#mammon x gnmc


Okay but,

Mammon & MC being partners - the implication that they’ve been together longer than they’ve been with the crew and then the rest of the event actually showing that they arepartners;

Mammon finds a second map and shares it only with MC/is willing to share the second treasure only with MC

They’re both willing to go behind the others’ backs and work together

How easily MC tosses him a sword and moves to protect him. How easily he accepts it and cheers them on but also says that being protected would cramp his style and that they need to let him get the next one. Do they have a count? Do they keep track of who protects who or how many enemies they take down? That last line strongly implies they have a tally

How he questions Solomon’s orders but instantly follows MC’s orders despite not knowing what’s wrong

They washed up together so they probably tried to stay together when the ship went down

Him being absolutely worried about MC and MC pretending to be injured just to worry him. The way he falls for it but almost instantly realises they’re just being a dick

The way he phrases it, it’s implied that MC frequently gets in trouble and makes him worry

Were they there when he lost his eye? Does tossing a sword to him and moving to cover for him come so easily to them because they’ve learnt to help cover his blind side?

I’m frothing at the mouth. I need to know more about them
