

You gripped Luke’s arms, your nails digging into him and leaving him with scratches, he felt wet liquid shoot out against his thighs, looking down your orgasm was trickling down his length and shot all over the bedding.

Your boyfriends cock started to twitch inside of you, your loud moans stroking him, and within seconds, he released inside of you.

Climbing down from your high, you slowly opened your eyes and pulled your tired fingers away from your clit and vagina, panting heavily, you sat up in your chair, feeling someone’s eyes burn into your back.

“What a beautiful surprise,” Luke smiled.

Your cheeks flushed once more and you giggled, slowly turning the chair around so you could face him.

“I could say the same thing,” you replied.
