#madd tag


Yeah I may be mentally ill, but I just thought up of three new, fresh daydreams that I can start shaping in my head. Whose the real winner, now?

Would anyone like a tutorial on how to add yourself into photos using FaceApp?

It’s realistic as hell. If you need proof, look at this photo:

I’m the one in the middle.

Reblog if you want a tutorial.

At this point my definition of “going to bed” is just lying down and stopping myself from sleeping because I wanna daydream.

I see posts about people being like “I treat my para’s like shit LOL” and over here like???? how??? They give you joy and love and you go “haha fuck you”?

My favourite para is seven years older than I am and my brother and I’m scared to even give him OCD and y’all are torturing yours and shit

To be clear, I’m not parashaming, I’m just in shock

No, no, don’t come in here, this is my daydream sphere.

Seriously, don’t come in, I’m daydreaming and if you talk to me I’ll lose track of where I am.

Does anyone else do things your parame does even though you don’t extremely enjoy it, you just do it because your better version of you does it?

Like, for example: I eat weird ass food combinations because my parame does it. Right now; I’m currently eating an oatmeal cookie and spaghetti mix. Is it good? I guess, but I don’t really care. I’m just doing it because my parame does it and I like imagining my para’s are freaking out over the combination, telling me I’m weird and teasing me.

I don’t really do it any other reason except the mental clout I get with my para’s. I just wanted to know if anyone else did this.

If you tell me my paracosm is not real, I WILL have a mental breakdown and cry about it. You are now aware of my capabilities.

Do. Not. Test. Me.
