#madd problems


my therapist: i think you should try controlling your daydreams

me being a daydreamer for 16+ years:

me: *is trying to daydream less*

also me: i wanna eat because i’m bored

my eating issues:


Good side of MaDD?

I don’t have time for other mental issues



When you’re exhausted but a really good moment is happening in the paracosm

no bc i’ll be literally falling asleep but still force myself to daydream sometimes


another annoying madd thing: memory loss from such frequent and intense daydreams. idk if this happens to idders too but i literally remember my childhood daydreams better than the childhood itself and even now i could tell you what the daydreams were about in detail. it’s literally so easy to lose track of time when i slip into daydreams and this is how i lose hours, days to do my work. i don’t remember key things about my life, sometimes i feel like im no longer a real human being, only the narrator of the stories inside of my head, the observer. i don’t even have a personality of my own, im just a bunch of people i carefully created inside my head

felt this so deeply. i’ll start to daydream at like 6:00 then i blink and it’s 10:00 and it’s so wasteful of my time. i’m also starting to lose childhood memories, and i also feel like i would have nothing interesting about myself without my paras. they’ve been around for too long for me to get rid of them.


I just spent an hour and a half talking out loud to my paras about the show Masterchef. I think my lack of social interaction is slowly driving me insane.

no fr i do this way too often one time i had a conversation with my paras about american history that was fairly long


if your daydreams were a tv show what would the twitter discourse be about ? i think mine would be about how much trauma dumping there is and too much violence and/or triggering themes

oh my a lot of addiction, bad relationships, and whore behavior also religious abuse and much much more LMAO. it might be problematic who knows it does have some good meanings under it all tho :,)



I saw a post talking about how losing MADD would suck because it’s sort of become apart of their identity and that even though it’s “maladaptive” it feels like it would genuinely suck to lose it and like I totally agree.

Like personally I wouldn’t be bored if I stopped daydreaming (mostly cause I’ve been using madd to avoid my responsibilities and hobbies) but I would feel like I’ve lost a part of me. Thinking about not daydreaming feels scary cause like I’d be opening a hole that madd was filling and by getting rid of my daydreams I’d never be able to close it

I’m like honestly frightened about losing my paras. At this point they are a permanent part of me and who I am and to lose them feels like losing me

Oh I think about this on the daily. Where does me start and where does MADD end? Literally who am I without it?. I’ve had this coping mechanism for the majority of my life and for it to disappear… genuinely don’t know how I would react.

what the fuck do normal people think about. Genuine question.

I saw a post talking about how losing MADD would suck because it’s sort of become apart of their identity and that even though it’s “maladaptive” it feels like it would genuinely suck to lose it and like I totally agree.

Like personally I wouldn’t be bored if I stopped daydreaming (mostly cause I’ve been using madd to avoid my responsibilities and hobbies) but I would feel like I’ve lost a part of me. Thinking about not daydreaming feels scary cause like I’d be opening a hole that madd was filling and by getting rid of my daydreams I’d never be able to close it

I’m like honestly frightened about losing my paras. At this point they are a permanent part of me and who I am and to lose them feels like losing me



another annoying madd thing: memory loss from such frequent and intense daydreams. idk if this happens to idders too but i literally remember my childhood daydreams better than the childhood itself and even now i could tell you what the daydreams were about in detail. it’s literally so easy to lose track of time when i slip into daydreams and this is how i lose hours, days to do my work. i don’t remember key things about my life, sometimes i feel like im no longer a real human being, only the narrator of the stories inside of my head, the observer. i don’t even have a personality of my own, im just a bunch of people i carefully created inside my head

felt this so deeply. i’ll start to daydream at like 6:00 then i blink and it’s 10:00 and it’s so wasteful of my time. i’m also starting to lose childhood memories, and i also feel like i would have nothing interesting about myself without my paras. they’ve been around for too long for me to get rid of them.

oh boy look at all these things i have to get done this week! those look like a problem for neurotic depressive nighttime me to deal with later, because right now it is time to go lie down and spend all day daydreaming and attend to exactly zero (0) of my obligations.

Yeah I may be mentally ill, but I just thought up of three new, fresh daydreams that I can start shaping in my head. Whose the real winner, now?

Would anyone like a tutorial on how to add yourself into photos using FaceApp?

It’s realistic as hell. If you need proof, look at this photo:

I’m the one in the middle.

Reblog if you want a tutorial.

Sorry this is so late lol…

Things to feel close to your paracosm:

  • This fake text message website lets you make fake text messages so you can pretend you and your para can text!
  • Make multiple snap chats with their name and bitmoji and send messages from them to yourself so it feels like you’re talking to them. If you don’t want to do this, you can…
  • … assign contacts on your phone as the names of your para’s, if the fake messaging and fake snaps don’t do it for you. Try to get the people closest to your para’s personalities.
  • This TikTok filter makes it look like you’re taking a photo with a para. You can screenshot the photo if you press “Select Cover”, tap the screen to remove the preview, and scroll to where you want, and then screenshot :)
  • Adding on to this, print out the photo and put it in a picture frame!
  • My Guide to Cuddling with a Para
  • Write letters to your para! Or have little notes for them. Place the notes on your desk or places in your house (ex. the fridge) so it’s like your leaving it for them to find!
  • Make a music playlist with music your para would like and pretend you’re listening to it with them! If you don’t like the same music, you can pretend its their turn to play music because you already had your turn.
  • (Kinda derives from my cuddle post) take a sweater you think your para would wear, spray cologne or perfume or whatever on your sweater that you think they’d smell like, and wear it! It feels like you’ve stolen their clothes and that’s always amazing AJDJSJDJ-
  • Lastly, leave things your para has around the house! If your para smokes (and you’re of age), get a pack of cigarettes and leave it on the table! This works with most items, but only do it if it’s legal, because having like… swords and stuff might not be very legal depending on where you live.

@logan-sanders-enthusiast@bandobsessed-welldressed-spork@transpoettryingtheirbest@just-moth@eat-th3-rich@rabbit-boy-daydreams@chaoticadhdmaddblog@fallingmaddlyinlove@idonthavealifebutidohavemadd@onlyaboutme@genesis-767@acircusfullofdemons@infiniteorangethethird the people who wanted a tag :>

At this point my definition of “going to bed” is just lying down and stopping myself from sleeping because I wanna daydream.

I see posts about people being like “I treat my para’s like shit LOL” and over here like???? how??? They give you joy and love and you go “haha fuck you”?

My favourite para is seven years older than I am and my brother and I’m scared to even give him OCD and y’all are torturing yours and shit

To be clear, I’m not parashaming, I’m just in shock

Specific para: Why do you cling to me? Why did you choose meto daydream all those lovey situations about? What makes me special.

Me: …

Me: I just want to feel like I’m someone’s favourite for once.

No, no, don’t come in here, this is my daydream sphere.

Seriously, don’t come in, I’m daydreaming and if you talk to me I’ll lose track of where I am.

Would everyone like a “Things to do to feel closer to your paracosm” list?

If you would want it, tell me and I’ll tag you in the post :)

Does anyone else do things your parame does even though you don’t extremely enjoy it, you just do it because your better version of you does it?

Like, for example: I eat weird ass food combinations because my parame does it. Right now; I’m currently eating an oatmeal cookie and spaghetti mix. Is it good? I guess, but I don’t really care. I’m just doing it because my parame does it and I like imagining my para’s are freaking out over the combination, telling me I’m weird and teasing me.

I don’t really do it any other reason except the mental clout I get with my para’s. I just wanted to know if anyone else did this.

If you tell me my paracosm is not real, I WILL have a mental breakdown and cry about it. You are now aware of my capabilities.

Do. Not. Test. Me.
